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Show 1160 HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THESTHIRD’ BOOKE OF THE Thegraine or berriethat feructh todie with , is properly calledin Greeke tivesCaan: Latine Coccins infectoriaot Coccum snfcéorium : Plinyalfonameth it Cufcutium , or as moft do readit Que quilam; the fame author faith,thatitis likewife named Scolecion,or Maggot berrie, if The Arabians and the Apothec aties do acknowledgeit by the nanieof Chefines, Chermes and Kermes. Theyare dec ciued whothinke that Che/mes dothdiffer fromJnfecforinin Coccumit iscalled TIGL olde, hane onthem no prickles at all 5 but arefomewhat bluntly cut ot indented about the edges greene on the vpperfide, and graie vnderneath ; the Acorne ftandethin aptickley.cu rhea common’ Oke Acorne3 which whenitis ripe, becommeth ofa brownecolourw itha acs kernell within, oftafte not vnpleafant: there is founde yponthe branches ofthis tree a Certaine inde of longhaitie mofle,of the colour ofafhes, not valike to that ofour Englith Oke, in Italian Gramo de tindki ri:in Spanith Grana de tintoreros:in high dutch & charlachbecrtin French Permillon and Grained'efearlate : inEnglith after the DutchScarlet Berrie, or Scarlet graine, and after the Apothecaries worde Coccus Baphicms, the Maggot withinis thatwhichis rainedCut. chonele as moft do-deeme, i The Acorne orfruite heerofiscalled ofdiuers as Theophr aftus faith, dwror,Acylaim, dex Glandifera. The barren{carlet Oke, %& The temperature and vertues. In diuers places there are great woods ofthefe A Thisgraineis aftringent,and fomewhat bitcer;and alfo dry without fharpenes and biting:thereorefaith Ga/enitis good for greatwounds and finewes that be hurr, if it be laide thereon {ome temperitwith vinegers others with Oxymell,or fyrupe of vineger, B_ Itiscommendedandgiven by thelaterPhifitions to ftaie themenfes: itis.alfo counted among thofe fimples which becordials and goodto ftrengthenthe hart. Ofthis grainethar noble and f2- trees, hils alfo and valleies beautified therewith; they grow vitallyin many kingdomes of Spain: they growe in great plentie in Languedotke and Prouence. It is likewife founde in Tralie: it beareth an Acorne greatér, and ofa larger fize then doth the raine Oke, in fome countries lefler and mous confection Walkermes made bythe Arabians, hath taken hisname , which many do highly commend againft che infirmities‘ofthe hart: notwithitanding it was chiefely deuifed in the begin. ning for purging ofmelancholy, which thing is plainly declared by the great quantitie of Zapis Leulus added thereto: and therefore feeing thatthis ftone hathin ita venemousqualitie,and ikewife fhorter: theyare {trangers in England; notwithftanding there isheere and there a tree thereof, that hath beene procured from beyonde the feas; one groweth in hir Maiefties garden of a propertie topurge melancholic ie cannot ofit felfebe good for the hart , but the other thingsbe good,which betherefore added,that they might defende the hart fromthe hurtsofthis tone, and correct the malice thereof. C. This. compofitiomis commended againft the trembling and fhaking of the hart , and for fwounings and melancholike paffions, and forrowproceeding of no enident caufe + itis reportedtorecreate the minde,and to ‘make a manmerrie and ioyfull. D Itistherefore good againft melancholicke difea(es,vaine imaginations, fighings ,greefeandfarrowe without manifeft caufe, forthatit purgeth away melancholike humours: afterthis manerit maybe comfortable forthe hart,anddelightfull to the minde,in taking away the materiall caule of forrow’: neither can it otherwife ftrengthen a weake and feeble hart, vnlefle this ftone calledLipa Cyaneus bequite left out. White‘Hal,neer tothe gare/tharleadeth into the ftreete, and in foie other places heere and there one. % 7 he time. It is greene atalll times of the yeere: it islate before the Acornes|be ripe : C/u/ims reporteth that he fawe the flowers growing in clutters, of a yellow colonrin the moneth of Maie. i % The nanes. This Oke is named in Greeke retver, in Latine Tlex:in Spani(h Enzina:in Iealian Elice:in French Chefneuerd: in Englifh Barren fcarlet Oke, ot Holme Oke;and alfo of fome French Oke, The Spaniards call the fruite br Acorne Belora, E © Thereforehe that is purpofed tovfethis compofition againit beatings aid throbbings of the hart and {wounings,and that notas‘purging medicine, fhall do well and wifely by leauing out t the ftone Cyavews: for this being taken in alittle waight,or {mall quanticie, cannot purge at may inthe meane feafon trouble and torment the ftomacke, and withall thorow his fharpeana ve nemousqualitie (if it be oftentimes taken) be veryoffenfiue to the guts and intrails, and dy 0/s meanes bring more harmethen good. ed Moreouer itis not neceflarie , no nor expedient, that the briftl e died with Cochenele call for this briftle 13 not cChefmes,as the Apothecaries tearme it,{hould be added tothis:compofition:for therewith, died without auripigmentum, called alfo Orpiment, and other pernitions things io! ined briftle ot the er whofe poifonfome qualities are addedto the inices,togither with the colour , ifcich died filke be boiled in them. o sda cnt G__ Theberties of the Cochencle muft be taken by themfelues, which alone are fufficient ne die the inices , andtoimpart vnto themtheir vertue: neitherisit likewile needfullto boi 5 hide briftle togither with the graines,as moft Phifitions thinke: this may be left out; for it maker © thing at all for the ftrengthening of the hart, Of the barren Scarlet Oke. Chap.31. %¢ The defeription. klesround about the edges like thofe ofthe former Scarlet Oke: the leaues when t or CAbillota, Theophrafius feemeth tocall this tree not'Prinos but Smilsx, for he maketh menti+ ans donot cal the d he fhewerhrhat the Arcadi Hbitofone Hex only arid that is of {earlet Oke,an fignifications: a is ee Ota Smilaxsfor the name Smilaxis of many ong “ Ee Lasts an Phafeoluss andSmilax afjera, and he ; we we re ch isalfocalled Dolichws,and aflus a Theophr di the Yewtree; of Smilax tobe Taxus, \ e . Smazlaze is taken of Diofcorides Writer]. kewil fen thusin his third booke : the inhabitants ofArcadia do call a certain ee Smilax, being oe a but tenderer anc s thereof be not fer with:fuch fharpeprickles, bit ofter, leatlet Oke ; the leaue ~ ni, .booke 6.chapter. There be of Ilex fics neWhces hi Stiilax Plinigal{owriteth in his.16 Smilaces, int 1€ pro ans Greci taine ofcet called t, distan ab oles ofOliuetrees; um fteede nrule wonwords may perchance bemoreee BN Talia in which sinfolio “Aifelia troelyplaced Saber, : - ; oe ce or Smilax,istiot reported of any oftheo tel Otkettees for thisskinde ofHex leafe: “Gealittle Oline Hien ofthe fol es to the He barren Scarlet Oke , or the great Holme Oke , eroweth many tim eading Ke {pr height of a tree, fomerimes as bigge as the Peare tree , with boughes farre efer with pl theAcorne orcommon Mattetrees: the timber is firme 8 found: the leauesathe tree wast oe Theplace. the Corkettee, hathas treesé but suber in Greeke called phellos, or verties~ sk Thetemperatureana of ; of the A Th ell or keer ne backe, ashauethe leaues : leaves ofthis Okehane force to coole andrep for foft {wellings,and good are they ed appli enand falte trees: being ftamped or beat bene ; veh weake members, The FLFF 3 |