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Show THIRD: ; oe ee THE : bg79e.ti © aeicribd< HISTORIE BOOKE OF THE ywinetres of the Affyrians néxtafterthe pee mpt n gulfer therefore it t fo gtcatadiftanceof the ' ' it bricfely deferibed. Itfee. t 1s not large ed by Theephrasiusis wore like vate Sauine ; but yerforas muchas Thyais srus aboue the Bz 1 not & y the fruite or betries of the little Cedars ;itis.alfo verie ‘nd Sauine isnot 7 Aya neithet Mtearbor, fo called of the later Herbarittst L 7 ma cenurna bacttifera, atrocerulea,thatis the kindly Sauine thatbearethber. c ; 4 : as ac ries Of a blackifh blew colour. st The temperatures arden aes ich Sauine which are moft; vfedin medicine,atehor anddry in the thirddegree.andof The leaves ofeS. : ees % The vertucs. ubtill parts as Gaden faith. { yu I rin , } Or > dray 4 5 menies downethe . bringeth yen, “} prouoketh drunke, wine and boiled in leaues of Sauine The with force.it draweth awaythe afterbirth, expelleth the deadchilde, andkilleth the quicke:ithath eceiued vnderin a perfume. honyaand ap}splied , cure vicers » {taytay |{preadingg andcreeping vicets, with hony ped with ure andtake awayall Spots andfreckles from the face or body of man or woman, youannoine ee rein killeth the wormes in childrenif line , andkept{ therein, in oije Oliue boiledi: leauies boiled leaues nd giuen in milke or mufcadell doth the fame. é llies therewith:andthe leaues powdere {trowed vpon thole kinds of excretcences, Su powder,and intofine beaten and dried leaucs The away per them a take them women, ens ca ears wor eb } he ith vnclean aT dealing» by like,gotten fuch graputio,called Caroles,and a mucn beene have and , olde and inueterate be they andhealing the fame: butif fedtly,cu 1 Auripiementum anti of * Auripig fin; quantitie echo mitothethe fame> a {mall ecel: to addevnto hall be neceflary withall,ic fhall peredSih theiby ] rb greatly increalca powder, and vie it with difcretion,bicaufe the force of themedicine is made more corrofiue. efirtkki maricke ornaweetl "PHefitlt kinde of. Tamariske groweth like a {mall hedge tree, coueredwith areddith bart. il which comefoorth fm: mothe white flowers declining to purple,wh ichturne inte I Tamarifcus Narbonenjis. French Tamaniske. 2 Tamarifcus Geymanith. Germaine Tamariske. De pousordownie feede,that flieth awaywith the winde,as that of Willowis: the roote is woodie as therootes of other fhrubs be,and groweth diuers | 2 The Germaine Tamariske hath many woodie branchies or fhootesrifing fromthe roote, with ayhite barke,hauing his leaues thicker and groffer thenthe former,andnot{o finely iagged A The flowers are white,and not vnlike the former, which do turne into fede, thatis likey away with the winde, %The place. __lamariske groweth by:running ftreames,and many times by riuers that breake forth 3 andnot ieldome about enny grounds, commonly ina gravely foile,for ic beft profperethi n moift and {tony places: it is found in Germany,Vindelicia,Italy,Spaine,and alfo in Greece, 1 ae Tamariskes do alfo gre ow in Egypt andSyria,as Diofeorides writeth, andlikewif é in Tylus an thndin Arabia , as Theophra/fwsnoteth: the woode wheteof faith he, isnot weake as with vs in Greece, but ftrong like zétwsver,ortimber,ot anyother ftrong thing :this Tamariske Dio/eerédes doth callivéess, thatis to fay, tame,orplanted; and faiththat it bringeth foorth fruite very like to Gals.i ulterough andbiiding, \ Petrus Bellonius in his fecondbooke of Singularities reporteth, thathe fawe inE Tamariskes and great likeothertrees,andthat fometimesin moift places byriuets {ides , tinesalfoin dry and grauely grounds where no other trees did grow, which now& then did beare hanging on the boughes fucha ‘multitude of Gals, that the inhabitants call Cherm ifet, as being ouctloden,they were ready to_breake: theyboth growandprofper wellin mygarden, i %& The time. ; Of Tamariske. Chap.47. PLANTS, hauing many branches fet and bedeckt with leaues, muchlike vnto Heath : , thar{ pres tree,and OF The Asfeription. Thefe trees or fhrubs’ doflowerin Maie,and inthe later end of Auguft,theirfeedeis caried away with the winde, ‘ _ They are called in Greeke % The names. ndin Latinealfo A¢priteand Tamarix :infhops Tamari/é Otanins Horatianus*Murica: Dioftorides maketh that which growethin Greece and Italy robe fea lde Tamariske: itis namedin high Dutch Camartichen hoik, and j9ozk ¢ in low Duicl pecan, Camartichbsamet iv Italian Tamarigio:in Spanith Tamargueira,and Tamariz: | tench Tamarts « in Englith Tamariske. amis y temperatu % The reand vertues. a ees pe es ies SD altas in se ia ote a suring faculniewith soreh drying: ae fomen g boyl vi a g,and y reafon of thefe qualities itis very good or a hardelyie ae §t or wine,eitherthe roote or leaues,or tender branches,as Galen write pen,et Dinies teacheth,that the decoction ofthe pene a ’ oo thatthe fameis goodagainft the toothach, if ee owne the menfes, if the patient fit thereinsthat it killeth lice anc , therewith, sHeathes ofburnt Tamariske hath ding, ie, and greatlyfc ? asttcone hindetafonmuchasit lu binde,infomuch “ dothgreatly comn tadfeed ofoe the greater Tamariske qheflowers &downie euide! more tafteis of ghnes ro the that ,but dla tothe Gallnamed Gala Omphacitis pee ich flowers are ofan vnequall temperature , for there is ioined tothe abe ¢ clenfing facultie,which the Gall hath not, as Galen writeths anh tanes ofparts in medicines tae vi lowers we fitly vie faith Dioforzdes, in fteede ofGall, §800d to ftanch bloud,and to ftaie the laske and womens whites, it hel etht Ie) vp. Hot ielame putpofes , cureth thofe it Feil ; tue batke thatare bit ofthe venemons fpider called Phalangium rdnesa é again ttehe ha Sng ates and woode of Tamariske haue great powet andvertu decoction dit nke, or elf the leaues being boiled in water,and the pleenecfp | tthemall of Aleor Beere,and continually drunke: an dif it te drunke foo rth ofa cup or veflell ecially Pak #G¢ of the woodeor timberof Tamariske,it is of greater efficacie, Hhhh4 |