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Show THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS, 817 argueth allo that AZathjolws hath vnptoperlycalled itLadoaconitimthat is,falle or baftard Aco: Of Woolfes bane. Chap.356. The kindes. yellowcolour i ke, me ofWoolfet s bane :moftof them britig foorth Aonetiahs ters forts$O DI q | Here1¢eTe beditiers fomegreaterothers are there ones yellow the among purple: to tending ablew,or with others Sr leaules,and others narrower. others. ofof naixo of !broader- leaues,and leffer,fome DP }, J ; wohandfuls high | about the middlewhereof, and towa kafealone, fomtimes two,and very feldome three or fower, thetop 5 COT c pallesand alittle nicktabout the edges likethe combe ofacocke, The leg fnoothon the vppetfidejand not much valike the leaues of Cyclamen «th Thora Valdenfisfamine. Broadleafed female Woolfes bane, 4 ae I eet eeooaai fed Woolfes bane. nite;for without queftion there is no woorfe or more {peedie venomme in the world,nor no Aconite ottoxicall plant comparable heereunto, An lyetlet vs behold the fatherly cate and providence of God,who hath prouided a conquerour and triumpher ouer this plant { emous,namely figoniftAntithora, orto {peake in fhorter andfewer fyllables, thors, which is the very ortemedie again{t the kinds of Aconires, The ftalke ofthi plantis fmall and rufhie t oftheftalke, in colour andfafhion like the flowers of Cinkefoile, or are fmall,haning many round andthicke truncheons,fharpe andfle theftalkeitis knottie,not vnlikethe rootes of Asthoraor Afhodelus, f nde of com- nd fomwhat ‘owat the top aflé: the rootes the bottome 5 but nexe Dodonavshath more truelie drferibed this plant in his Jatt edition,then penzhath . who hathfaulted in two notable relpects 5 fiftin the rootes,and fecondly in the flowers both which are muchvarying, yea nothing neere the tue picture, se 2 ‘Thefecond broad leafed Woolfes bane of Valdenfe: (ot of thofe people fometimes called Sclauonians) hath one onelyftalke,and the f ounde, two handeshigh: w hereupon do growe thtee or fower leaues,feldome mote,which be fomething harde, rounde,fmooth, ofalight greene colouttending to blewnes,like the colourof the leaues of Woad, nickedin the edges, The flowers growatthe top oftheftalkes, ofa yellowcolour, lefler then thofe ofthe fielde Cr. sother= wiealike in the place thereof gtoweth aknop or rounde head wherein ls i or tenclogss faftned togither withlittle ftrings vnto-one is the feede: the head, like thofe of the whit (phodill, 3 Thora montis Baldi. 0 Mountaine Woolfes bane, % The defcription. ace whe Hefirftkinde of Aconite,offome called Thora others adde a isp weth in great abundance,witichis the Alpes, & callit Thora Va i : his name ofthe Grecke word eftee, fignifying corruption 2 m el whichare the certaine effects ofthis pernicious plant: for this they v Ca ae when they meane to infe& their arrowe heads, the more {peedily vale ie whi and fauage beatts, whichdogreatly annoythofe mountaines of ned a Pe sae a isbrouglit into the matt townes necre vnto thofe places to be foldev n oh g it foorth in hornes and hoofes seineaia % ites; for an attowe touched therewith , Jeaueth “pt rounde about the wound thefe! ' t ybe accounted as firft and chicte 0 ’ g malignant ies aforelaide, This ™ 4 Thora Sabaudica, Sauoie Woolfesbane; |