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Show 482 THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE finall blackith fede, The roo preticlitrlered flowers, whichbeing paft there commeth in place re couered oye is {mall and threddie. The whole plant, as welleaues & {talkes,as alfo the flowers,a yourhandes, the withamott thicke and clammie matter like vnto Birde lime , which if you takein hand touched ine. flimyneffe is fuch, thatyour fingers will fticke and cleaue togither, as if your they wilbe(oin rherbs, vponothe do they plant,as the vpon dolight ifflies ore, furtherm & lime: h that in fome hot day other, yoy aways infomuc tangled with the limynefle,that they cannot flie haue called it Catch flie or Lime woon, fhall feemanie flies caught by that meanes : whereupon I e. but fhorter(wherofitislit 4 This planthathmany broad leaues like the great Sweet W illiam, wife akinde)fet vpona ftiffe and britcle {talks from the bofome of which leaues {pring forthfinale fler, The flowers growarthe branchesthanthe aforefaide,clothed withthelike Jeaues,burmuchle The whole plantisalfopofle! colour, red bright ofa fathion, tuft ither top oftheftalkes manytog . quantitie in leffe is,but other fed with the like limyneffe,as the % Theplace. , among thecomeswe Thefe plants do growewilde in the fieldes in the weft partes of England they are pollefled yertues any than re, ofpleafi toyes for rather rdens Londonga our themin haue with,that hath as yet been knowen, se Thetime. ‘[hey flower and flourifh moft part ofthe fommer. se Thenames. : hathwit Catchflies hath beene taken for Behen, commonlyfo called, forthelikeneffe thatit rubra, ort of fome Valeriana Behen rubentisflris, ot with Behen that haththe red flower, called like in colour: at es, butmore Valerian; foritis fomething like vntoit in iointedftalkes andleau tertins: of Clufius Lychnis plain LObelius Muftipula and Vifcaria : of Dodoneus Armerius flos Lime woott. Silene T heophraiti,and Behen rubrum Salamanticum:in Englifh Catch flie,and | % The nature and vertiues. wilde Pinkes and Gill The nature and vertues of thefe wilde Williams are referred to the flowers. Of Thrift, or our Ladies cufbion. ® 1 Caryophyllusmarinusminimus LObely. Thrift,or Sea Gilloflowers, Chap.177. 2 Caryophyllas Mediterrantus. Letiant Thrift,or Sea Gilloflowt™ = . HISTORIE OF PLANTS. % The defcription. 1 7 Hiiftisalfoa kinde of Gilloflowe 5 OfDodonews reckoned amo foorth leauesin great tuftes, thicke thruft togither, final i raffle samongwhich rife vp ft P 11: j were onthetops whereof ftand little flowers ftalkes ofa {pan high, nak nd without 3 133 : 7 tuft, of a whitecolourtending topurple, ’ Rion ra roottislong andthreddic. HA the onunt ‘ 2 The other kind of They Thrift,found Jenon vp. nthe mountaines neere yntothe Levant or Mediterranean . ” $5 med ileniied ballin. Ne tia ad bias fea,differeth notfromthe precedent in leaues, ftalkes, or flowers, but yet is altogither greater, and theleaues are broader. é ; % The place. Theils found in moft fale marfhes in England,as alfo in gardens, for thebor andbankes,for the which it ferueth veryfitly. The other is a ftranger in thefé northre z ; % The time. They flower ftom Maytill fommer befar fpent. i ; : % The names. Thriftiscalled in Latine Gramen Polyanthermum mayinum :0k L’ Obelins aeara: Es : r * > multitude of the flowers: offome Gra h Thrift,Sea graffe,at es % * The temperat Aabbre 4.d ‘s sootin as yet is not knowen, neither doth any feeke into the nature thereof, but cliceme themonelyfor their beautic and pleafure in gardens, Of Snecfe woort. 1 Prarmica. Sneefewoort, W i Chap.178. 2 Ptarmicaduplictflore. Double flowred Sneefe woort, |