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Show PET EAE EB Soe bedi PPE“ EUS TORT Fee PoL AoNo Ts; Containing ig Graffes,Rufhes,Corne, Flags, Bulbofe, or Onion-rooted Plants. The Proeme. =o off] N this hiftorie of plants it would be tedious to vf by wayofiittroduGion,any curious difGalletthe génerall diuifton of plants, contai- nedin Latine vnder _4rborPtsMeHerba: or tofpéake of the o|| differing names oftheirfeuetall parts; more in Latine than onr vulgar toong can well expreffe. Orto goabout to teach thee, of rather to besuilethee bythefinell ortafte, to gefle'ar the temperature ofplants: | when asahand euery of“helt it their place fhall have their true face ||.and note,wherebythou maift both knowandvie them. In three bookes therefore, as in three gardens, all our plantsare beas ight be,in kindred and neighborhood. hath Gr sRufhes, Corne,Flags Bulbofe,or Onion-rooted plants. ull forts of h bos for meate, medlicine, orfweete{inellingyfe. hird hath trees,(hrubs, buthes, fruit beating p lants,Rofins,Gums, Rofes, Heath, Moles, s5C Oo! all, and their feuerall ki ndes. rath chaypters, as for each herbea bed: andeuery plantprefents thee with the La. difhn ane inthe title all view ofthis garden,nowwith our friendlylabors wewill gha grafleplot, lictle or nore oFmay Herbarifts heerto- oft common, or beft know en Grafle, whichis calledin Latine, Llittle conductthee. throu; shimoft pleafant gardens, andother Of Medow graffe. tmepee % The k 5 not mentionedby the ancients, citheras vn1 to them : onely ghey make mention of fomefew, ich as haue come.to ourknowledge, referring the defeription. fmall tufts, of rootes., with thicke hairie threds matringand creeping on the ground witha aten leaues, lif ting vp long, thin, iointed 3 fine land {harpe at the top, ike the taft or, top of the j the foile : foras the firft kinde lie and more drie grounds vntilled,and barren |