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Show HISTORIEOOF PLANTS, thefe plants haue in times paft becnecalled Glaux.2.folia habens glanca, fivepallentia, thatis,hauing skie coloured,orpale leaues. tin times paft,fome haue counted Giaux among the kinds ofPolygala, ot Milkwoorts, recall the firft kinde of Géaux,blacke Milkwoort,the fecond white Milkwoort, % Thenature. ara h 4 Onobrychis3.C, lusy lorepallido, Pale coloured Medicke Fitch, 3 Onobrychis 2.Clusi. Blew Medicke Fitch, Thefe herbes are dric in the fecond degree. % Thevertues. The { of the commonG/ayx are in vertuelike the Lentils,but not fo muchaftringentsthey ) the fluxe ofthe belly, dric vp the moifture ofthe ftomacke,andinger gender ftore ofmilke, atmheaae litlehard and blackefeede, in tafte like the Vetch, The rooteis ereat and long , hardand cee abroad andgrow Srowine very d : woodiei fubftance,ffbreading reading it felfe ici fatfar abroad, ing very deepe into the ground, ee lothfome fauour:amon whichcome foorth* fiaall and round fkems, atthe endes wh oF do 5growe flowers foikea i 9 § ¢ t Clo like thofe of the great Zacopus. or Med preter PENS pes Pee vnle' col ' “gopus, Medow Trefoile, but loncer,ofanexcellentfhining , purple colour, ig ot but withoutBete {mell; atcer HE followfmallcods on which there ; ini Ww ods, CoE containing threeinches long,in fhape a + The names. Mabie > ~ 4 Thefecondkinde of Fitcl ing t Cocks head of Clu/fus his defeription. hath ver ; epecially whenit is growen to an old; round. hard | Prion, ath very manyftalks, pecially Pe a ede: ' > Found, hard, a1 { leaning to the ground like the other Pulfessand leaues Se very.like etch, of a bittertafte i ’ ' Ga/eea,ar the w ate and and lothfom Mirae a eon a— ~ mer Lading,and {undryotherplaces, ‘ The truce G/eax groweth vpon Bartonhill,fower miles from Lewtonin Bedfordthire, vponboth the fides of rhe declination ofthe hill, % The time. 1063 y inde of Bi ee ee %& The place. Glinx vale. aris or the common G/awx,groweth in{indryplaces neerthe feacoaftes,as at Landi. len ee THE SECOND :‘BOOKE'OF‘THE =F, ae ToGo ZS 23 2. Onobrychisflovepurpurea, Purple Cockes head, —— — g,or Cockes head, Ss Ofred Fitchling,Medick Fitch,and Cockes bead. Chap.505.. % The defeription. V sehetind a” Fitchling or Cocks head, hath from a tough, fnalland woodie 10a many “aes atelike ne acubite high, full of knots, ramping and creeping on - ground, q a Wirtlipondocrouse1s but fmaller and fhorter: among which come toonh {mal ise Jer fte aa iranoad ee pioneeronroest888 blacke feed like a kidney, patscolour, aded,chiere come the finall cods, which containelittle we The defeription. ngand 1 “THe firltkindelofOmebrychishath many {mall and vinie pliant branches, eatin 2] | ping through andabout bufhes,or whatfoeuerit groweth neere ynto: nei ie atthe re{t ofte pulie or plant, id very likevnto the wilde Vetchor Tare :the flowe cL ouer wit topof fall nakedftalkes.in fhape'like the Peafe bloome , but o fa purple 'colout lai rhe blue,whicheurneinto {mall round pricklie huskes,that arenothing ¢lHebucthe feed’ on soeatkinde of Fj tchling hath firme greene hard ftalkes a cubite andahaltehigh. whereMaln in cathe pie tothe wilde Tare oF Galega,buit{inaller and formewhat haitic, pa an mn of es in theend fomewhat fharpe. Atthe top pk sia balkescomasonre sons bi é < i lbottle Bee: and infhape like thofe of the fecond kindes whic being vade ,t “©COds,, wherein is contained little black feede like the feedepaof Fenegrecke, butima 11.0: min ° thi Steis thicke and hard,and of a woodiefubftance, andlafting very long. “l00teis XXX 4 5 Onobrychiy |