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Show THE 876 SECOND BOOKE OF HISTORIE) THE A B OF) PHAN ! The Thracians faith P/inze that dwell in Strymor a, » fatten the ckemelsyitaking very fweete bread t! ligot,and they themfelucs do feede % The vertues. wtiteth, Itisgood againft te itch,and confuming or catingvicers,as Diofcories ammation of the legges, wherein Zenis facerhath gotten Alfoiris good beingapplied t the inf ; / thebelly. The greene ntits ot fist of T'rebudus aquaticusor Saligot, being drunke inwineiseood gor the furperioritic, which are troubled with the {tone anderanell; Of water Saligot,water Caltrops,or water Nuts. Tribulus aquatious. The fame drunke in like maner,or laid out guy venemous beaft,and refiftet! Theleaues of Saligot be giuen ag tionand corruption of tlic iawes,andagaintt ulix Kingeeuill ; Apowder madeof the nuts sare en toiuch as pill Chap.284, }ption, dobindethe belly very much, altrops hath long: flender x ypandrifing ftom Ofwater Sengreene,orfrefh water Soldier. ater certainetaflels ww ~ s haires;theftem ateris-verie I Militaris Aizoides. Fiefh water Soldier ‘‘ of the Poplar % The defeript eft nd notched Leaues | {harp mong verylike cir horles,called Calttops, ut, whicl ike thof viuwm, but fh Ll engins 1d being dried anc Ghap.285. open growe whit leaues,aleogithet like in the middle little yellowi rootes there beJon: like to great harpe ftr which falling downe from a fhoi ; within whichis conin tafte almofft like the gett | ro becate eaten gfeene, to ferue in fteadot brought foorth theleaues, goto th hin Germanieit ches which have mi ; erpla placesof the Z 1 other inthems in tant inft oftentimes ound low countt Mathiole write; 18s, ynot onely in lakes of fweetew alfo in'certaine ditches bythe fea necr vn the water, andyet be theyfeldomer there alfo growe from the fame ott aflope,bywhich the plantis multiplied a maner ofFrogs bit. % Thep 1 This is founde in lakes or ftandiqi ditches, in verie manie riuers in the tries,the greateft partof the flowers ftandeth abouethe + nice. % The time. parts ofthe plant are vr y,and Augutft, * Thetime. % The names. Itflowreth dus marinw in high Du ailes. Mincktjfers + the and water Nutsjmoft do call the & The temperature. laid jsmorel Water Caltrop re,it.confiltethrefa me nice, which inoe teriethenin the land Caltrops,whereina earthie colde lominant,as Gale? faith, % Thevertue S Diofcoredes te ee oodas Lere in the mout water, inpexteddy| dnkers in. the mont gteene, thatis Aloé, which is < Ol Cancriforficula: in Englith water Houfleeke Fts Water C. cl satis Or ie frefh water Soldier,or wading Pondw ting Uharis. a i potamios,or Knights water WVoundwoort,which maylike t ¥ . Guatica, Wa Me pape fi ter] and Miltaris Aizoides,or Soldiers Yarrow:sfor it g a Coney: chely li Pon it,and if; Bas iienar st gic at * NEPAILLE Sa mimithourroone firings which it fendeth to the bottome of the water Thisherbe:Is : te Thetemperature. ed cooling nature and temperament, |