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Show 1280 THE THIRD HISTORIECOR PL BOOKE OF THE % The place. The Citron , Limon, and Orangetrees, do growefpecially in the fea coafts of Italy,andon the Tlands ofAdriatic: & Tyrrheni, and alloAEgei mars, andlikewife on the maineland,neere ynto meeres andgreat lakes :.there isalfo great ftore heerofinSpaine, butin places efpeciallyioining tothe fea,or not farre off :they are alfo found in certaine prouinces of France which lievpon the midlandfea. Theywerefirft brought out of Media, as not onely P/inée writeth , buralfothePoer Virgil afixmeth in the fecond booke of his Georgickes, writing of the Citron tree after this maner: Mediafert triftes (wccos, tardumque faporem ANTS, 128 Thefourthis named of diuers Pomun (rium, of Citton ofAffyria and may be Engtithed Adams apple,after the Italianname, and amongthe vulgar fort of idkian Lomir, of whonvitis als focalled Pomum Adami,or Adams apple,and _ $e The temperature andvertues, Pocula fiquando fens infecerenouerce, andfuch like confe@ions. Its Soodto be eatenagainft ftinking breath,for it maketh the breathfiveere; and being fo ra- G kenitcomforteth the cold ftomacke exceedingly, Thecointrey Media bearethinices fad, And dullling taftes ofhappie Citron frute, A hnohelpe more prefent can be had, Thefruite medicinable, And wouldbe thought a Laurell,leafe and twig, remediedo finde, The flowre medicinable. cure moftkinde, etch their winde. The time. yeerestom Thefe trees be alwaies greene, anddo as Plinse faith, beare fruite atall times ofthe F at 1 : ey falling offothers waxing ripes and othersnewlyit comming foorth. % The names. Son ty742 ia NE 4 yo: : * Latine ALalus ALedica ,and} Malus Citrea “sin Thefirftis called in Greeke Citron tree,or Pome Cite (Sad 7 hwy yin The fruitei lin Greekeui? svzin Latine A4alum medicum, or MalumCH f a aia hath mace! made ment ieweth, that Juba king of , ritania hath ain. Galen? that this apple isnamed amongthem ALa/wm He/pericum Gast Hi n iat they whoca alum medicum,but Citrium, andfaith, ries ca 1 fhould vaderftand what they fay: the / potheca Dutch Citroct t inlowe f : aes s;in Englifh Citron Apple,and Oit® edin Latine Limonyum malwm: wnithops LHe" 3nglifh Limon,and Lemon, “amor _Anerantinm , and offome % A 2 called Arant 74 of yellow colour of gold ;fome woulde haue them Italian 4 : itis eee inoe i a,ofaconntrey beating that namein Perfia 7ovens ankent in low Dutch Araengie Appelen tin French Powis Englifh Orenges. bedigefted;more nourifhing,and lef{e apt to obftruction and binding,or ftopping, Galen xeporteth ;that the inneriuice of the Pome Citron,was not woont to beeaten,but itisnow I Wedfor faucesand being often'v{ed,ic reprefiech:choler whichis in the ftomacke,and proculteth ap petitesitis excellent goodalfo to be giuenin vehement and burning fenets,andagainttall pettilene wmdvenemous, orinfectious difeafes: it comforteth the hat; it coolech the inward partsyevtceth, Andverylike in fhew the Laurell tree ; hel : The white,found,& hard pulpeisnow and then eaten,but very hardly cohcogted, &ingendreth H agiofle,colde,and flegmatike ittice sbut beingco dice with figar,icis both pleafancin talteyeaie vo Blacke venomefromthe bodyin every place, Thetreeit felfe in growthis huge and big, wre in hoide as faft as flowre maybee € n The rinde ofthe Pome Citron is good againft alpoifons,forwhich caufitis purinto Treacles E os avprimetenax,aniunas c» olentia Medé Butthat the {mell it cafts doth difagree: A The white pulpe iscolde,and containeth inita grofleiniceefpeciall y ofthe Citrons, Theinner fubftanceor papiis fower,as of the Citrons andLimons, colde and dry. withthin i¢s | ) ofparts. : The feede bicaufeit is bitter,is hot and dry, BR Ovafouentiio, &fenibusmedicanturanhetis. Vith hurtful charmes : this Citron fruite doth chafe Allthefe fruits confift ofvnlike parts,and much differing in facultié, Therindes are fweete of{mell,bitter,hot,and dry. Mifcuernntque her bas, &non innoxia verba, Auxilium venit,acmembyis agit atra venena, Ipfaingensarbos,faciemquefimillima Lauro, Et fi von alinm late t odovem, Laurus erit.folta hand vllistabentia ventts, Haue poifon’d pots,and mingledherbs of fure, common mandement; whereuponalfo the prints of the biting ap peere thereinasthey fie: but others fay that this is not the Apple, bur that which the ‘Avablared call ALufa, or Mofe, whereof Mpicen inhis 395. chapter maketh mention: for diners of the le wes take this for that, thronol which by cating Adam offended,as Andyeas Thenetua fheweth, Felicis mali, quo # on prafentius wllum, Ifanytime ftepmothers woorfe than brute thar came by the opinion oft he rudé peos I plewho thinke it to be the fame Apple,ofwhich dam dideate in Pp aradifeF when hetranforefled Godscom diideth,and maketh thinne,groffe,tough,and flimy humours, Ofthis fotefaid fharpe iuicethere isa firupe prepared, whichis calledin fhops Syrapus deste. K Witte Cit,very good againft the forefaidinfirmities. Such a firrupeis.al{o prepared ofthe fharpeiuice of Limonsjofthe fame qualiti¢ and operation, L fothatinfteed ofthe one, the other will feruié verywell. Adofen ofOrenges cut in flicessand putiitaa gallon ofwater,adding theretoan ounce of Mer- M cutyfublimate,and boiled ro the confumption ofthehalfe, clrech theurchiand mangin fle of the He I Men in old time(as Theophraftis writeth in, his fourth bodke)/did not ca te ‘ontented with the,{mell,; and to laie them among: garmenites , (0 | C Mothes, As often as nesderequired they vied them againft deadlypoif ms, for “pecially commended cuenby Virgils verfesswhiich we haue before alle ag eieisextantin. thenewsyin his third booke, a {tory of fomethat fort Ieiiceshane beene:condemned to be deiioured of ferpents;, who haue beeneprelerued health and fafety by earing.of the Citron. : The diftillédwaver of whe swhola Limonsitinde andall drawtte,out by agla i] 15 ‘ters and bleniithes Gfithe skin,aind makeththié face faireand {m« oth Thefame beirigdriinke prouoketh vtine;diffolueth the ftone, breakethan dexpene fae facultyeo that ae of the: Citronsar onsandLin i j Therinde ofc Otenges is: muchlikein Nem More hot asit is more biting and bitter. r . ashoggriisnne “ee tio, oe normuc!; I P lie Mmner fubftande or {ower pappe whichis full of jnice, - is of like fact nor much coole op theiweete pay doth ivalfo-notaifieth Moe cite Citronsorbimons;~{‘sara — facultie of the pap of 2Merny rplea ane’; 1€, but doth remperatcly heate and moylten; being? gndame little; andehat which ae hmencssth innepar ithm er pappe, but the fanid nourif ~ otethan dothithe fow tian e coic c e mor re efo ddl ; ami fter isa e, fimacke ofwin umers 1m f | iniddle tafte haning the fina vie of the pess be vied sbe gesi f Orenge e.and odorifevous low etTo Ko ; the feet fowér ane iy ing antrnknib {mell weetethan ~ |