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Show HISTORIE OF PLANTS, THESSECGOND BOOKE OF THE ina Mafcata monfpeliaca. Herbe [ue,or grovinde Pine. % The defeription. Thereis‘anotherkind tharhath manyfinall &ten. der branches, befer with little leaues. for the mot part three togither, almolt like the leaues of Role. marie: at the top of which braunches growe len. der white flowers , which being turned outward (chat the innerfide may be feene) do fomewhat re. femble the flower of ZLazzinm : the {eedcislikethe feede ofSpuria altera. There groweth in Auftrich akinde of Chamappis, whichis a moft braue & rare plant,& ofgreat beau. tie; yet not once remembred either oftheauncient ornewewriters, vatill of latethat famous Carol Clufius had ferit foorth in his Pannonicketrautls, whoforhis fingular skill and induftrie hath womne the garlande fromall that haue written before his time. This rare and ftrange plant I hauc in mygat den, growing with many {quareftalkes of haliea foote high, befereuenfromthe bottome to thetop 2 it i raglea in Pontus do vieit againft Wolfea sfig,bane m with The powderhereoftaken in pils vicers being applied with honie: wounds 5 it2 cureth putrified ithealeth. thepapss 1 . r} henrher two: : t ry ett tial other two; but not fo effectual the doth fo performe, doth Pine Roround 0 Disforisles. ae ath riot fa Clafasofwhom mention was tnadeyhath not fa degree f friaas but vetily I thinke it better by many he from thetalte, {nell and comely proportion of this fully plenti haue we which thofe than re ofmans thenatiu vertues Chasen of Chamepy ertues of OfNauelwoortor Penniwoortofthe wall. Chap.143. 2 VmbilicusVenerts minor. Small Nauelwoort. 1 Vnbilicus Veneris. Wall Penniwoort. with leaues fo like ourcommonRofemarie,that it is hard for him whichdoth not knowitexadlyto finde the differences being greene aboue,and fomwhat hairie and hoarie vnderneath:among which come foorth rounde about the ftalks(after the maner of roundles or crownets ) certainefmall cups orchalices,of a reddifh colour,out of which comethe flowerslike ynto Archangellin fhape,butet amoft excellent andftately mixed colour ; the outfide purple declining to blewneffe, and fomtime ofaviolet colour. The flower gapeth like the mouth of abeaft, and hath asicwerea white toons the lower and vpperiawes arc white likewife , {potted with many bloudie fpots: which being: h the feedes every long, ofa fhining blackecolour, fet in order in the fmailhuskes, a8 te Chamepytis Spuria, The roote is blacke and harde,with many capillaments or hearie ftringsfaftned thereto. # Theplace. Thefekinds of Chamepytis (except the twolatt) growverie plentifully in Kent, efpecially abot Grates ende, Cobham,Southfleete, Horton, Dartforde , and Sutton, andnot inanie other fhe in Englandthat euerI couldfinde. Thatkinde ofChamaprtys which beacththe white flower,haue notas yet feene. % Thetime. : They dower inIune and often in Anguft, ys teh f % The names, 7 Pine is called in Greek xeusertns:in Latine lbiga,.Aéuga & Abiga: in {hops Jue Artheris ofchats;in Italian:Zwa:in Spanith Chamepiteos: inhigh Dutch Bergifs mich nicht: ine Dutch Geit erpzeg sin Fiench Inemofchate:in Englith herbe luie, Forgetme not, grounce ine, ang helde Cyprefic. A xe The mature. Thefe herbes are hotin the fecond degree and dric in thethird, Pheles +f ; ! ¥ Thevertues. ee ; ; ; hony, and ae {ranked}HI The leaues ofChamapytis tunned vpin ale,or infufed in wine,or fodden with the {pace of eight orten daies,cureth the jaundies,the I{chiatica, the toppings of the Jiuer, te io The defeription, gteat Nauelwoort hath round andthicke leaues, fomewhat bluntly indented about biring 3¢S, and fomewhat hollow in the midft on the vpperpart, hauing a fhort tet 1 er nedto the midft of theleafe , on the lower fide vnderneath the alke, whereon b 7 , ing water, ficultic of making w: he {toppings ft i ae the of; the fpleene, and caufethwomen to haue theirjr nace B. Chamapyris ftamped greene withhonie cureth wounds,malignane and rebellious yicers,a0 folueth the hardnes of won C : ‘ any venemous beat, vens brefts ot paps;-and profitably. helpethagainft poifon, orm . Aiea BAe Thedecoaion drunke, diffo lueth congealed blood, and drunke with vineger drineth fooorthie dead childe. ithe sata : ithelpeth-the infirmities-of the liuer and kidncies : itcureth they : crunke in wine ; itbringeth downe Deen eats srouoketh wines * So” the defiredficknes,and pro : Ow,ts{mall and hollow,an handfull high and more, befet with many{mall flowers incarnate colour.The rooteis round like an oliue of awhite colour. inde of Wall Pennywoort or Nauelwoort, hathl eisthe Dout oy rifech vpa tender ftalke where ich g of fue {mall leaues of a white co Dd |