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Show THE SECOND. BOOKE OF. THE HISTORIE % Theplace. s vpon {tone wals,gtauelly grounds.bar. The kindes of Todeflaxe growe wildein many places,a . sen medowes,andalong byhedges. ss The time. They fower fromIune tothe end ofAugut, Se The navies. /rinalis:of fome Tode flaxcis called of the herbariftes ofour time, Liwarza, 0 Flaxweéede, and Ofris : inhigh Dutch Lpnkraut, and Onter frauen flafch : in Lowe Dutch Wait Chass ia Englith Wilde flaxe,Tode flaxe,and Flaxe weede: in Italian Belvidere, orfairein fight,whichmay very well agree withthe firft defcribed , asbeingin fhewa moft glorious and. goodly flower, but forum,bi at the nofemoft lothfomlyftinking. The plant called Scoparia, is named allo HerbaIudio caufeit is a fic thing to make broomes of, wherewith {chollers and ftudents may fwegpetheirowne fenerall ftudies and clofets. The particular namesare expreffed both in Latine and Englithin their titles, whereby they may be diftinguifhed, & The temperature. Thekindes ofTode flaxe are ofthe fame temperature with wilde Snapdragons,whereoftheyare kindes. & The vertnes. A Thedecottion of Tode flaxe taketh away the yellowneffe and deformitie of the skin,being wathedand bathed therewith. Thefame drunken openeth the ftoppingsof the liuer and fpleene, andis fingular good forthe B iaundife whichis oflong continuance, : C The fame decoétion dothalfo pronoke vrine, inthofe that pifle drop after drop, vynftoppeth the kidneies and bladder. OF we The time. After itis cuttetedd lune and Inly. . After F ofing i¢dowrethin .p flaxeisfowen in the fpring, it fowrethin Lune ana bieét to the heate of the fur th pusinto so,booke firft chapter faith ) the fralks are »5 of the rinde is a figne when it } dfomewaight laide on them to be ftceped therein , the loc ine, and after vied as moft hufiwiues can tell t Reeped: then isit taken vp and. driedin the fu thea my felfe. 3s The names. Iriscalled both in Greeke and Latine aivor, Lemum: inhigh Dut h tachfs tin Iralian anc . nith to :in French Dy /in ; inlowe Dutch Cilag + in Englith FlaxeandLyne % Thetemperature and vertues. of A Gilmin his firtt booke of the faculties of nourifhments faith, that diuers vfe the feede heere pachedasa fiftenance with Garum,no otherwife then made fale. Theyalfovie it mixed with honie ; fome likewife put it amon¢ bread, but itis hurtfull to the fto- B mackeand ishard ofdigeftion,and yeeldeth to the bodic but little nour if{hment: buttouch tha hath itfom yet qualitiewhich maketh rhe belly foluble neither wil I praife or difpr: to ptouoke viine,is more apparant whenit{s parched : but then italfo taiet z Thefame author in his bookes ofthefacultiesoffimple medicines faith, that L eatenis windie although it be parched, fofull is it of fuperfluous moifture: anditis alfoaftera fort hotinthefirit degree , and ina meane betweene moift anddrie. But how windie the feedeis , and howfulloffuperfluous moifture itis in euery partsmight very wel haue been perceiued a fewyeeres iinceat Middleborough in Zeland,where for want ofgraine and other corne, moft ofthe Citizens werefaine to eaté breade and cakes made heereof with honie and oile , who were in fhort time aftet fivolnein'thebellie about the fhort ribs , faces , and other parts of their bedies in fuch fort, thatagreatntimber were brought to their graues thereby: forthefe fymptomes or accidents came noothenwife then by the fuperfluous moitture of the feede,which caufeth windinefle. Lineleed,as Diofcorides hath written hath the fame properties that Fenugreeke hath: it wafteth D ao By eontions or hot fwellings, as wellinwarde as outward, ifitbe boiled Of Garden Flaxe. Chap.157- a alittle faire water, and made vp with clarified honies it taketh away b efinne burning, called in Greeke Epheleis being rawe & vnboiled sar 1 era Linwn fatinum. GardenFlaxe. & The defeription. round ftalkes. Laxerifeth vp withflender and ow,s {hae The leaues thereofbe long, narr are fare pointed: on thetoppesofthe fprigs roune firtle vp ng fpri which after rs, blewe flowe knops or buttons, in which is conteined the feede flippett, in forme fomewhatlong,fmooth,glib or three r. The rootes be fmall gnd of a dake colou die. % The place. ia d fruicfullfol I It profpereth beft inafatan requireth as Coe it for 5 s place e tdri moift andno mclla faith a very fat grounde, and fomwhat oo r do fowe it thickeinaX Some, faith Palladius, es the flaxe growet mean that by and grounde, wen 9g fine: Pliny faith that itis to befo Wee mag owe: forr one in ly ecial places,efp the grou 5° ware aliud: and that it burneth g alfo Virgil makethit woorfer, which thin ethin his Georgickes : : Vrit lini campumfezes sorit Anema fomtide a pauer ujapa operf letha Vrunt Flaxe and Otes fowne confume the moifture of fertile fields hole Thefame worketh Poppies” inice a deadly fleepe doth yet af uifhes foule aulourednailes to fall off,mixed with en falt peter& figs : itcaufeth ruggeda water Creffes, : n a eeechefk corrupted flegme and otherfilthic humours,ifa compofitio with ae Meu, Bid. ore on,and cafeth the cough. Thecil (OteRe Rien honie made eee a cake, it eee vpluft. F . ttiesandis vied et the feede,is profitable for many purpofes in phificke and chirur- G oe eet makers, and otherar tificer oie : H t Peigsiekc. tretcheth foorth the finewes thatare fhrunke and drawne togiSome alf “Si i a ene angie inmaner ofanointment. - eee Pe fethand veh “laa id etofuc 1 asare troubled with painein the fide & collicke;but itmuftbe I ll it ouermuch heateth e: forif ibe olde andranke, ircanfeth aptnefle to vomite., and witha meee ine Nd ed and implai-K leteoserss RMENEH 2 tele oile,Sa quantitie ofAnnife feede impowder ; leiswigh ae Neellingia the throate,helpeth the fame. 23007 ay es called Co/ace, and Dyfnteriasehich a i. € ees in vineger , vpon the difeaf i elses amped ant an paines of the bellie; Ay it L ae aweth foorthfplinters,thornes,bro- N “*AbOnEs oF ae "e rootes ofwilde Cucumbers,dr tala : . Thedecodticisis an ex ae xedin any partofthe bodie. on parts, “sate foftiieth the ae febathfor women to fit ouer for the inflammati of the fecret a ee Ds feed of Line rea c thercof,and eafeth paine and aking. , Violet leanesSmNaPBEs owes ed Mall ,boil with owder intop made giesk a. dvit} ickwee Z litlehogs grea ego Re ‘facataplatine or ol S cfoftsthen ftamped ina ftone morter with a Ree et eppcaieth allmanerof paine,foftneth al coldexumors 0} ee deth woundedmembers from Pus ings 8g Nand wy i . Ippuration all apoftemessdefen ed, it taketh the fame awaybeing appliedyverie watme 242d morning icy be alreadie rankl Be Cuerin Lp | i of Sa ivi |