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Show BOOKE OF jncloferh the Nurwith his Mace, as the Walnuthuske doth perfect crimfon cc couer the Nut, which in timeoftipe- of a W alnut huske doth, and fheweth his Mace, which thenis thetree is well laden with ir,and maketh a moft goodly thew, efpecially when forfaketh the Nut, euen asthe and fruit: after the Nurbecommeth die; the Mace likewile gapeth doknowe at which time it getreth Hirlk huske ot couverture, andleaueth it bare andnaked aswe all ch it had atthefirlt, toit Rifeakinde of datke yellow colour, andlofeth that braue crimfon die,whi . ; weTheplace. ire : il and in the lands of The Nutmeg tree groweth in the Indies.is an Hand efpecially called Banda, Molucca,though not fo good as the firitncitherthofe that do growe in Zeilan, % The time. allthings being commonin thofe counThe fruit is gathered it Septemberin great abundance, t The temperature. degree, complete and asthe Mauritanians write, ishotand drie ia the fecond me. The Nutmeg. aftringent. & Thevertues. thofe that doftinke, ifthey be muche hewed andholainend breth,and fweete Natmegscaulea A denin the mouth. quickeneth the fight, ftrengtheneth the belly, ‘The Nutmeg is goodagaintt freckles inthe face, {pleene,ftaieth thelaske, breaketh winde,and the in felling awaythe andthe feeble liver; ictaketh body. is good againftallcold difeafes in the haue wafted and dried vp the moyfture,adNatmegsbruifed and boyledin Aqua vitz, vntillic C gently boyling themto the forme of ofRofes) i u c e andthe is,honie ofRhodomed(that ding thereto and coldcaufes, if three {poonefulsbe windie proceedt paines ali afirupe and ftrained,cureth giuenfafting for certaine daies to e vntill three parts be fodden away, withth D Thsfamebruifed and boyledin ftrong w ite wine e with fome drunk liquor this : ned ftrai and yling rootes of Motherwoort added thereto in th ofwindinefle. Sugar,cureth all gripings ofthe belly procee knoweth that the heauieft,fatteft, and fulAstouching the choife there is not any {0 fimple,but E the {fame with apin, of fiuch like. outbypricking found be eafily may lef ofiuice is the belt which B Chap.14.6. Ofthe Pepper plant. : The kindes. _~© dblacke Pepper,long Peppetson* git Herebe ditiers forts ofPepper,that is to fay, white an pian Pepper. Ethio of nde alfoaki nd f other,a cerandlonger than the : Se The defeription. is difputatree oran herbie plant, tt ynto the Heplane chat beareth Pepper, whether we may callita like be anhet for ers andoth of Vine, es g the cenfur bles fomeholding it fore tree, fome a kinde yee Idinfof : but 4 not difpute iaes ConuolanAli, oc: Bindwe7 edes , whereupon3 we will inher coni be faiato a furthi ; , leauing the reft tharmight of thofeleatned thathaue written thereof ration. ‘The planr'that beareth the black Pepperas alfo the and brambles wliere it naturally groweth 5 but whereit ismantred, it isfowenac the bot hitink thetece Fatfel Sethe Date trees, wheron it taketh holdand climeth vp euen tothe top, as dosh the Vine, ramping and taking holdwith his cl ied tendrels ofany otherthingirmeeteth withall.The Jeaues are fewin number, in fhiape like thofe ofthe Affyrian Apple treesbutleffcr fh arpe pointed aia ofafteth greene colours in tafte ioesiemhathes # arethe fruit and alfo the leaues ofBetre, 7 hada eh togither manyfet vpona long flender em, likea little bunch of Grapes, ofan handfull : ’ S : cca ema lai long Pepper, ee Piper Longum Mains long,greene at the firft, and blackith when they be te The na he Grecians xepver vernsy,The Latines 2ux Adofchataand Nyx efeetie in French 2oix Mu/cade: inhigh Mofeada :in Spanith 2¢; 2nziban tbe countric people where they 5: of the Arabians Lenzbane, MacesJaifol: ofws s Burapalla : in Decani the Nutiscalled Iapatriandthe Nutmeg. ux Bandenfis :the Maces he calleth Befba/é: in Englifh growe P. 5 niece Tan, HISTORIE°COR PLANT white, growethyp likea 4 ine amon tpeanddried. The rooce is finall, andas itfhould femethreddic, being as it is thought an annuall plant, which mutt be fowen yeerely, or come vp ofitfelfe by the falling ofthe fruit. Some reportit tohaiethe roote of Coftus, whichis of a woodie fibtance, nothing according with reafon, for the ttalonsbefore alledged, Theplane that bringeth white Pepper is notto bediftinguifhed fromthe other plant, buronely bythe colour ofthefruite, no more thana Vine thatbeareth blacke Grapes.from that whichbrineae: and of fome it isthoughic,that the felfe oo fometimes changeit felfe from / nefle doth cleaueof itfelfe,.as THE leaP iDeris Nie THE THIRD 1354 €,as diuers other plants do; 2 Piper AEthiopicumfine Vita longa. Pepper of Aethiopia. The defeription. 4 This other kinde of Pepper brought ynto vs from Aethiopia, called of the countrie where it groweth Piper _Aethigpicum, in fhops --4momum, and alfo Longa rita.Jt groweth ypen a final tree,in growe manner of an hedge bufh, whereupon Jong cods in bunches, afingerlong, of a browne diuers colour, vneuen, and bunched or puft vpin or cels, places , dinided into fie orfixe lockers h around {eede fomewhat each whereof containet in tafte like long,lefler than the feedes of Pxonie, whole facultie common Pepperor Cardamomum, haue, whereof we and temperature it is thoughtto holditakinde. hath no fis Thetree that beareth long Pepper, bringeth blacke that plant the with arall militude them to haue deemed and white Pepper : fome not confonant to IL on one tree, which is far diftant one countries in growe fort hey where there countri¢ that from another ~ andalfo not any of ‘the long P hath Pepper, blacke is follow ng Diofee yides, were and therefore Galen [his tree, in tis onerfeenc borh togither J great, faith Monardes, isnot here flance, difperfing |