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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 158 fodden and mingled with tof Zéting writeth,that Serpillum infufedwellinvineger, andthenphrenfie otlythargie, along water,is asightfingular remedie to curethemthathaue had vomiting of blond, the againft vineger giverin be to inice the dramof one h E. Galen prefcribet {pleene. and helpeth fuch as are grecuedwith the Ofgarden Time. Chap.165. HIST ORDEY O Fi PEAN'TS. ledge, am aflured that it is not another kinde of Time that beareth Epithymum , but is:cominon Time :for I hale often founde the fame in Englande , not onely vpon our Time,but vpon Sauoric, andotherherbes alfo: notwithftanding, thus muchI may conieéture., that the clymate’ of thofe countries doth yeelde the fame foorthin greater abundancethenours, by reafon of the intempe- ance ofcolde, whereunto our countreyis {ubie&. 3 Thymum Creticwm. Epithymum Gracormm. Tat Laced ‘Time. Time ofCandie. % Thekindes. hauefoundmor, There betwoforts ofgarden Time among the oldwriters,the latter Herbarifts 1 Thymumdurius. Hard Time. 459 Time likewile, loden and garnifhed with this Epithymam.So that by hisfight and mine owne know a 2 Thymum latifolinn. Great orbroadeleafed Time, %& The place. indes ofT; ime groweplentifully and Timeo} in England euery where, exceptthat with broall leaues, f Candie,whichI hauein my garden. ase i: Peis te The defcription. chr! ‘kinde ofTimeis fo well knowen, thatit needeth no defcription, bicaut i * any which are ignorant what Thymumdurius is,I meane our common Garacn I 2 The fecondekinde of Time with broadeleaues , hath many wooddie braunches™ threddic roote , befet with leaues like a¢yytws. The flowers are-fetin rundels about tne ®" t forchounde. The whole plantis like the common Time intafte andfmell. 3 Time ofCandicisinall refpeés like ynto commonTime, but differeth pe c ertaine knoppie tufts like vntothefinall eares of Phalaris, and notmuchy ; $ fe-s,butmuch tany hileffer baler with wi flender } fowers of a purple colour. f nopsof Stead leffer sbefet ofa more pontick andgratious fell then anyof the Times.and ofanotherkindeot 8%" fauoringlike fpice. Therooteis brittle,and ofa woodie fubftance 4. Doubdieffe that kinde of Time wt S.A ante Epithymum, and vied in fhoppes,) isnothing elfe then Dodd end isall one with ours , though Atathzolws makes acontrouerfie & ¢ ouerthe hils viellingg ouerthe hils in Narbone Narbone ncere ne re the Mora es in the tea, hath feene not onels¢ : They*y flour; fourith from Maie vnto ; The Sef me. % The time. September. The names. ethirde’T Nay be called harde Time, or commongarden Time: the feconde broade leafed Time: me, called Dodder uneof Candie; our Englith womencallitMuske Time: the laft may be des ofr %& Thenature. ees of Time are hot anddrie in the thirde degree, : % The vertuts. ater and honie and drunken, is good againft the cough andfhortnefie of the A eth keth vrine, expelleth the fecondine or afterbirth,and the dead childesanddiffolu led bloudin the bodie. € drunke with vineger and falt, purgeth flegme: and boiled in Meade or Metheglin, i B ae ssungs,teines,and matrix,and killeth wormes. Lhd led CcC Powder and takenin the waight of three drams with Meade or honied vinegers a J XLMEL > |