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Show aphenbin smsaidaaall ee THE SECOND HISTORIE OF PLANTS. BOOKE OF THE and the Syrians did-call Siompfelum, thevofSicilydid call that #maracws , which the Aegyptians s beareth flowers, writing Fireilin the firlt of his Aeneidos fheweth , that the fhrub 4maracw + thus, Vbi mollis Amar acus illum . 1 Origanum Heraclecticum, Battatd Marierome. a 4 Oricanum albuen. White baftard! Flovibes cr dalei afpirans cumplectitur % onbra, Where beds of Time,and Marierome fo foft, And luftie flowers in greene wood fhade,himbreathes in comforts oft, Likewie Catullusin Epithalamsio,ot mariage fong ofIulia and cMallius faith, 1 Cinge tempora floribues Suaue olentis Amaract. Compasthe temples of the head with flowtes, Of Amarac affoording fweete fauours, samp/ychum, feing Notwithftanding it may not feemeftrange, that Maiorane is vied in fteede of m unguenit, Amaracinu called ointment ofthe mixture the wasin that in Galens time alfo, A¢arwm in the place of Samp/ychum,as he himfelfe witneffethin his firft booke ofcounterpoifons. $s The temperature. third degter, Theyare hot and dric in the fecond degree,after fome copiesjhot and drie in the %& The vertues. andhead, being takenany Swecte Marierome is a remedie againft cold difeafes of the braine wayto yout beft liking; put vp into the nofthrils itprouoketh fneefing, anddrawethfoorthmue! prouoketl baggage flegme: it eafeth the toothach being ch awed inthe mouth; being drunkeit yrine,and draweth away waterifh humors, andis vfedin medicines againft poifon. intotie Theleaues boiled in water and the deco¢tiondrunke , helpeth themthatare entering fuchasate giuento and water, making of withdifficultie troubled are themthat iteafeth dropfie: ; 5 ouermuchfighing,and eafeth the paines of thebellie. C Theleaues dried and mingled with honie,and giuen, diffolueth congeal Jor clotted blood,and : putteth awayblacke and blewmarkes after ftripes and brufes,being »plied thereto. The leaues are excellent goodtobe put intoall odoriferous oinements,waters,powders,ioi — and meates. putinto Cerotes,or Cereclotit Thedried leaues powdered,and finelyfearced, are goodto be iy membersoutofjoint. fwellings,and colde and ointments,profitably againft There isan excellent oile to be drawen foorthof thefe herbes, good againft the fhtin finewes,crampes,conuulfions, and all aches proceeding ofa cold caufe. Ofwilde eMarierome. Chap.208. % The deftription. x Aftard Marierome groweth ftraightvp withlittle round ftalkes ofa reddifh colon, ™ leaues be broad, mote Jong thantou” branches,a foote high and fometimes higher. The ofaw hitith gteene colour: onthe top of the branches ftandlong fpikie {caled carts; whichfhoote foorthlittle white flowers, like the fowring of wheate. The wholeplantisofa™ finell,andfharpe biting tafte. ate j 2 . The white Oxganie, or baftard Marierome with white flowers differethlittle from ot dent, but incolourandftature, This planthath whicer and broadet leaues, andalfomues” whereinconfifteththe difference. 1 orig O75" 3 Origanum Creticum, Wilde Maricrome ofCan 4 Origanum Anglicum. Englifh wilde Maricrome. |