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Show BOOKE !OF THE SECONDE 344 HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THE oe The temperature andvertues. drying facultie. Galen faiththat Holojtiumis ofa binding and an excellent wounde herbe, thatit preGalen, Diofeorides,and Pliay haue prooued it tobe fuch and large: and by the fame’authotity y great bever hit thoug nde awou vp eth fhutt h or fently clofet flefhare boiling, itwill foderthemtoof s peece many e wher pot intoa put be ifit Tfpeakeir, that ither. es that theother Plantaines haue, andare Thefe herbes haue the fame faculties and vertu thoughttobe the beft ofall the kindes. OffeaBuckhorne'Plantaines. renmountaines of Sauena,and Narbon in Fraunce, Chap.95- 3 Coronopusfine ferpentina minima. Small Buckhorne Plantaine. 2 Coronopssfine Serpentina miter. Small Sea Buckhorne. I Coronopus. Sea Buckehorne. 24% ng thé in great plentic, almoft euery whereamo rocks necre the wafhings of the feaat Maflilia manne the after s, leaue of r: clutte ding fprea and e rragaganthor hauing a moft thick fomewhat like Pinafter, or the wild innafacer morstariar701 firall Stonectop, afe of his flender branches,w hi incre great and nefle, ftitfe as inmanerofgrowing ntinar ulcavis, cont Jong. Ithaththe finall feede ofPlantaine, or Serpe tafte{ ymewhat hotand aromaticall, Therooreis fomewhat long wooddie,and thicke,in ,differeth not from the former,buronel ntina 4. Theecond fort ofwilde fea Plantaine or Serpe efle of his leanes, which exceede ‘riot the fmaln the , and ftalks his of rnefle flende e quantiti and cliffes and rocks, and the tops of the’barthe y vpon ifull plent ieightof two inches, growing moft % The defcription. 2 This finall fea plantis likewife one of the kindes offea Plantaine, participating as well of Buc ee(pp ®‘ as of Holoftium,being as it werea¢ gen fea Plantaine. Ithath manygraffie leaues, verylil vntothe herbe Thrifte; among which coe foorth little tender footeftalkes , whereon do growe finall fpikie knops like thofe of fea Plantaine. The rooteis tough and threddie. & Thedefcription. 4 Monfetaile or Cauda muris, refembleththe laft kind ofwild Coronopus or fea Plantain,in fall fpikie knops, leaues and ftalkes, that Iknowno reafonto the contrarie,but that I mayas well place this finall herbe among the kinds ofCoronopus ot Buckhorne, as other writers haue placed kindes ofHolostinm in the famefection ; &ifthat be pardonable in them, Itruft this may be tolerated in me,confidering that without controuerfie this little and bafe hetbeisa kinde ofHolostinm, hauingmany fmall fhort graffie leaues {pred on the ground, an inch long or fome- whatmore$ among which dorife {mall tender na- % The defcription. aw long agone, halt haue written thatcertainti thofe by tradition, ‘ ncertaine!ta wne .as itR were “ee es by incer andfetdo es {peake, ar themfelu heare fe new ; been wealfollowing CC writers ceconte , a > re fri] os % . ches; w rich hath wroughtfuch confufion and corruption in writings, thatfor thefe plants and in others f ai omany ar ee ere AEP in ExGosi + y rene ng the error, to by correéti thanee tof , later iiys Sie to paffe,ea sy ent Calidad » Mie ine owne opinio ic Hut foc Theplant whichisreckonedfora kinae< elfe am content rather t Se aeamee | . let eende at :. n thus I thinke: lated rd x doubrleflé akinde of Holoftewm; myreafon is, bicaufe it hath graffie leav ie roote | Pinks: aa roote /ylucfris Vetonica of Garyophyllata or Auens ike like thofei wilde Pinks; pluestris ororwilde ; Cat rathe’ a age of Holoftiwm or fea Plantaine, which are certaine arg writet ; ar if | Brewers cat thefe theplant, butonely the picture thereof, opinions by heal 1 ur : of, and fo haue fet; downe their plant likewife hath beer I : Ir groweth7 onthe hit hil es2 rknow to theoldewriters. it ynknowenvn ogither likewile hath beenealtog ant kedftalkes oftwo inches long, bearing atthe top a little blackith torch , or fpikie knop in fhape like that of the Plantaines, refernbling verynotably the taileofa moule, whereofit tookehisname. The tooteis {mall and threddie. x Theplace: Thefirtt and fecondofthefeplants ate ftrangets in England,notwithftanding Lhaue heardfay;that they growe vponthe rockes in Scylla,Gatnfey,and the Ile ofMan; Mouferaile groweth ypon a. barren ditch banke neere viito.a gate leading into a pafture, on the right handof the wayas you go from Londontoa village |