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Show HISTORIE OFIPLANTS, THE THIRD. BOOKE OF THE to knowe which alfo varie according to differences of the taftes : for fome wilde eete, diuers fat and vn@tuous, others fower, and moft are harth, efpecially the idfome confift of divers mixtures of taftes, and fome hauing no tafte arall, but-as it Peares, colde, andall hauea binding qualitic andan earthie fubftances but the Choke : harfh be more earthie, and the {weete one lefle : which fubftanceis{o esare and} th< |7 ethatare fall offuperfluous moyfture in fome, as thattheycannotbe eatenrawe. All manner of Peatesdo bit ide and{top the belly,efpecially the Choke and harfh ones, which are goodto be eatenofthof t hat haue the laske andthe bloodie fixe. B The har(h and anftere Peares may with goodfucceffe be laide vpon hot fivellingsin thebegin] ning,as mayD' e i the leaues of the tree,which do both binde and coole. : WVine made ofthe inice of Peares called in Engliflh Perry,is foluble,purgeth thofé thatarenot ccuftomedto drinke thereof; notwithftanding it is as wholefome a drinke being taken in {inal °; it comforteth and warmeth theftomacke, and caufeth good digeftion. vine OfthewildePearetree. Chap.94.. %& The kindes. as ee : ; ; to be found fundrie wildesfome > Ven asthere be diuers forts of the manured Peares,{o arethere wilde or hedge of themnwilde and yet ) allhe oe o seater than others, fome of better tafte, an {others vorfe; Sest following, d efcription generall this therefore purpofe: {mall to sreofto write apatt were rfeuerall titles,(hall be fiufficient for their diftin@ions. Pyrum firangnlatorium maius. Peare. C reateat Choke JS rangulatoris orinte mints. 2 Pyrumn firangulat The finall Choke Peare. % Thegeneral.defiription. Hewilde Peare tree growethlikewife great, vpright, fullofbranches, for the mott part Py- ramides like, o of the fafhionofa {teeple , not fpread abroad as isthe Apple or Crabtree: the timber of the trunke or body of the tree , is veryfirmeand folide, and likewife fmooth, a woode veryfit to make diuers fortes of inftruments of, as alfo the haftes offundrytooles to worke withall; and likewife ferueth to be cut into manykindes ofmouldes,notonely {uch prints as thefe figures are made of, but alfo many forts of pretie toies, forcoifes; breft places, and firchlike, vied among our Englifh gentlewomen: the brauchesare fmooth, coueredwith ablickith barke, verie fragile or eafic to breake , whereondogrowleaues, in fomegreater;in other leffér: the flowers are lke thofe ofthe manutedPearetree,yet fome whiter then others: thefruite differ notin thape, yer fome ofthem are greaterthen others; bur in tafte they differ among themfelues in diners notable points, fome are fharpe, fower, and ofanauftere tafte ; fome more pleafant, others har(h andbit tetsandfomeof {uch a choking tafte,thatthey are not to beeatenof hogs andwilde beafts much kleofmen: they alfo differ in colour,euery circumftance wheroftodiftinguith apart would greatly enlarge our volume, and bring ynto the Reader {mall profite or commodities therefore in biietethefe fewe words fhall feruefor their feuerall defcriptions, 3 Prisfylueftris. Thewildehedge Pearetree, 4 Pyrus [ylueftris minima, , The wilde Crab Pearetree, |