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Show 942 THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE London Apothecaries, and gained much moneythereby; one ofthe men dwelleth by the Baooe andBottle neere London , whofe nanie is Cormwale, into whofe garden I was brought to ee the thing thatI would not beleeue; for being often tolde that there it did growe, I fill perfittedie wa HISTORIE 1 Abjnthium arborefcens. Tree Wormwood, OF PLANTS. 2 Abfinthinm album. White Wormwood, rs = not true; but when I did beholdthis great quantitie of Wormwood, it was nothingelfe butcom. mon U4meos. How manyApothecaries haue beene deceiued howmany they have robbed oftheie money,and how manychildren haue beene nothing the better for taking it, I referre itto theindge. ment of the fimpleft, confidering their ownereport, to haue folde manic hundreth' poundes waight of it; the more totheir fhame be it {poke n, and the leffe wit orskill in the Apothecaties: therefore haue I fet downe this as a caveat vnt« 1ofe that buie ofthefe {eedes, firftro taeandwie the fame before theygiueitto their children,orcommitit toanyothervie, %& The time. =.wee ae It Bowreth and bringeth foorthhis feede in Iuly and Auguft. Soe se The names. The French mencall it Barbotine: the Italians Semen zena: whereupon alfothe Latinesname it Scmentina: the feedis called ¢uery where Semen fandium.; Holic feede , and Semen contra lim. $ricos:in Englith Wormfeed; the herbe itfelfe is alfo called Wormfeed,or VVorm{cedwoortsfome nameit Semen Zédoarie, Ledoat feed, %& The temperature. This feed is very bitter,and for that caufe ofnature hot and dry, Offorrein andbastard Wormwoods. Chap.430. & The kindes. There be diuers forts offorrein Wormwocds, as fhallbe declared in thisprefent Chapter. e % Thedefcription. itets the anciit ent"? h deferib ed, which of three oF hat ift bar Her ll at painfu notrm mentioned, toath haueatrunckeot ftock¢ growing to th e height wood 5 Pep iefelte Ree Wo Sp haue £ ” cubits,ofa woodiefubftancelike vntothe Hollihocke, dividing or branching eepr,o! e Pii netr th ke fi voi much R fundry armes toward the top;fet full of {mall iaggedleaues, not VO n no an hoatie Colour; and ranke'fmell: the flowers and feedes are like vato the com elet re) ‘ woode. fe high Y 2° Abjisthinn albam\iath fraight and vpright ftalkes , a cu bite anda hal » rop the broad leaues, butvetie deepely citor clouen, infhewelike-xnto Mugwoortsat e is long" do’ growe finial lowers-ftarre’fathion; compact offixe{mallteau es: the root fibres ainexedvito it: gt |S XM! 3 Abiathinm AEyoptinm , Wormwood of Egypt. 4 Abjinthium inodarum. Vnfauorie VWVormwood, Se Ss % The vertues. belly andintrailes, taken any way, and betteralfo ifa litle the of wormes againft good Ttis A Rheubarbe be mixt withall, for fo the wormesare not onelykilled, butlikewife they are driven ‘ downebythe fiege,which thing mutt alwaiesberegarded. B The feedmixed with alittle aloes faccotrine,and broughtto the formeofa plaifter,and applied to she nauell ofa childe doththe like, |