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Show 1300 " HISTORIE THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE st The nature. Thefacultie ofthe wilde Poppiesis like to that of the other Poppies: that isto faie colde,and caufingfleepe. % The vertues. Moftmenbeing ledrather by falfe experiments then reafon , commende the flowers agua the pleurifie,gining to drinke affoone asthe paine commeth, either the diftilled water, or{jtuy madebyofteninfifing the leanes. And yet manytimes it hapneththat the paine ceafeth by tha meanes, though hardly fomtimes,by reafon that the fpittle commeth vp hardlyand withmotedé ficultie,efpecially in thofe that are weake and haue not a {trong contftitutionofbodie, Baptista dws might be counted the authorof this errour; who hath written that-moft menhauie given the flowers of this Poppie againft the paine of the fides: and thatit is good againft the fpintngof blood. B Ic is manifeft that this wilde Poppie is that of whichthe compofition Déacodiumisto bem: as Galex hathat large entreated in his feuenth booke of medicines according tothe placesafte ted. Grito alfo,and after him Themifo,and Democrates do appoint apeiev, or the wilde Poppie,obe inthe fame compofition; and euenthat fame Democratesaddeth, that it fhoulde bee that whichi notfowen: and fuch an oneis this,which groweth without fowing. Ofbaftarde wilde Poppie. 1 UArgemone capitule torslo. Baftard wilde Poppie. (hap.70. 2 Argemonecapitulo longiort. Long coddedwilde Poppi, ; OF‘ ons PLANTS. 30% round kno v he The féede is {mal cinéd iti it little little round knobs with {omefall blackneffe toward the bottome, The {eede is {ma | conteined . Gad tad dite The roote is fiiall and threddie. . ; andthe other more rounde; 3 Thefecondis like the firft,faving that the cods heeteof be long, wherein the difference doth confilt. % The place. waies, Thefe plants do growe in the corne fieldes in Somerfetfhire sand. by the hedge and high viitoa village asveetrauell ftom London to Bathe. 2’ Obelsus foundeit growing in the next fielde ftrange fome lifcouer surpofe ie i Southfleete, my {elfe? beingin his companic , of purpole to aifconer fome itrang inKentcalled plants,nothitherto writtenof. ve The time. fe ea Pye te e Bs They flowerin the beginning of Auguft and their fee de is ripe at the ende thereof, » The names. Argemonia, ContorThebaftard wilde Poppieis called in Greeke Apy-ém:in Latine contCORE, dis,Concordalis, and Herba liburnica : of {ome Pergalium, Arfela;2n0 Sarcocoka Her ba ;in Eng windeRofe,and baftarde wilde Poppie. %& The temperature. They are hot and drie in the third degree. The vertues. Theleautes ftamped ,andtheitice droppedinto the eies eafeththe inflamimation therofand cu- & h the difeafe in the eie called Argema 5 whereof tooke his name: which difeafe whenit hapnethontheblacké of the ele ic appeereth white ; and contrariwife when it is in the white, then it appeerethblacke ofcolour, Theleaues ftamped and bound vitothe etes or face that are blacke or blewe by meanes offonie B herbe fteeped in warme water,workeththe like b oweorftripe,doth perfectlytake ic away.Fhec enect, Theleates androotes ftamped,andtheiuice given in drinke,helpeth the wringings or gtipings C oithebelly, The drie herbe infufed in warme waterdoth thefame effectually. Ei fiftula, . being made vp into an vnguent D ‘cer, canker,or wou areth any wounde,vlcer, Theherbe ftam ped,cureth Oraite, with oile,waxe,andalittle turpentine. Theta . é 4. 8 Aneiuice taken in the waight oftwodrammes with wine,t nome, shtely expelleth poifon oranyve- Theiticetaketh awaie warts if they bee ribbedtherewith; and being taken in meate it helpeth themilt or fpleene if it be wafted. Of Winde flowers. Chap.71. x Thekindes. eee ee —_— eS ee Se T Heftockotkinted ofthe Amemones or WWinde flowers, are without number, orat the leaftnot . known ynto any one that hath writtenofplants. For Dodoneus hath fer-forth:s. forts:Z’ Obelit ght: Taber Mortanus,ten: my felfe haueinmy gardentweluedifferentforts :andyet Ido heare : “tstore,differing verie notably.from any ofthefe, which I hauebriefely touched, though Mgured ; euery newe yeere bringerh withit neweandftrange kindes, And euery countrey his SUiIQ t : pi % 2 r ~ o a Fp athe. 8 Sa: rs 2 fo} at plants of this fort, whichare fentynto ys fromfaire countries : inhope to receiue fromvs ~1#8 tir Countrie yeeldeth, x Hefir of thelé baftard wildepe7iptian. rouglhe ‘oh, fy : leaues not valike2 ns fet with ae By eee: eae ass fooe iy accep ole ot rocket, madeofmany{matleaue, y Cut or iageed ab; : out the ed Ses. The flowers grow atthe top ofthe ftalks of ased coxwi % Thede/feription. flower, hathfimall leaues very much f{hiptoriagged NVinde or ,Anemone Hefirftkinde of Adonis-ower: aiong whichrifethvp aftalke bate or na+ Camomill,or vnto #moltlike kedalmoft vnto the top,at which place is fer two or three leaues like the other: andat the ommeth foorth afaire and! ‘ itifull flower,compact of feauen leaues, and fomeg Ip't,0f a Violet colour tending to purple. It is imp ble ro defcribe the colour inhis full obbie.and very brittle ears OP pie. nang <1, Petleftion confides. “Ontidering the variable mixtures, The roote is tuberous or knobbie,and very prittie, © ; he : 2 The |