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Show 44 pointed : among the wh ich come foorthdivers naked ftraight ftalks, garnifhed on every fide with Cha roa OfSpiderwvoorte faire {ta his flowersvPoanthe itd dle to the top, of colour reddifh, with ceteaine chiues or threds in Heth Phe eeefollowed thelofed in finall crefted knobs,like vnto the kitides ofAfphodils, non ramofun, 2 Phalsncinn A g 1 Phalanginm ranofum. Branched Spiderwoort. 2p, THT PHORID OF PLAN TSH 7 THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE Vobranched Spiderwoort, & The place, . Allthefekindes growe inmy garden :but not wilde in England, EG % The time, 1 2 Thefirft flowrethin the beginning of Iune. BR 6 Thefecond flourifhethin the endof Iuly,and his {eedeis ripe in September. \ se The naniese The firttiscalled of the Latines andlate herbarifts , Phalingium, bicaufe of his vertuesagainft the biting of the {pider Palen ; in Englithitis called Spiderwoort® and furely itmay well be {0 calledfor this.caufelikewife ; The leauesbeing growento their greatnes, ftand vpon the ground with longlegs, and the knees bowing yplike the {piders legs when he creepeth : andthe whole tuft in the middle refembling the bodie ofthe {pider. Cordus ealleth t Liliago. % The nature. . Galen faithall the kindes are ofa drying qualitie,by reafon of their renuitie ofparts. % The vertues. Dioftorides faith, that the leaues, feede andflowers, or any of them drunke in wine, preuaileth A againftthe bitingsoffeorpions,andagainft the ftinging andbiting of the fpider called Phalan, and ; all other venemous beafts. The rootes tunned ypin newale, and drunke for a moneth togither, expelleth poifon, yeaal- B thoughithad yninerfally fpred it {elfe through the bodie. Ofthe Flower de-luce. P % The defeription. + “He obfcure defcription which Diofeories and Pliny haue fet downfor Phalanginm, et ea Chap.34.. % The'kindes. hath bred much contention among wir ee ters, fomeaffirming that Phalangiwm is Plimits FS Moly ite which error Dodonexg periifteth . This >-plant Phalanginm; hath leaues much like Cone gtafle, but they are fomewhatthicker and fatter, and of @ more whitith greene colour, “Thetftalks little; fmaltand lowe, fome fell exceeding {weete inthe roote,fomehauenot-anie Z\ {mell at all: fome flowers are fweete in {mell, and fome without : fome ofone colour, ey gtow totheheight ofacubit, The top ofthe fake isbefet-with final bratiches, garnifhed with many little white flowers s conipad of fixe little leaues ‘Thethreds:otthrumis inthe middle are whitith, mixed with a fair yellow, which Being fallen, thet followe ‘blacked 'feedes , iaclofedin’ finvall roune knobs, "which be three cornered, The rootesai® many,tough,and white ofeslour. 2 Thefecond islike thé firtt2butthachts ftalke . cence ct OO not branched as the fir(t, and flowreth not 194 moneth after; 3 Thethirdkinde of Spiderwoort,which card Clifies nameth CApphode lid ieinor ; ath aroote om threddie’ ftrings, frony the which a ately rif wpigraffie leaues ¥y: narrow andi fharpe pointed: % The deftription. He common Flowerde-luce hath long andlarge flaggie leaues,like the blade ofa fwotde, with two edges , amongft which {pring vp {mooth andplaine ftalkes, two foote long, bea flowers tqward the top, Compaoffixe leaues, ioined togither, whereof three that ftande¥pright are Béne inward one toward atiorher; andin thofe leaués tharhang downwarde, there are certaine rough orhairie welts,growing orrifing from theneather part of theleafe ypward, almoft'ofa'ycllow eclotit The rootes be thicke; Jong andknobby, with many hairic threeds hang. ing ther E Flower de-luce or water flag or baftatd' 4corus, is like vnto the garden Flower deuce sand ftalksjbutthe leaves are much longer, fomtimes ofthe height of fower cubits, andaltogither narrower? the floweris of a perfedt yellow colour,’ and the roote knobbie like the other, but being cut , it feemeth to be of the colour ofraw fleth: 3 Wri |