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Show $56 HISTORIE OF PLANTS.couered in like manner$57as THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE x Thetemperature. Mint,butit is ofatronger fatell and operation, Water Mintis hot and dric as is the garden A ‘ % The vertues. hath: andalfo to be good againt Itiscommendedto haue the like vertues that the garden Mint ? . berubbed therewith, the ftinging of Bees and Wafpes, ifthe place the hart ofman, for w hiclicaufe they ftroweitin reioiceth. Mint water ofthe orfmell The fauour B where feafts and banquetsare made, repofe,and oftecreation,pleafire,and chambers andplaces CG Thereisno vie heereofin Phificke whileft we mayhaue the garden more agreeing to the nature of man. Ming, whichis fovecter, and & The kindes. ; 1 Calaminthi montana vulgaris. Calamint,or mountaine Mine. r. fowerypon.aftemme,of a blewith colou haue fourid more. ! 3 Calamintha montana prafiantier The moreexcellent Calamint. | ain{t another,{mal,and g dwhiter: the flowers rlands,ofa blewith purple colour; the roote is {mall and moft creeping by the grounde,hauing ¢ foftynot muchvnlike the leaues of Pe stowe about the ftalkes like wharles or lks couered with foft cotton,and al- t hath alfofg Thereis akindof ftinking Calamint,tha theddie:the whole plantofa bad {mel] Ofmountaine <Mintor (alamint. Chap.218. There be three Calamints,as Dio/orides teacheth, The lagerwaiters st Ny which hath harde {quate ftalkes, There is another kinde of Calamint n fhapelike Bafill, but thar they are theothet, with a certaine hoarie or finecotton. The le ide of the ft ke among the leaues, fometimes three or Y Roncfide by onely OR growing ung flowers wand rough: The roote is threddi f % The Itdelighteth to growe in mountaines,and in th inmany places ofItaly and Fraunce, and in other countr ‘ profpereth maruellous well,andveryeafily fowet! thechalkie grounds andhigh waies leading from almoft euerywhere, se The time. Itfouritheth in fommer,andalmoft all the yeere thorowe: it bringeth foorth flow fromluneto Autumne, % The names. Itiscalledin Greeke xzaayv4n, as thoughye : Jegans aut Vt. Apuleius alio profitableMint : the Latines keepe the name C tafram,and confoundeth the names one with ai minths, Calamentum,and {ometime Calamentummo: taine Calamint, : rect apothecaries docallit A£oz 2 in French Ca/ament :in Englifh Moun- % The temperature. _ThisCalamint which groweth in mountains, is ofa feruent tafte and biting, hotte, andof a ee netoand dtie after a fort in the third degree,as Galen faith; it digefteth or wafteth away Aine humours,it cutteth and maketh thicke humours thinne. Th : ¥e The vertues. : cine 0: saps takenby it felfe,and alfo with meade , or honied water, it doth mani- A fies aoe . fweate,and confumeth fuperfluous humoursof the bodie,it taketh awaythe The Bins Wo byfits, ae ae dm VAY hhVem IXY. eG\i) medina alfo fallet oyle petformeth, in whichit is boiled, if the bodie bee annointed and B ed and chafed therewith. leh the eeealdrunke prouokethvrine, bringeth down the monthly fickenes,and expel- C the ide, which alfo it doth being but onely applied. terrae are brufed 5 fuch as are troubled with cramps and conuulfions 5 and that D WS, den andicic Pe a holde their oe vptight(that haue the wheafing give inagsfaich Ga_ltssood for ti ie et a foracholericke pafiton, otherwife called the Felonie. Pa terand pall an a a rasedie yellowe iaundets, for that it remooueth the ftoppings of the E foneds bein ne - takenaforehande inwine, it kecpeth a manfrom being Sibert4 ly one or outwardly applied, it cureth them that are bittenof reese: come yblowes or drie ie it riveth ferpents awaie;it taketh awaie blacke and blewe {pots that betertobe side nn d tings, making the skin faire and white, but for {uch things (faith Ga/en) itis ¥ The defeription. y” edinto man Ountaine Calamintis alowe herbe,feldome aboue a footehigh, pa rt erie one west eu f ches :the ftalkes are fower fquare, and haueioints as it were , ouro with a) of Bafill, couet ed hetpeso growe foorthleaues fomething rouinde, leffer then thofe of the pe fimell: fweere a and whitifh, thinne hairie downe, as arealfo the ftalkes,fomewhat the branchesare gallantly deckt with flowers, fomewhat ofa purple colour,then grower” wad ich is blacke: the rootes are full offtrings,and continue. ; gh, coue! red ouet aa 2 This moftexcellentkinde of Calaminthath vpright ftalkesa cubite hi woolley moffines,befet with roughleaues likea nettle,fomewhat notcheda pout theedges whork™ the leattes come fooith blewith or skic coloured fowerssthe rooteis wooddie, andthe The . goodfmell is ofa very Iekilleeh eer men die, Bee : ; Ng theiuice dropped F tothe cares doth eewormes of the belly, if it be drunke with fale and honie: Dlinie ich chart : €manerkillthewormesthereof, \ tole, and the “ce — be conueiedvp into the nofthrils , ic ftancheth the bleeding atthe G Borde ac” nich Déoféorédes writeth to begood for nothing’) helpeththe {quincie ificbe Pplied to thofeth re hed therewith,being viedin Cute,and Myrtle feede withall. very fe that haue the Sciatica, or achein the huckle bone, forit draweth thehumor H at for the pai €, and bringeth a comfortable heate to the whole ioints Paulus Abgineta ne Be ig Mtuche;, ine of the haunches orhucklebones,itistobe vfedinglifters. terit 2¢ Dinfoy gre is good for themthat haue the leprofie,fo that the patient drinke whaieafI es witnefleth, Apuleius |