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Show THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE OfSun deaw, Youth woortor Ros Solis. HISTORIE OF PLANTS; d st remedte forall note tha Thelater Phifitions haue thought this herbe tobea rare and { e:i sina confumption of the lungs, andefpecially thediftilled warsetheechs ea Chap.155. leepeand hold faft the moifture anddewand {ofaft, that the extreme in acdte of thesu re mrconfiume and wafte away the fame 5 ewife men thought that heerwith che une ‘le been sblerued,that they hauefooner perifhed that vied the diftilled waterheereof, then thole Hewat aa. ae ; hhined fromit,and haue followedthe right and ordinarycourfe ofdiet. Cattle of the female kinde'areftirredvpto luft by eating euen of hath greatly increafed their vaine opinion,without fence orr tokecattle to luft, for that ig increafech adbiting qualiie it ftirreth yp a defire of luf Itftrengthneth and nourifheth the b« mde thereof which the common people do ca 1em Ifany be defirousto haue thefaide drinke effeCtuall for the purp< s;Maces,Ginger kates of Rofa folis in the {pitit of wine, adding thereto Cinnar 1¢ / ke,f fuffering gitit {c egs,Sugar,and a fewe grains of mdfetin the fanne bythe {pace of ten daics more: then {traine the fame,a OF the Marrifb Whortes, or Fenberries. Vacciniapalufiria. Marrith Whottes, % The defcription. vpon flendet ery lowe, it hatha fewleaues ftanding growethv nd Vindeawisa little herbe,a I airie and reddith er,h pick eare an e dik an hollow, ftems,very{mall,fomething round, alittle yeere, thermat the drieft timeofthe asbe alfo the tems, hauing deaw and moyfture vpon g vp little fprin e ther after neth ; and amo and whenthe funne fhineth hotteft euen at high noone derand ; the rootes are very flen ftalkes,ahand bredth high, on whichftand {mall whitith flowers sh Sale where like vnto haires. in leaues, ftalks,and flowers,but muchlefler, 2 Thefecondkindeis like vnto the former confifteth the difference. at %& Theplace. than butyet wateric, and feldome other w here places, funnie fandic,and defart, They growein and alfo vpon bogs. among the white marrifh Moffe which groweth onthe ground se The time. a the wea in May ot Inneritis to be gathered w her 1,t5 f Sunne deawflouritheth in fommer,it flowreth ot glalic witha foorth drawen is that heerof ther is moft drie andcalme. The diftilled water like golde. therein, put filuer golde,,andcoloureth colourlike a glittering yellow %e The names. snamed of others Salfi Rofa Tt is called ofthe Latines Ros Sofis: of diners Rorella : iti : itis calledin high Durch Sonvar eepe at thehorteft uie which hangeth vponit, when the funneis inEnglifh fignifieth Luft woort,Dic# Loopichecruit,which Dutch inlow Suivaiws and Iris called nt ihe provokedto luft. and other cattell, ifthey do bur onelytafte ofit, areRedrot, bicanfe itroreeth theepes parts North the in : woort deaw,Ros Solis Youth fhire Moore grafle. ceg"res rrh & Thetcmperature. th oro i¢iin the four g; being hot and drie Iris afearing or caufticke herbe,and very muchbitin we The vertues. A. fe blifters sto whatparcot t -Theleaues being ftamped with fale do exulcerate andrai uer they be applied, Cbap. 156. x The defeription. He Martith W hortle berrie grow the bogs, marrifh, ormoorifh creeping thereupon like vato w Ide T having manyfmallJimmet and render fhalke i Jaide almoft flat ypon the grounde , belet {inall narrow leaues., fathioned alin {t | leaves of Ihyme,but lefler,an s, like vi foorth litt berriein fhaj blacke Whortle 1 longer; fometimes all ted or{peckeds I Jour 3 in tafte rot ; The; The Marrifh Whore andfuch like wareri{h a cially in Ch haue foundit % The time. out the chd of I The berries are ripe al andin Auguit, Theyare calledin ii tolaie Fen hier” a Cleenbefien: thavis Yat rtes , Who h rit Mar | be 25 1 tlh Oxo names Coram ries: Valerius pr7”4 cinia pati wehane called chem Vac erries , oft rith Whe to the otherberries, Teta es Bae a Little Sun deaw. PT adreafon fheweth the contratie: for{eeing itis an extreme biting herbe,andthat wisnotaltogither without thiy biting qualitejitcannotbe takenwishiatetiesfori d 2 Ros Soltsminor. 1 Ros Solismaior. Great Sun deaw. Se hiely heate in mens bodies is preferued andcherifhed, Buc the vie thereof doth bales w |