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Show 799 THE SECOND BOOKE OF' THE ro = : 2 Rare 33 Fenuer thereto adding anc Line a{ oes 5 and —_ ( of oe qquantiti¢ oe eretc .acertaine + : hs ¢c > blacke Htyor 9 Ae ana goot j fome hie,and lied4 very V paitigbandapp , Ana ¢ J utid i forextictie tari Ses . . | HISTORIE‘OF PLANTS I . . 1 powder therooreof the ane " , ai . mred TC iti tothe forme ofaof, of Barrowes greafe,ftamped altogither ititie 1 bch el neha siempltifeth and fom ath abatteine + | ay Ve. \ apouelr ACL ait d il Usher lingssfivelings We rots tT or f neC Saami roitier q i ie intheioints, and fores of im ther Hit confirmeth all ean oa mouts,blaftings, & windie outer. b tole lefende dangerous preferueth nforte defendeth fundament; ent it comforteth it cureth the riftes of the the fundam ingss ea The feede Paludanus drunke in wine preuailethreporteth mightily ) . againft a thethe 5 T ftone. that of Anchufe, Bernardns : rh, ] Sat utkes do drinke the feede to prouoke B ¢ ih a fleepeandreft. perth digeftion inther greene'wounds from any mater of accidents that may happen therto;i and bringcth old vicers to maturation, For % The vertues ' t i losbic helde tobe ‘ood fo! Awicen faith that Wabatilon or y yellov w.-Mallow,jis goodtor greene wounds, anddoth A prefently glew togither,andperfectly cure thefame, Thefeedes dried and beaten into powder andgiuento drinke, ftoppeth the blondie flix other iflues ofbloud. Yee haem laskejanidall fi Oftheyellow Mallowe.. 7 Of VeniceeM Mallowe,or Goodnightat noone Q Chap.339- 4itheslutes. Yellow Mallowe, Chap.34.0. I Ahea Peregrina. Venice Mallowe, se 7 he defeription. — He yellowe Mallowe rifeth vp witha roundftalke, fomething hardorwood- die,three or fower cubits high, coueted with broade leaues fomthing rounde, but fharpe NO x. 7 (” Ff Zz \ pointed white;foft; fet withvery fine haiteslike to the leanes' of Gourds, hanging vponlongtender foorftalks ; from the bofome of which leaues come foorth yellow flowers , not valiketothole ofthe common Mallowein forme:the knopsot feede veflels are blacke, crooked or wrinchle, made vp ofmany{mall cods,in whichis blace feede the roote is {mall, and diechwhenichath perfectedtis feede. te The place. The feede heereofis brought vntov Spaiise andItaly , we do yeerelyfoweit cou gardens,the which feldome or neuet weareto hisfeede toripenessby reafon whereof, feeke for newe feedes againft the next yeet ; The tine. Iris fowenin themidft of Apu, it on foorth his flowers in September. oe The names. thata Itis called zburilon, whereunto the Gout like tobe which cauicenwriteth and to benamed eo to fayinleafe, ; to be that Calthes orismarth 1: Mallowe, vnto which Theophr6| Y it Arblutilon : diners take dothattribute Pléremwaver, ora yellow Bower: FIon” S g. booke of the Hiftoric ofPlants of the common inatth: Mallowe is nor yellowe,'but white yet may Theophrias ee : iin alt v "on Mall bie, fomthin oe ny? calant and beautifull flowers),,in fhape like thofe of the fomer flandeth ¢ § white, dafht ouer with athinne wath of purple;.in the middle of which al fod0 pt h aknap or peftellas yellaw-asgolde: itopeneth itfelfe : places therefore it is tard to faie} thar thisis Theephraftasarth Mallowe, efpeciar Theophraftus faiat{i Mallowe fo much flime, phraltes feemeth allo to attribute vnte fo therooteof miatfh Ma outle ols A 3 5 n ve . tl Ds C2 Seratn The temperature ofthis Mallowis referred vate the tree mallow. The eri whereon are fe takes, whereonare long, Tehcehatow 5 rounde, feeble ftalkes, tall rifethvpitawith o0teeeee Ageed lcaues,deepelycut euiento the middl ] fiwhfidieome Rt which in diners places is faultieand hath manyemptie and vawritten places, be ne fel I 4 Leal rer iiy xbe thicknied therewith which thevootes'oficommon marth Mallowecat Me wi Malo the roote of Abutilen or yellowe Mallowe not atall:itthaybe€alled in Englith yuo" ) ti J and AxicensMallow, fe Thetemperatiives”’ eee h i Re { sand (hurrerh ey ot z' 431 * ‘ . rn ~ ld feéme to = AMPagaine atnines whenichath recciuedthe beamesof the funne., whereon a eos it might moxe properly becalled1 (Mala horatldy OX Mallow oO f anhower, erctute toylooke hi olurmelaleemeth te. call Molochenin his ve Mt.) 5 Molochep Tt “Et ne! olina Mallowbasa que vertice pole: rough v heate orn s tmalt raneand gallant flower Otunne {pringsshutssanddies ia.an-hower. Ddd4 |