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Show THE SECOND *BOQKECOBITHE 9 Ar. HISTORTE OF Sea Mugwoort. ke The de/iviption. There is alfo another Mugwvoort,which bath dtawing togither of the nerues and finewes, many branches rifing from a woodie tote ftand 1g vpright in diftances one from another ofan afhie colour, befet with leaues ‘aot much vnlike fea, Purcelanes-aboue:the lower patt of e {talkes, and toward the topofthebranches y are narrowerand leffer,and Cur with great <4 5 the , Ccontractio: Fre Eaten affirmeth that Sothernwood is of two kindes, the femaleandthe male which “enery where knowne bythe names of aré the greater > and oftheleffer: befide s thefe thereisa thirdekinde, whichis of a {weeter fmell,and leffer thenthe otherss andalfoothers of a baftarde hinde, fe 1 Abrotanum femina, colour, as all the reft ofthe plant is: it hapleafant fmmell like U2bretomam m: nd in rafte is fomewhatfaleifh sthe flo's are manyandyellow, which being vaded, ¢ followeth moffie fede,like ynto that of common wormwood. 2 Abrotanun mds, Female Sotherawood. %& Theplace. Male Sothernwood, The common Mugwoort growethwildein y places about the bordersof fieldsabout gh waies,brooke fides, andfuchlike places, Sea Mugwoort groweth about Rieand Wi tfinouthby the Ile of Wight. % The time, They flowerin Iulie and Avgutt, ames. 3 Augwoort iscalled in’ Greeke Appane:and C4rtemifja, which nameit badot alfo in Latine Artemifia Queene of Halicarnaflus and de of noble AZanfolus king of Caria , who adopted it for hir owne hetbe: before thatit neealt reth rhatitwas likewife called Parthemen, my »Parthenis,as Pliny writeth Aputes laced in Diufcorides among the baftardnae: ers of them with otherherbes, Each hath very manynames for it,and manyoft mostofthefe agreewith theright Arter then are numbred among th c Weifuts, and Sant Johanus in lowe Dutch Bijuget, Sint “) A: B_ C ed Mater Herbarwn: 10 hi5 a eM Hy Artemifia + 10 Saati a roort,and common Mugwnets Mugwoortis hotand dryin the fecos 3 perature. nwhataftringent. %& The vertues. a Péayfaith that Mugwoort doth properly cure womens difeafes. Déoftorédes writeth thatit bringeth downe the termes, the birth and theafterbitt 5 led as Andthatinlike manerit helpech themother,and the paine of the matrix,to be bo rf: for womento fitinsand that being put vp with myrrh, itis oflike force thatthe bath odin the tender topsare boiled and drunke for the fame infirmities, andthat theyare app! ofa pulti eto bring downe theniat foeleth ® ee herbetied about him, ifonfome mea : “4 for 5 1 opistts canbehu hath it about him saint O} 4 : ‘ : red ky Poets are t0 bet y other fantafticall deuifes inuented byI hes ag I nding to witchcraft and forcerie,andt a or your © iters,te PeCcordit ? gs 2 2 9 ) of myaay Kecole’ vawoorthicAf thin themas purpofeonut ulewing, nd ntractionahd F %7 he kinde and deepe iagges, thicke in fubfance and ofa whitith PLANTS, 949 Mugwoortpoundwith oile of {weete> Almonds, Almonds.and[1 oe and Jaic ‘.to the fftomackeasaplai; thepainesand griefes of the fame, Plaiflers cuteth all £ tar lo: 5 Itcureth thewih fhakings ofPele the joints declining to the palfie, and helpeth the : ‘ c rani: 4 e ha marina. %Thedefeription. f He gr Cater . ; Sothernwood 3 é by-carefill manuring, : doth oftentimes grow vp inmanér Mtub,and of a * Commeth.to be as high hi as aman,bringing es Ott ofwhich ingi foorthftalkes f : an inch i ick or more: nore’ thicke ielyindented pane very many {prigs or branches fet about with leaues, diuerlly jagged s Dittons do he subaewhice.and ofa certaine {trong {mell:in fteede of Rowers little {mall tithe into Ee the the Iprigs from the middle tothe very top,of colour yellow, andatthe “elelfer Sothern xont hath diuers ftrin s. i y es ne MOLE inden PR sroweth lowe, full of litcle flender fprigs, ofa woodyfubftance : the *lsmade of tedthen Nany ftting: thofe of the former,not {whites it beareth no clutter buttons; the Ooo 4 3 Abrotanum B |