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Show THESSECOND BOOKETOFRITHE 5 Hieraciwn Aphacoides. Succorie Haukeweede. HISTORIE 6 Hieraciumintybaceum, OF PLANTS, te The dafcription, Endiues Haukeweede, 4 Longrooted Haukeweede hath many broade leaues {pred vpon the ground, flightly and con- fuledly indented aboutthe edges notvnlike to Endiue Haukeweede:among which leaues {pring ftrongand tough ftalkes a foote andhalfe high, (ct on the top with faire double flowers, yellow likevnto Piffeabed, The rooteis very long white andtough. $ Sharpe Haukeweede hath leaues like to thofe ofLanguedebeefe or Oxetoong, fharpe about th edgesand roughin the middle. Theftalkes be long and flender,fet with the like leaues, burlefler the flowers growat the top double, and yellowe af colour:the roote is tough and threddie, 9 Hicracinmfaleatum L’Obel;. Crooked Haukeweede, 10 Hieracium latifolium. Broade leafed Haukeweede, wow. 7 Hieraciumlongins radicatum, Long rooted Haukewee *, 3 Hicracinumafters. Sharpe Haukeweede. STAY. ERLE. SX Vi Nea tie h ath leaueés like vat the garden Succorie, flightly endented Deal eorpale ell eu ean cooked ftalkes$s#hertpon do growfoolithidle flowers ofa to asus. leaf ri our,and the roote {malland threddy. wardthe alke rhe bl Haukeweede Hath broade long leaues, tough and deepely endentedtofull of3 Gein ing the leaues of the greateft Sowthiftle. The ftalke is hollowe and fpungi. is the relt ofthe plant,as alfoall the othet ofhis kinde:the flowers grow oftheft atkes atthetop TED crear double and ycllowe, tees Sidon cn Haukeweede with broade leanes, groweth vpin forme of leaties andfta~~ Seie ie ene a the top dondle ied ne aurea, The ftalks be fatshollowe and full of milke:the flowers growe at hereis ‘Sih te = of colour. The roote is {mall and threddie. ibs ee Sitabouttheedars on Haukeweede hauing leaues like vnto the former , but more Ae 2nd yellowe lik ges ana tharper pointed ; the ftalkes are tender and weakes the flowers be doublé Ke thofe of Pilofella or great moufe-care; the rooteis finalland threddie, j * Thee |