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Show HISTORIE OF PLANTS, THIRD BOOKE OF THE *T he de[cript on. Of bastard Priuet, Chap.55. > The fecond Cyprus called alfo Phidyrea Latifolia, is very likethe former in body. branches 4 : x , S ; 1 leaues.flowers,and {ruite: and the difference is this,thatthe leaties of } this plantare broader,butin facultie they are like. 3°Phillyrea errata 2.C Lusi. “The fecond toothed Priuet of Cla/fusdefcription, ; 3 1 Philyrea arbor,verior Macaleb, Baftard Priuet, eneem Corall Priuet, % 7 he defcription. This kinde of Pret rifeth, yp. like an hedge buth,of the height of fiue or fixe cubits: thebran- ches are long , fragile.or brittle, coucredwitha whitith barke : whereon arefet leaues fomewhat broad, iagged on the edges like the teeth ofafaw, and ofa deepe greene colour: among which come forth the fowets,which neither myauthor normy {elfe haue {eene: the berries grow vpon{mall footftalkes , for the moft part three togither, being round, & ofthe bignes ofpeppergraines, or Mu. till berries,ofa blacke colour whentheyberipe, x The place. ria neere the citic Thefe plants do growe Afcalon, and were foundby our induftrions Pens, in the mountaines neere Narbone, and Montpellier in France : the which I plantedin thegarden at Barne Elmes neere London, belonging to the right Honorablethe Earle of Effex; Lhatie theat growing in my garden likewifes ke T he time. The leaues fhoote foorthin the firtt ofthe fpting : the flowers fhewe themfelues in Mate and Tune:the frnite is ripe in September. % The names. wbevess sandoFff This Priuet is called in Greeke x Latine alfo cypras’, and maybe namedin Engi Eafterlin Priuet,and Mocke Priuet,for the realon taking plini¢ following ; they are deceined who rhatis Ligujfrwm,orout for their author,do thinke Heant} Wefterne Priuet,as we haue fhewed in the former chapter: itisthe Arabians24/kanma,ot andisalfo calledof the Turkes Hemne,cuen at this prefent time. % The temperature. ofPriuet hauea binding qualitie, as Dixjcors des writeth, The leanes of thefe kindes we The vertues. lammau inflam inft t inf i againf edi¢ A Being chewedinthe mouththey heale the vlcers thereof, and are arem ons,or hot {welli B : againft burnings andfcaldings. sehaiteted is good atl on, 4 omaketl 1 foo. seing ftamped andfteeped inthe inice of Mullen, and Jaide the neather: pattsom™ alfo ae ongthe th alfo udeitnt hater haire,but the onely oaatart not S o that 2 . Bellonius writeth, as Diofcorides 0 Thedec body,and nail Turkes. wife are colourediand died herewith whichis countedan ornament ales . : % The defiription, ae fhrubbie tree called ALsealeb or Maha A fealte : id vefnreadie.c hedgetree not vnlike hauin mice vntothe vnto the Damfonor Damfon or Bulleffe Bullefle tree tree,hauir fading Pp ding branches:whereon do grow leaues noryniike to thole of inl or pton: among which come foorth moffie flow ; cine owing inclufters,many hangin A ee nebetries , greene at thefirlt. : Ich lieth akernell ne; ty Pit resand Mathiolushauefer nal hedge tree,hauin final meth to tNElme trea¢,fomewhat {nipt about th shard a2 bead ofcorall,fomewhat wench P stiumers do bore through making Wie! the f 3 , thereof bracelet; ; : ee es e ; orother, a1 i ito guento England mearedouer with fome odde {weet compound Money, urious Ladies and gentlewomen for rare and {trange Pome-ambers, for ¢ Is ethheadach, ae eat 204 D The Sowers being moiftnedin vineger,and applied to the temples,aflw E goo fmell,and of Cyprinum,lweete O/eum anoile,called thefe of fo made bs i fupple the finewes. I + The place. Thefe ty, ers in England. » eietteesSiGdoe Stowin diuers places ofFrance,as about Tholonfe,artdfindeyother places | te ag The g Oweerr sbud foorth Staniats fpring,the%{ruThitee istimripe e in Nouember and Decemb ‘ i f pei liii 4 er, (SSee- Sh alent ah eee THE |