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Show 1300 HISTORIE OF THE>THIRD: BOOKE::OF THE termaior. The greatMaple,nor rightly called che Sycomore tree, 1, Populusalba, Thewhite Poplartree, we The place. The {mall or hedge Maple groweth -almoft eucry where inhedgésand lowe woods, + Theigreat Maple isa ftrangerin England,only it growetli in the walkes and places of pleafiire of noblemen, where ivefpecially isplattedforthe fhadowefake, andwnder the nameof Sycomoie tree. sere time. Thefe trees flower abourtheendeof March, and their fruitis ripe in September, ve The natives 0 Thistreeis:calledin:Grecke crvdyo@: inLa, tine Weer : in Englith Maple,or Mapletree, The great Maple iis\calledin‘ high Dutch 4 Home-and We£atvefeherne : the French men Grand Erable and Plajue abufiuely and this is thought to be properly called cettew: buitthey are far deceinedthat take this for Pltanus, othe Planetree, being draweninto this etror by the neerneéfle of the French word; forthe Planetree doth muchdifferfromthis. The otheris called in Latine c4cer minor : in high Dutch VajatHalier: in low Dutch Boog Maple, pout yin French Erabé: in Englifhifinall A and common Maple. we The temperature and vertits, Whar vfe the Maple hathin medicine wefind 8. chapter affirmech, that che roots nothing written ofthe Grecians, but Péxie in his 14.booke Seems Saramonicus WOE, liner, " pouned and applied, isa fingular remedie for the paine of the thativis drunke with wine againft the paines ofdie fides 7 boughes atthe top: the barke ofthe bodyis {mooth, and that of the boughes is likewife one ithapneth that thefe trees be oftentimes blowne downewith the winde, then higher , oftentimes 2 Theblacke Poplartree is as high as the white, and nqwand fmooth , bue che fubftanc Cum vino capis : hocprafens medicamen habetur. " : ; with a thicker body :the bake ehieicokis likewife Tf witha difeafethat fharpneffe doth take, *jifferh And dip it in water which * with heates 11}. Cha 4 si he kind as fhallbe declaree® Bed ZEKES:7 * the ritle of Poplar,yet differing very notably, at refer downe by Herebe diuers trees vnder © ( 4 ii 0 . ° : jsanothet here the defcriptions, whereof oneis the white, another the blacke, anda thirawifeFa tother e like Plinie which is the Afpe,namedby him Lybica and by Theophrast5 us mt" not to be foundintheie regions of Europes ofAmerica,or of the Indies whichis ; which thew themfclies niment called ynciiemtum Popaleot i Thethirdkind ofPopla ris alfoagreat tree: the batkeand fiibftance of the woo Je is fomewhae To be an helpe prefent and eafe for the fame. s Uetwhite nor woolly.like the leanes ofthe former,bitt ofa pleafant greene¢ olour: among which is madethat profirable fore the leattes{pring outyare of f reafonable good fatiour , ofthie which And drinke it with wine his thing hath a name * Sughes sand VOodis harder yellowerSnot fo white, fuller of veines, Snot fo cafely cleft:theleau fniptab g,and broadbelowtowards the ftem,(harpe atthe point anda little clufters : the buds fmefoorth long aglets or catkins, which do turne into Hereofthou thale drinke: Or Maple roote beate, Ofthe 9 oplar tree. 2: The defeription. Hewhite Poplar tree commethfoone to perfection, and groweth high in fhort time, full of white withall; the wood is white,eafie to be cleft: the leaues are broa 1,deepely gathe sand 4 glib, and fome‘omered like almoft to thofe of the Vine,but much leffer,finooth on the vpper fide, the firlt of What gteene; and on the neatherfide white and woolly: the catkins are long,downy,at puphih colour :the rootes fpread many waies, lying ynderthe tuffe,and not growing deepe, anc eee eens heatateré PUP ACEI) = 3 sos Aecenfam snes lapidernflridentibsas aoa Hine bibis: aut CAceris radicem tundis,& ci Thyfide not deferning be vexed bygreates Aftoue burning hotinfire feathou make, ' tender branches’; andsievteni branc tender and brittle l é asictcragarnifhe SO Pateld with aanyy everle tm is BA ital thiste tree Hethat ofthe tl le former: kins fend Ha maner roundjmuch blacker'andharder thenthe blacke Popiar, DaviST': , and make a¢ ees 5 Which arc for the moft part ftill wauering fer full of meyatid icarce at?) Neto anor 3 Vee groune then ere Gename ofthe dthioughthe weatherheerofa growdeeper into the reftron ger, 5 and Afpentree : the rootes fthe Hole ofr} ¢ white Poplar {leafed Popjar het véa'eh i 1 {(carceany winde bi ‘ ty £ TIhis'{tr opiat. ¢ ia tange Poplar,which {ome docal Populus g votundifoliainEEnglifh aWaxeth a greattree , bededt with many goodly > : PPP herounnd therou Pdapene te the |