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Show 902 THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE ;| f do they affirme that haue prooued and feene the experience of propertie and et Il qutialities, and 1p taken in fharpe fawces, it doth well nigh poifon, and thofe which eate of it hauebeene it, Forbe very pale {taggering and reelinglike drunken men, Bewate and n e€ etc ite in theirheads ; torthere is no Phifition that will giueit: bicanfe take good heede of this < } he manvother there be many other OF PLANTS, Of Homlocks, or herbe Bennet. 1 Crcnta, Hemlocks, h Godhath beftowed ypon vs, for the prenetiting Chap.4.13. * Cituta latifolia fatidi ima, | feBre Oac leafed ftinking£ Homlocks, se The ai fersption, 5 Thefiftandlattkinde of Filpendita, which he fourth according to Atathzolus his account, hath leaues like water Smallage, which ze calleth Sy/aus, the leaues very mutch refem =F aePAE ig thofe of Lawer Cratew«;among whichrifeth { andlarge ftalke, deepely furtoweder crefted, bearing at the toptherof {pokieorbufhis rundles of white flowers. The rootes are compat of verymany filaments orthreds ;amongwhich come foorth a few tuberous or knobbyrootslke vnto the fecondkinde. % Theplace. The firft groweth plentifully vpon ftonietocks or moun aines, androughplaces, andin fertil na ft s. Lfoundgreat plentythereof growingin pait a fielde adioining to Sion houfe,fomtime aNun- rieneere London, onthe fide of a medowcalled Sion Medow. The fecond hath beene finfficiently {poken ofin the defcziption, The third groweth neere ynto brookesa nd tiuersfides.The fourth groweth between theplow. edlands in the moift and wet furrowes ofa fielde belonging to Batterfey by London.Thefifegronrs SSS eth neerethe fides of riuers and water fireames, efpecially neere the riuer of Thames ot = at Fulham, bourthe Bifhop of Londons houfe nd fuch like places. %& The time. ver from Maytothe endof lulie, % The RawzeS. natal They are commonly.called Fsipendule:. Thefirlt is called of aQscolsus Mir accu and Spanilh f offome Saxifiaga rubra, and Mullefeliumfyluefire: of Phnie Molon.:in Tcalian ila agit pendula:in Englith Filipendula and Dropwoort,Water Philipendulais call ed Philipend Ocenanthe aquatica,and Silaus Pling. : f f glith Hom. The fourth whole leauesare like to Homlocks,is called of Cordus OfenichinminE locke Filipendula. % The nature. ; dctenfingy2 dyer Thefe kindes of Philipendula are hot and driein the third degree, opening an ae ® with alitrleaftriGtion or binding.All thekindes ofOcnantheshaue thefame faculti¢. A. % The vertues. ; "saa oft Theroote ofcommonPhilipendula boiledin wine anddrunken, is good againtt all rad bladder, caufeth one to make water, and breaketlrehe ftone., The like Déofeoredes nat Oenanthe 5the roote, faith he, is goodfor them that piffe by drops. m thel* ¢ ne amanfrorom B Thepowder ofthe rootes ofPhilipendula often vfed.in meatc, wili l prefer ling ficknefie. % The deferip tow. I wififekinde of Hemloc ‘ elegy > EAR ke 1 0 ints like the ftalkes of moftlike the ftems of DraFennell,of gons, The C i “Cates of Cheruil] sbut much greater, andofa veryftrot towing Gee or atewhin ‘00te15 {}eS hee Cy g by tuftes or {pokie tops, which doc Sand fomewlhiat hollow within. "eApothec: ates in times paft not knowingthe righ AO UD a rE itai latifos lia for the Yetnotthe ames they called it {ame. The k icutaria, Sefeli Pel o “lute that aller [e cum tion and opinion,yea andthe plant itfelfe, wl EU ote : ht vii ruler 1torlothfome finell: chefe things fufficie n des the reaf reof denieand lech or brea notakindeof on s following, Seflihath a reafonable gi isbare: and fingge, jtthis ] without fibres like a Carrot: but cé 0tes are Manne r seat, thicke, andknobbie, like the rootes of 7 e eb) le theleaues, tine ftalkesand flowersof cMyrrhisod ~htolong and crooked feedes,growing atthe top ofthe branchestht C amon Hemloc o & The place. ee s in fhadowyplaces,and ks gtoweth plentifully about towne wals andvillag *Necie ditches, LI! 4 |