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Show aon THE SECOND HISTORIE OF BOOKE OF THE se The defcription. ; E Auanderfpike hath manyftiffe branches ofa wooddie fubftance, growing vp in mahneraf afhrub,fetwith manylong hoarie leaues, bycouples forthe moftpartyofa ftrong finely topofthebran pleafant ynoughto fuchas loue {trong fauors. The flowers growe at the ie, ches fpike fathionsofablew colour.The rooteis hard and woodd * for this plan 2 Thefecond differeth not from the precedent, but in the colour of the flowers h the difference. confiftet pecially whereinef blew other the nd fowers;a white milke bringeth 3 Lanandula bortenfis minima, The Smalleft Lauander. ais % Thedefiription, 3. Wehauein our Englith gardens fmalkind of Lauander, whichis altogither leffer thanany ofthe otherofhis kinde, wherein confifteththe difference. % Theplace. h In Spaine,and Languedocke inFrance the mountaines and defert fieldes, are asitwer couered ouer with Lavander; Inthefe coldcoim tries they are planted in gardens. Lauander {pike is called in Latine Laan and Spica:z.in Spanith spzgo; and Languis, 1 firft is the male, and the feconde the female: It thought of fome to be that fweete herbe cyl whereof Virgil maketh mention in the fecone Eclogof his Bucolicks, ' , Tum Cafia atque alijs intexensfnanibta berbit Mollia luteola pingit vacinia Caltha: AT ; towhomtheycan giue nothing worle, feeing thofethings do very much hurt, andoften- The fowets of Latiander pickedfrom the knaps,I meane the blewpart, and not the huske,mixed B einto poy Cinamom,nutmegs; arid cloue feof, dotli helpé the panting and paffion of the! vimming ofthe braine.and members fisbie& to the pal rink in the diftille giddinefle, turt Conleruemade of the flowers with fugar, prof quantitie ofa beane be taken thereofin the morning fafting, ~ Ttptofiteth them muchthat haue the palfie, if they wafhed with the diftilled w fowets,orannointed with che oilemade of the flowers andoile oliue, infuch mannera folesis,which fhall be expreffed in the treatife of Rofes, OfFrench Lauander,or Stickadoue. Chap.170. I Stechas‘fine[pica hortulana, Sticadoue and Sticados. 2 Stachas multifida. d Sticados, nN : s with flowetsg The maidé faire hir garlad deck as Comet That yeelda fragrant {melas frefh Mingling fweete, Lanander anidyellow Ne , . With purple violet,moft pleafantto behold m icksi And likewife in the fourth ofhis Georg places es nd fing offeat choo ateth of he intre Bees,andfor the ordering thereolHac circum Cafie virides,e> olentia late Serpilla,cy grauiter (pirantis copia Thynbre, About the feates ofBees manybraue herbes are planted That withpleafantaires fill the places of them haunted, _ As Lauander,wilde Time and Thymber,moft fweete infent 1+ Breathing foorth ftrong {inels,their appetites oftto content. Wi Yerthetc is another cafia, calledin Chops Cizamomum, and Canela, as alfo Cafia menOS vcd eD®™ named Cxjis fistula 5 8 anothera {tall fhrubbie plant extant among the fhrubs or heag ~onlit % The temperature. led Cufia poctica. Lananderis hot and drie, andthatin the third degree, and is of a thin fubftance, CP manyaitieand fpirituall parces, Therefore it is good to be giuen any waya gaintt the wa z head, andefpecially thofe which hati¢ their originall or beginning not ofabundance O meh % The vertues. butchicfly ofa qualitt onely. Thediftilled water of Lauanderfmelt vnto, or the temples and forehead bathed thet A. ne refrefhing to themthat haue the Caralepfie, alight Migram, andto them ficknes,& that vie tofwonne much: Butwhen there is abundance of humors,e! ‘s blood, itisnot then tobe vied fafelyneither is the compofition to be taken, wi led wine : in which firehkinde ofherbes} flowers, or feedés.s-and certaine {pices *™ ” bring deathic felfe, % Thetime. They flower and flourifhin Iune and Iuly, % The names. PLANTS. ce fleeped, though moft men dorafhly and at aduenture giue them without making anydifferen ; d fd atajl, For by viing {uch hot thingsthat fill and ftuffe the head, boththedifeafe is 1 got 1¢ theficke manalfo broughtinto danger; efpecially when letting ofblood, or piirging havenot Apobefore, Thismuch by wayof admonition, bicaufe euery where divers raf and ouerbold he like s,andotherfoolifh women, do byand bygiue fuch compofitions, andothers i not fleepe, & hauealfo not onely to thofe that haue the Apoplexic; but alfo to thofe'tl ption.and ofawoodie Thedefcrithere E StLavander hath abody like%&Cates Ren fubftance, but fendstess ai rat be Binatone leaues.ofa whitith colour,l¢fler then thofe of La . the top fr Pele ule oF fpikie heads,well compact or thruft togithersout of the w ric 1grow faor 1 Moodie and EIS ofa pleafant{inell. The feede is {mall and blackifh :theroote is harde Gg 3 2 This |