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Show HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE 360 Tootes bowing backwardes. The flowersin the top ofthe ftalks and aboutthe vppermoftioints are many,well felling, fometimes ofabeautifull red colourlike a Rofe,otherwhileof a light purpleor white,which growe out oflong cups, confifting offiue leaues : inthe middle of which are:certaine little threds. The rootes are thicke, long, creeping aflope, hauing certaine ftrings hanging outof them,like to therootesofblacke Hellebor, Andif they haue once taken good & fure rooting in any 2 Per ficaria matulofa. 1 Hydropiper. Arfmart. Dead Arfmart, ground,itis impoflible to deftroy them, %& Theplace. Saponaria.Sopewoortot Brufewoort, hs Z Trisplanted in gardensforthe flowersfake,tothe decking vp ofhoufes, for the which purpofe stchiefly ferueth. Itgrowethwildeofit felfe neere toriuets and runningbrookesin funnieplaces, % The tame. It flowrethin Iuneand Iuly. % The names. Itis commonly called Saponaria,ofthe great {couring qualitie that. the Jeaues haue, Fortheyyeelde out of themfelues a certaine iuice whenthey ae brufed, which {Cowreth almoft as well as Sopes a- though Rueliiws defcribe acertaine other Sopewott. OF fomeit is called Ush/ma, ot Darmafoninm : 0 others Saponeria Gentiana, whereof doubtleffe itis a kinde: inEnglithit is called Sopewoort, ando! fome Brufewoort, % Thetemperatureandvertus. Tt is hotand drie,and nota little fcowring withal, hauing no vfe in phificke fet downe by any authors credit. 'Theplace. ‘They gowe very commonalmofteuery where in moift and waterifh plafhes, andneere to the brims of riuers,ditches,and running brookes. S IWS Of Arfmart,or water Pepper. (hap.109. I & Thedefcription. ro) Rimart bringethfoorth ftalks a cubite high,round,fmooth,jointed orkneed, deuiding them felues into many braunches: whereon growleaues like thofe ofthe Peach tree,or of thelt low tree. The flowers growein clufters vpon longftems , out ofthe bofome ofthe brat Wi WOW ches and leaues,and likewife vpontheftalkes themfelues, of awhite colour tending toa brightpl WE ple: after which commethfoorthlittle feeds fomewhatbroade,ofa reddifhyellowe, and fomtmt VOLT We A INN Ae) 27> WGZEE i Ce Tee They flower fromthe beginning of Tune to the ende of Auguft, %& The names. WM Arfmatt is called in Greeke vdeenmer: of the Latines Hydropiper, ot Piper aguaticum,or Agua- blackith,ofa fharpeand biting tafte , asisall the reft ofthe plant, andlike vato Pepper 5 whereo! # tile , or water Pepper:.in high Dutch (tater tooke his name; yet hathit no fmellacall. 1d 2. Dead Arfimartis like vntothe precedentin ftalks, cluftering flowers,rootes, and feede,anee™ ting tafteas the other hath,bueasit were little fower finacke vpon the toong, The Foote 4 }Sfeffer + in lowe Dutch Wiater JPeper: in _ French Curage, or Culrage: in Spanith Pémenta aquatica: inBnglifh Water'Pepper , Culrage, and Arfmare, according to his operation and effe&, whenitis vfed in thofe parts. named Noli me targere,touch me not: thereafonofthe nameis, faith he, bicaufeit hath the fom) of Mercurie,the feede ofBal/aming,andthe purple flowers ofLatks hele; all which arem oft wh fome herbes both for meate and medicine ¢ and contrariwife this plant carying the face of win woort, of the likeneffe that the leaues haue with thofe of the Peach tree, ‘Ie hath beene called Plumbago ofthe leaden coloured markes which are feene vponthe leaues: but P/7#e would haue fereth in that, that this plant hathcertaine fpots or markes vpon the leaues , in fafhion of allt moone,of the colour of lead, The roteis fall and threddie: the whole plant hathno taper wile full of ftrings or threds, n 3 There is ({aith Lobe/ins ) akindeofPerficaria growing in Germanie and Saucy, which Tham fome herbes, is moft venemous and deadly, Therefore, faith he,take this note by theways nem s Shae thatin gatheringof ieee is,hauc fpecial régard, thefe wholfomeherbe~ i Hydrop Dead Arfimartis called Per/caria, or Peach- it called P/wmbago, not of the colour, but rather of the effe@ , by reafon that ithelpeth the infirmitie of the eies called P/wmbum: yet there is an other P/umbago ofPlinies defcription, asfhall be fhewed |