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Show THE THIRD BOOKEOOF THE SASListtyFos if any of themtemaine, itis called Tamari/cus, which in times paft were woont not withoutgreat error to mixe the barke hereofin compound medicinesin ftead ofthe Tamariske barke, % The temperature. The Yewtree,as Galen reporteth is of a venemous qualitie,and againtt Mans nature. DiofCorides wiiterh and generallyall that heretofore haue dealt in the facultic of herbarifne,that the Yew tree is Very Venemousto betaken inwardly, and thatif anydofleepe vnderthe fhadowthereof, itcau. fethficknes, and oftentimesdeath, Moreover, theyfaythatthe fruire thereof being eaten, isnot onelydangerous vato mananddeadly,but if birds do eate thereof,it cauferh them tocaft their fea. thers,and many timestodie, All which dare boldly affirme, is altogither vntrue, For when lwas yoong: and wencto{choole, divers of my {choole fellowes and likewife my felfe.did eate ourfils of the berries of this tree, and haue not onelyflept -vnderthe fhadowthereof; but amongthebran. chesalfo,without anyhart at all,and thatnot one time, but manytimes.» Theophrastus{aith, that ovre,ahimalia Gaza tranilateth them Jumenta,orlaboring beafts do die, ifthey do eatof theleaues: but fuch cattell as chewtheir cud,teceiue no hurtatall thereby. Niécander inhis bookofCounterpoifons doth reckon the Yewtree among the venemousplants, fetting downealfoa remedie,andthat in thefe words : Gorrenshath tranflated them. Parcevenenata Taxo.quafurgit in Octa Abjctibus familislethoque abjumit acerbo, DN iprater morem plenocrateremeraca Funderevina pares,cum primumfentiet 4ecr Aritari obftructasfauces animaeque canalem. ree is foundin very vat the grea Of theFuniper tree. Chap.4.4.. % The kindes. ec, one of Aone the Iunipertrees, oneis leffer , another greater, being a ftrange and forren th thefebringeth foorth a flower,and nofruite : the other finite and noflowers. ; pow rowed v ‘Met winter or fommer with i Theluniper tre the Arabians % The defeription. ; a of Kent, vnto theftatureand ere x “¥7He common Iuniper tree groweth in fomeparts ‘igi grote faire great tree but moft commonly it groweth very lowe like vnto a Franket: hatha thinne barke or rinde , which in har regions will chop and rendeitie like vatont gumme orliquot, much cranies or peeces 5 out of whichrifts iflucth a certaine prickly, growing eur et de cenfe : the leaues are very fmall,narrow,and hard,and fomwhat finall berries , § “pich do the branches thicke togither among which come foorth rounde and te, " d{weete intal firft, but afterwarde blacke declining to blewneffe, of a good fauour, an waxefomewhatbitter,after they be dry and withered. estiees with a 2 The greatluniper tree commeth now and thento theheight oft he Cyprpra writer 5 Bellonins ,as berries Oliue biggeas as and harder leafe,and alfo with afruite ding faire blew colour,and ofan-excellent {weete fauour, lange : : galt Stetme dsaig ds: h he th } h Dutc MORChris vit E tlie gury Ofthe Ii der tree is vitially called of po! . Pe = wee a Carat Sandaracha; bur thet Iecj eater ‘cians being : it Sandaraxand; Loree adel s a eatinde of Orpment, which growethin the fame Cth booke 7. chal 1£, Sorn fardiffer from Peragx, or the Luniper gum. Plipies n his belts T nas mn ; of "er inkhies this is the meate “466% Cerinths : called+ Erthraceane 3 anothet Sandaracha, whichis z mallof while. Hay 4 let they beabsuttheir wotke. Whhh t % The te mites. A) 1188 itis namedin Latine Taxwe: in high Dutch phenbatt in lowe Dutch Jhenboows ia ltalian Tajo: in Spanith Toxe and Taxo: in Frenc h vfs in Englith Eweor Yewtree: in vnlearned fhops |