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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE % The kindes. A Athyllis (according to Dio/eoridesjis oftwoforts,the oneis like to the Lentill; the othertothe # 4sround Pine, cods,fiue ofixe growing togither,which in thewaid Shape arelike vntoafi tachandeuety cod refembling a clawe;in which areine There is alfo anotherkinc 1 Anthyllis legumino/a, Kidney Vetch. verylike vnto the firft,burt hilfeanhand high, {reading t 2 Stella leguminofa, Startie Kidney Vetch, {mall {eede like that of Turmeps. ithopodiumor Birdés fopte, called finall Birds foote, whichis s much leflersthebranches or {pt rowenort aboue'a hand or les vpon the groundwith his finallleaues and branches, in manerofthe leflerAyachws: the flowers are like vito thofe of Coronata CMelilotus. % Theplace: Thele plants I found growing vpon Hampttead Heath neer ebrhandas you go fram Londo re vntoa } ithe high way leadi 1g from Greenwich to Charleton, within halfeat l fthe towne, wy The time. They fower from Tune to the middle of September. ' % The names. Icannot finde anyothernarhe forthefeplants, ut Oraithopodinm:the firlt is calledia En great Birds foote,the fecondfinall Birds foote. % The nature andvertues. Thele heres are‘not-vfed either in meate ormedicine , that knowofas yets but theyar goodfoode for cattle,and procure goodftore ofmilke, whereuponfome haue taken them forkinds ofPolyeala, Ofblacke milke Tare. (hap.so4.. GlauDio feorides. Dioforides his milke Tare. % Thedefeription. wx ofDioféorides hathvery mas auling vpon id;fet { like the common Gliwx,but a purple c woodie,w fet fFoorthé % Thedefeription. anch ss Idney Vetch hatha ftalke ofthe height ofa cubite , diuiding it felfe into other aart> 5°" couered Lentill, whereondo grow long leaues,made ofdiuers leaues, like thofe of the : colout,, velit ow were witha foft white downineffe: the fowers onthe tops ofthe ftalkes, ofayellon coo t manyioined togither,as it were ina fpokie rundle; after which grow vplittle codss) n whichis srltaro,bath teined {mall {eede: the rooteis flender,and ofa woodie fubftance. 2 The Starrie Kidney Vetch, called stella leguminofa, or according to Cortufus seth forth manyfinall flexible tough branches, full of {mall knots orknees: from whence ee forth long{mall leafe, like Birds foote, but bigger: from the bofome of thofe leates come tender ftems, on the ends whereof do growe {nnall yellowe flowers, which are ieee foonvaded, like vnto them ofLamp/ana: thefe flowers turne into fmnall fharp pomre one diftant from another,like the diuifions of aftarre , oras thoughitcop fifted o {irae : +e : . tough and1 deepely deepely growing growing in the ggrou wherein is conteined {mall blacke feedes : the rooteis 4 Then GFVMIE RNS growat th ga, but.of a pu there {icceedeth a ! whofe points oret : in talte Like Pulfe or Xxx 3 ny Verchess Se ae Chap.503., EE a Of KidneyVetch. HISTORIE OF PLANTS: There is another fort of Kidney Vetch called Bitdes foote, or Oy many{mall and tender branches, trailing heere and therecloie vpont idk andloft leaues,of a whitifh greene,in fhape like the leaues of the wilde Veretnk fenand finer,almoft like final feathers samongft which the flowers do eraw c; yellowith,and fometime whitith 3 i being vaded , there come int |