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Show THE FIRST BOOKE I io. Spartum Pliny Cluf Plinves Mat VW eede, OF HISTORIE) OF PLANTS. THE 2 Spartan alterum Plini Hooded Mat Weede. \ Cre VAM, GAA, \ /\/ 39 1 3 Enelifh Mat weede hatha ruthie roote, deepely creeping and growing in heapes of fand and long. The ftalke andabalfe foore a grauell, from the whicharife {tifte and tharpe pointedleaves, groweth to the height ofa cubite,wherenpon doth grow a woollie {pike like ynto{pike grafle,whet- dn is Contained a Chaffie feede.Of this plant neither fheepe norany other cattle will tafte oreate. Fie other Englith Mat weedeislike-vnto the formef, fauing that the rootes ofthis are-long, not vnlike'to dogs graffe, but do not thruft deepe into the ground as the former do, but crcepe only vnderthe vpper cruft ofthe earch : the tuft or eareis greater, refembling the Foxetaile grafle. % Theplace. Thefe kinds ofMat weede do growinItaly and Spaine,and other countries adioyning;likewife in manyplaces ofEngland neere vntothe fea fide, efpeciallyin the weft parts : about Norfolke alfo % Thetime. and Suffolke in great plentie. Thetie anfwereth the other reedes. x The names. Mat weedeiscalledin Latin Spartum,althoughthere be another Spartum,which is aking of Spa- nifh broome: andto makeadifference of them, this is called Spartwx herba, and that other Spartum frotesIn Prouence in Frauncethey caltir Olpho: in Spanith Albardin : in Englifh Matweede. se The nature, vertues anadufe. Thefe kinds ofgraffie or rather rufhic reede,haue no viein phifick,but ferue for to make mats and A hangings for chambers, frailes,baskets,andfuchlike, Thepeople ofthe countries where they grow, dounakebeds ofthems ftrawe their houfes and chambersin fteede of rufhes, for whichvfe they do exceéllias my felfe haue feene in the worfhipfull Mafter Cooke his houfe in Holborne,whichis vfually ; ftrowed therewithin winter. They dolikewife in fimdry places of thellands of Madera,Canaria,Saint Thomas,and other of B the Ilarids in the tra& vnto the weft Indies , make of themtheir bootes, fhooes, herdmens cotes; fires and lights, Icis very hurtfull for cattell,asis that of Sheeregrafle. OfCamels baie. 3 ‘Spartum' Anglicanum, Englifh Mat Weede, Nb 4‘iek ae eeee ae tf ee eed ee re ee ke > rie 7 7 aT Ensdae an hy al eS 4 Spartum Anglicanum alterum. Small Englifh Mat Weede. (hap.29. x Scananthia. Camels Hay. 2 Scaenanthun adulterinum. Baftard Camels Hay. i = SS Wy |