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Show THE SECOND ‘BOOKE OF THE Cinara fylueSris. Wilde Artichoke, % Theplace. The Artichoke is to be plantedina far & fruit. full foile : they do love waterand moitt ground Thecommit great errour who cut awaythefide or fuperfluous leaues that growe by the fides, thinking cherebyto increafe the greatnesofthe fruite; whenas in truth they depricedthe roote from much water by that meanes which fhould nourifh the roote tothe feeding of the fruite:for ifyou marke the trough or hollow channelthatis = ee — in every leafe, it thal appeereverie euidentlythat the Creatorin hisfecret wifedome did ordaine thofe furrowes , euen fromthe extremepointof the leafeto the grounde where itis faftned tothe roote , for no other purpofe butto guide andlead thatwater whichfallethfarteoff vnto the roote; knowing that without fuch ftore ofwater the whole plant woulde wither, andthefruite pine away andcome tonothing, % The time. Theyare planted forthe moft part aboutthe Kalends ofNouember,or fomewhacfooner. The plant muftbe ferand dunged with goodftoreof athes for that kinde of dung is thought bef ot the planting thereof. Euerie yeere the flips mutt be torne or flippedoff fromthe body of theroot and thefe aretobe fein Aprill which willbeae fruite about Auguftfollowing, as Colnmels,Pal te teeth andftirreth vp the lu liince moreouer,that the ro . ay,the fame roote be boi wuneswhereby the ranke and rammith fay I Cardum: ch 1 thear me halec 36. th foorth ple Iti¢ o / ismuch amendedJe henius. The golden Thiftle, %& The names. <4 The Artichoke is called in Latine Cinara of Cin#s,athes,wherewith it loueth to be dungea one calleth it in Greeke Kiveee», but with » and v in the firft tyllable, offome Cinara cattos: E isn a " Italian Carcsoffz Archiocchi :in Spanith Alcarrhofa: in Englifh Artichoke: in His 0M, in low Dutch Artichatert, whereupon diuers callit in Latine Articocalus, aud Ayticota Dutch Strobilaog. : sas The other is named in Latine commonly notonely Spimofa Cinara, Ote prickly Aries , of the Spaniards Caleta alfo of Palladius , Carduus: of the Italians Cardo, and Cardio: French men chardons: Leonhartus Fuchfius, and moft writers take it to be Scola Dil or but Scolymus Drofcoridis hath the leafe of Chameleon or Spina a/ba,with a ftalke full a oe: ole prickly head: butneitheris Czzara the Artichoke which is without prickles, oSae f afi sodas withprickles anyfuchkinde of herbe; for though the head hathprickles ,yet thef Ieaues , butis manytimes without leaues, or elfe hath notpafta leafe or two. a foott agree with thatwhich Theophrastus and Plinie callxuns, Cactus , and yet it doth ua os {talkes fromthe rootecreeping alongt the ground :ithath broadleauesfet withpric he (eede amd die ribs ofthe leaues,the skin pilled off, are good to be eaten,and likewife the fruite | ‘id h cian downe taken awaysand that whichis vnder is as tender as the braine of the Date paid immed Theophraftws and Pinte report of Cad¢us: that which they write of the ftalkes fent fa the ribs o ately ffomthe roote vponthe grotinde, which are goodto be eaten , is aa xcept CCP Te + fralkes tit leaues:eueryfide taken away (as they be ferued vp atthe table) may belike aftalke, reainc aN ht Sicilia,where they grew onely in Theophra/twstime: it bringeth foorth bothce nooued andy on the ground,and anotheralfo ftanding ftraight vps but afterwards being i: dclimee intoItaly or England it bringethfoorth no more but one vpright: for the foile pscuaile in altering of plants,as notonely Theophra/iusteacheth , butalio cuen* erience# ieneliededie ee ea diys,and commonexperience teacheth. |