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Show 726 THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE fuchlike,in the funne to drie: then are they caried to fome houfe and laid vpon heapes, aswe laie apples,orcorneina garner, vneilt!he marchants dobuie thenisthen do they purtheminto Buttes or OF 5 Vitisduvacina. Stated, or hard grapes, de the them downe with their bare feete, which they call Stiuing, and other woodenveflels, and treade foare they brought into thefe parts for our vie, blacke cartl mie, hauing fome me fumells faith, that great 1 what kinde or fort of Viney o according to the nature of the countrie. and 4 Pua " zibeba. 3 Pua bar bata. Laced,or bearded Grapes. The Vine that beareth Currans, foile, Awife husbandmar fruitful] foile aleane Vir ture nor t o fruits : t¢ ommit toa fatand d ofhis owne naI 2FO a. fruit. before the yoong branches bud foorth’ PzU/adi ss writeth in Februarie:ifthey be pruned later, they ofe their nourifhment with weeping. % The names, The Vineis calledin Greeke terres évbeoece.as much tofayin Latinaspes vitifera,cr the Vine ucfacta, (ue cultiva, tame or manured¥ine: Micheared Wine, and dumrce te Tagantterstha irmay differ from both 8deriendas Ee steale, w hichbelikewifename whi the blacke,andfrom led Wits, bicaule inuitatur ad “Cis cherifhed to the intent to bri Phine maker}; ‘ terty detest iaketh Yq ! Siheba,Alexandringivitisor f Schibing the Ob alters fic Mon he eBfiluestris, ora fecondkinde of wilde Vine, but VONBthe tame Vines U7... : see topsbythemes YN emayname itin Engli a fma! Raifin Vine, %& The defcription. do prow Pee 3 4 ateddith or pallet wine when theyare troden withthe huskes,and fo left ro macerate 01 withwhich if they remaine too long theyyeeldfoorth a wine ofa highercolour. There be others which makeablacke and obfcure red wine, whereof fome bring ie ftersyand confit of greater grapes s others ofleffer: fome growe more cluttered bs al ther,others loofer ; fome haue but oneftone, others moe; fome make a more 4 Ke s" wine, others amore fweete ; of fome the old Wine is beft, of diuers the firft yeetes Wine i excellent; fomebring foorth fruite fower {quare,ofwhichforts or kinds,we hane plentic. ria gre i sare hereof calledin eae si oSyluekixts raris farfit labriifes racemit. ild ees ; : o Ba wich herRowre branches fewand clufters thinne Nes Wine our countrey of : th Swilde Vine eybeen 2 feemels gIwinne. Trifera, or th ne : 28 Moleswhich Pizace in his 16. booke27-chapter; reporterlyto be éal-I > a 0 y 4 } ~ e z q . ‘. ae 5 me foreIe clutter: got tee fundrie fruic ‘ thole arerine : The fit oftheVy Ulters are ripe arid { oh h ore pice like # , yetis thet prefle, 4 of the former. Thefe Grapes do yeeld forth a white Wine beforethey areputinto the 5 we had ratherreta . ineie Stuetirisp Ne of Palfslaranede Coriatho vin En b Currans,orfinall Raifins: Eclogs, se wilde Vine,is calledin Greek mesoyela,and in Latine Lebyufea: asin Firgils 5 This kindeof Vine hath great leaues,very broad, ofan ouerworne colour, wherupo d great bunches ofgrapes, of ablewifhicolour, The pulpe or meate whereof {ticketh ot “bh : little ftones,that f. hard to the grainesor fo the one is not eafily diuided from the ot het, refenbl ‘ 3 a fome ftarued or withered berrie that hath beene blafted,whereof it tooke the name pe There be fome Vines thar brin gfoorth grapes of a whitifh or reddifh yellowe colouts adeepered,both in the outwardeskin, pulpe and iuice within. There be others whofe grapesare ofa blewe colour,or fomthing red Vine} ofAl| ; A ethird chap. = ams by thofe, ety woords that Theophrastus doth, Diofeorides ferteth it downe sinoneyeere, and madbezring } > as Jufeee, : , eo VinesicbieNesy thersburfiowtin dor honchitte Ine ts called in C Tufte bee iste: Lo Lanes sharh vii dn'Latine racemes atid Pun: in Englifh . +a i c : a "8pail@zin abesthashach beene withered in-thefurine;9 isnainedin Greckexeer) th Se nnaor dried ones 3 biticororan, thops Palfista: in Englith Raifins of the funne, i berrie Peitfelfe iscalled in Latine-Acéni,andalfo Grainm;as Demmcrite faithy{peak de or Q «.4.1,: the berries, : , : ; et lescontained wathin arecalled:in ein thon. elONesicontained Latine rmsces, and fometimes SQCarilfiast 1 . : : tm Caruias though the should fayy ArtaKit, Aridyli,bicaule they-are driejand yeeld:noiuice ? > } 3 ; Zz 4 not- |