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Show HISTORIE OF PLANTS. %& The defcription. c hes of a woodie fubftaunce , whereon.do growefingll 2 This Indian Sage hath diuers braun vo re colour, & of.amoftfveetand fiagtant {mnell, The oucri leaues.long.tough,Snatrowe,of am o fawhite colour, in forme like the precedent, The ches braun the topof the t longt stowa flowers ie, woodd roote istough and ine, whereupondoe growé broad, 4 Themountaine Sage hath anvpright ftalke, {mooth andpla Chap.2 OfFrench Sage,or woodie Mullein. Perbefowm Mathiolis ip The deféription, French Sage, enly indented about the edges, of ahoatie co: rough and rugged leaues;flightly nicked, and vnecu ftalke, in thaps The flowers growe alongft the topof the lour,(harvé pointed,and ofaranke finell, e woddie, . likewif rooteis The effe. ng to blewn like thofe ofRofemarie,ofa purplith colout tendi e redleaues Ilde Mullein, v thiolwshis Mullein , or Fr ofare reddifh,part ofthof We banein out eardens 2kinde of Sage,the leaues where d , euenas nature lifttoplate with e andre green , white with mixed - ftripedwith white, othet ¥ groweth vppe like a {mall fhrub,hauing manie woodie braunches of awollie and hoarie colour, foft & downie; are placed thicke hoarieleaues,of a f ~ fitsy part white , fomewhat mixed with We hauealfo another, the leaues whereof are for the moft nature liftjas we hate faide, greene,euenas another leafewhite,and one ereene,often % The place. e them all in mygarden,moftofthen Thefekindsof Sage do not growe wildein England,han are very commion. i There is anotherforth like the other, fauing that tl part of this plant,bath amoft finell,and the other more {trong as % The place. Thefe wilde Mulleins do growe prouinces of Spaine, If ondrie banks,andftonypl in mygarden,and many otherslike % Thetime. of hit husbande, ounces ofthe iuice of Sage withalielefalr, andthen vie the companie are the bleffing of God Theyflower in Tune andI ¥oThe Theyare called ofthe leaxn which without doubt conceaue and bring foorth ftore of children, farre Agrippa. fences and memorie,ftrengt Sageis fingular goodfor the head and braine, quickneth the Verbafca {ylucftria : the firlt caufe, takethaway! the finewes,reftoreth health to thofe that haue the palfie vpon a moift rewed as Noman needeth to doubt of the whole(omneffe of Sage ale being b feedes. Fennell Squinanth,and with Sage,Scabious, Betonic, Spikenard, uicke coa The leaues of red Sage putintoa wooden difh, wherein is put verte q G v alittle and burning, from fame afhes in the bortome of the difh to keepe the on the leaues lieng vponthe coales & {o wrappedin alinnen cloth,& hol away the paine prefently: thei of thofe that are troubled with a gricuous ftitch,taketh greatly the extremitie of the pleurific. ; rf ftatice, asis all the reft ofth gree, orin the later ende of the Sage is manifeftly hotand drie in the beginning ofthe thi rdde binding. or aftriGtion feconde,it hath adioined nolittle qe se The vertues, the Holic hetbe, bicaufe women with childe iftheyoe A Agrippa, andlikewife Aétins, calledit do cate thereofto their great go like to comebefore their time,8caretroub‘ed with abortments it retaineth the birth, and giniethii themfruitefull maketh and’ mattix, the lofeth c , thall duitrine an about the fourth daie of hir going abroade/after hirchilding andthe, fe thal FE yh roundels,or cro like thofe of dead roote is thicke, tough, a ,the Italians, andthe Spaniards, keepe the Sageis called in Greeke tazvisoans: the Apothecaries Sagge: 10 lowe Dutch Saute? in Englifa French in n: Latine name Sa/gia: in high Ditch Sathe Sage. The temperature. «allem, ame the finewes,andpurgethblood. allow, Rofematie, hotnie, — _ Theleauesfodden in water, with Woodbine leaues, Plaintaine,parts oman , oFW man of fecret the wath to water ce, fome white wine ; makerh an excellent a faite brigh cankersorother foreneffe in the mouth, efpecially if youboile in the {ame feacole,which makethit ofgreater efficacie: it {hows : erupo ‘ remooued and p Jantedin Match, Thele Sages flower in Iuncand Tuly,orlater : theyare fitly se The names. the pa the fluxe thereofincontinently,expelleth winde,drieth the dropfie,helpeth , ticke fatiour , in fhape like the leau keThe time. ortrembling ofthemembers,and being put vpinto the noftrilsit draweth thinne flegme ours” as head. of the fides, Iris likewife commended againft the {pitting of bloode, the cough, and paines 4 i y biting of ferpents, oppt blood,and fh Theiuice of Sage drunke with honie,is good for thoferhac {pit and yorni te {fie{tren gam ee Se eT OF THE SECOND: BOOKE ‘ Ge: 4 mate , mat thereof, ¢ onic, madsto keepeReb |; tay sinc: 0 Thryalis Sta sie lamps :Verbafcum Lychnitis, as Diofcorides himfelfe teftit Wete ofcouterpoifon earionaout the flowerof Thryallsisred of colour thefe are yellowe: there Tonya NOZyehy; $ oth fhewe , but the flowers of licande /afcMtes,, or wilde Mul | ater ofRole ia‘ : but Syluestre Verbafium is Lychnitis fatina or rol Ontratie ; bubdhitane that Thryallis , ‘Enelith itis a here may be manyplants withfoft downie sgenerally called French Sage,we may callit Sage Mul % Thetemperature. 9, tur As iefebe 6 Dioio' likes likeir op. 2 az. a ‘ 6 ‘ n vertues to the others going before, fothey be likewife drie in tempera- & The vertues. ; ie ae beafaith s that th ngs, 2 that the leaues are ftamped and Jaidein manerof a pultis vpon burning Rr t and A, Of |