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Show THE SECOND BOOKE Herba Doria L’Obelij Doreas Woundwoort. HIP OF HISTORIE goGentianamtior, Great Felwoett, THE ov: wanes se The place. OF PLANTS. ociietiatimataiien a titel Purple flowred Felwoort, Thefé plants growe naturally aboutthe bor- ders or brinkes of riuers neete to Narbone in into Fraunce , from, whence they) were brought in England, andare content to be made denizons my garden , where they flouxith to the height aforefaide. se The time. twelfth They flowered in my garden aboutthe of Iune. The nature. inthe Therootes are fweete in fnell, and hot third degree. se The vertues. Herba Doria Two drammes ofthe rootes of down drinke,draweth to giuien and boiled in wine vrine. prouoketh warerith humors,and vied inmediThe fame is with good fuccefle cines that expell poifon. re 3 Gentiana : CrUCtatdy Croft miiWONGentian roffewoort Of Febwoort,or Baldmoney. Chap.100. . % The kindes. ; i , be ofour owne countrey; others T 4 Here be divers forts of Gentians or Felwoorts,whereoffome this time remembred ; either more ftrangeandbrought further off: and alfofome norbefore theauncient orlater writers,as fhall be fet foorthin this prefent chapter. ion. % The deféript . a) , ntot vnlike to thofe of Plantaine,hollow leaues largeHellebo great hath ort ofFelwo re: among which rifeth vp2 round hite w a the of ce leaues the ing refembl well ale deadnett, Uc : ¢ Porting 4 CV] of e ioints or knees like the + C icke asaman sc sthombe, full y a ftalke grlanae: 5 ‘ sacoron ftarli ! l e y ct or gas {mall with v about arli rounde yelloweft fet with fall {e about everyi ) oint or knot k ©prac " le a BOR cac 4 pO he!leaues groundethe plant nextthegrounde do {pread themfelues abroa C, Ceean atthe bottome ofthe lbeia ext he Melson dhenea fet togither by couples one oppofite about, unde placero that alkein : f= owet ; i of theftocke Gilloflowe: A feedeseee th likethe andfmoo Lheiceae ow ne, flat, other,Aine cede is {mall,brrow: me ., adewit rooteis a finger thicke. The whole plant is of a bitter tafte ie iaitnrnast Gar: another fort ifing foorth of the ground 2 Carolus Clufins ferteth foorth ofgreat Gentian, : faa ni, ; 2 nue aga ftiffe firmeor folide ftalke, fet with leaues like ynto 4/élepi. us,bycouples one oppofite ‘4 i ~s > ‘: P ‘ oe gasuien cong: ils top incertaine diftances : from the bofome ofthe le hoote forth roote foorth bels, the mo! long hollow flowerslike enderfooteftalkes i i footeftalkes certaine fetfet v pon{lender acce many. times his5 colout changeth fe Pe 1¢ whole arf corners.The of endeth in fiue fharpe whole flower fi 19 col ae the ee foile and clymate;pperes now and then purple purple orblew, or blew fometimes i whitifh,and iti often ren ofof WEN tae CO . The roote and {eede is like the precedent, ee hy y 1 Gent A t = g 5 4 oe. GentianaP. ana Penne: minor. Spotted Gentian of D.Pennie; Fh ; & & 351 |