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Show wk ‘ HISTORTE OF PLANTS. *Viftium legiont dedi Funda/que cosprofternebametfolie Farfari. ynto our Poplar,but finaller: the leafe is thicke,andverylike the leaues of Arbor Zade,but broader, * A net Igaue vnto my band, And flings with ftones to hurle by hand, And allalong I feld myfoes, ofan aftringent tafte fomewharheating the mouth,and faltifh, There is alfo anotherfort ofPoplar,which growethlikewife vnto wgreat tree,the branches wher. ofare knottie and bunchedfoorth,as thoughit werefull of{cabs orfores: the leauescomefoorth in tufts, moftcommonlyatthe endes of the boughes,not cut or iagged, but refembling the leaves of that4trip/ex,calledPes anferinus; in colour like the former , burthe aglets arenotfo clofely packt togither ,otherwile itis like, 3 Populns Lebyea. The Afpen'tree, * Birdli nels Like Poplar leaues beate downe withblowes, Itiscalled in high Dutch Poppelbaum,Watetl; Aberbaums in low Durch Qheel, ofhis horie or agedcolour,and alfo Abeciboome ; which the Grammariansdo falfely interprete Abjet, the Firre teesin Italian Pop ofo bianca: in Spanith Alamo blanco: in French Peuplier blanc,Aubel,Obel, ot Au bein :in Englifh white Poplar tree,and Abeell,after the Dutchriame, Thefecondis calledit Greekeaijeiesstin Latitte Populus migra : by Petrus Crefeentins Albarus: inhighDutch Afpeitin low Datch Waptitier sin Italian Popole mero: in French Penplier noir: in 4 Populus Americana The IndianPoplertree, Spanith wélemo nierilho :in Englith Poplar tree,blacke Poplar,and Pepler, The firft or new {prung budswhereof,are called ofthe Apthecaries Ocak Populs,Popler buds: others choofe rather tocall itGemma Populi : forne ofthe Grascians name itomue, whereupon they grounded their errour,who wihlyfuppofed that thofé Rofinie or clammie budsarenotto beput or viedin the compofition of theointment bearing thenameofthe Poplaratid commonlycalled in Englifh Popilion,and Pompilion;butthe berries thar growin clufters;in'which thereis no clammines at all. Theyare alfo as far deceined who giving credite to Poets fables, do Belecue that Ambercoms methofthe clammieRofin, falling intothe river Poo. Thethitd is called of diuers Populus tremula, which worde is borrowedof the French men , who mameit Tremble: it alforeceiued a name among{tthe low countrey men,from the noife andratling oftheleaues, who callie #ateeter, this is thar whichisnamed of Plinée Lilyca and by T/ eophrafugu, which Gazacalleth Populusmontana:i0 Englifh Afpe, and Afpentree , and mayalfo be lle Tremble,after the French name, confidering itisthe matter whereof womens toongs were made,as the Poets and fome others report,whichfeldome ceafewagging, se The temperature and vertues. Thewhite Poplar hatha clenfing faculty (aith Gz/en,andamixt cemperature, confifting of awa- A (ty watme effence,and alfoa thinncearthie fubftance, = See K truly, B re enuly, as others fay,and that more Thebarke,as Déofcorides writeth sto the weight ofan ounce(or litle more then a dram)is a good remedyforthe{ciatica jor ache in the hucle bones, and for the qt angury, ie barke is good forthe Sciatica,seremms <r . i That this Sanmmsonicus,dothalfo write. Cc Sapiusoccultisvidta coxendicemorbus Perfurite> greffies devo languore morathr* Populus alba, dabit medicosde corticeporws., Anhidden difeafe doth oftrage and raine, Fhepce Thefe trees do growin low moift places,as in medowesneere ynto ditches,ftanding waters am riuers. é cae face sheere : i ome : The firftkinde ofwhite Poplar groweth not very common 1n Englartd, be a Janeat Oueaden, and there tree ; I found many bothfinall and great growing ina lowe me ee called Effexata pia thefurcherend ofa village called Blackwall;from London; and in and in diuers other places. © The Indian Poplar growethin moft parts ofthe Ilands of the weft Indies. % Thetune. which time thebuds ‘Thefe trees do budfoorthin the end ofMarch,and beginning of April , at muftbe gathered to feruc for Vaguentum Populeon. % The names. Farfarms, 28 of Plas Thewhite Poplaris calledin Greeke aw#i: in Latine Populus alba, of diuet * Rijs vile twin his Comedie Pemulus : »-+- The hip ouercome and vexewiththepaine, Ttmakes with vile aking one tread flowe and fhrinke; The barke ofwhite Poplaris helpe hadin drinke. ney of aD ke y hekid an bar ren, if it be drun i ae aie \ Thefame barke is alfo reported to make awomi na take ng bei e ‘orm ght to pert fe deetich thing the leaueslikewi are thou aine the ) E take away the paine thereof, ewarme inice of the leauesbeing dropped into theeares , doth , and parts thin of dey,ane i — orclammiefubftanceof the blacke P oplar buds is hot and M amaner the leaues hauein mabe cy malacmatis: y teauate and mollifie : itis alfo fitly mixed acop is 7» Galem teachet:) las ual l ect ci eff Ce fo not and er or G “© operationfor all thefe things,yet weak he gout inthe handes “0¢ ended, fen, aes'and yoong buds ofblack Poplar do aflwage the p ©) being madeintoan ointment with Maic butter. Pppp 2 The BEI ROW ye THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE Ea SiaPe.iwby Siiptietattee T3032 the Willow, full ofioints where the leaues do grow,ofa perfect roundnes, fauing where it clequeth ot growethtothe ftalke:fromthe bofomes orcorners ofthefe leaues come foorthfinall agletslike |