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Show ¢ oreatRole,whichis generally called the great Prouince Rofe, which the Dutch mencannot a forfav theyircame firft out of Holland,and therefore to be called the Holland Rofe: bur hood it came from the Damaske Rofe, as akinde thereof, made better and faiterbyatt, metho agree withtruth. soutprickles is called in Latine Rofa fine pints, and maybe called inE glifh, the fe without thornes , orthe Rofe of Auftrich, bicaufe it was firft brought fromViennathe Me. tropolitane citie of Auftrich,and giuen to that famous herbarift Carolus Clujius. %: The temperature. ’ The leaues ofthe fowers ofRofes bicaufe they do confit ofdiuers partes, hanealfodiuers and fandrie faculties; for there be in them certainethat are earthic and binding , other moift andwate. fie,andfundry that are {piritwall andairie parts .w hich notwithftanding arenot all after one fortsfor in one kind thefe excell,in another thofe: al of them hauea predominant or overruling coldetem- perature,whichis neereft toa meane,thatis tofay,of firch as are coldin the firft degtee:moytt,aitic 1 {pirituall parts are predominant in the white Rofes,Damaske and Muske, ne famebeing putin iunketting dithes,cakes,fawces,and many other pleafant things, giuetha . sar deleétable tafte. frefh icin itigateth the paine ofthe cies proceeding of a hot caufe,bringeth fleepe,which alfothe oe tfinell. andpleafan fweete throughtheir provoke hemfelues thefe Rofes, efpecially of Damaske, doth moueto the ftoole,and maketh thebely The iui ts tually of the Muske Rofes, next to themis the iuice ofthe Damaske, which foluible: butt i more commonlyvfed. E SeTheinfulloriof chem doththe fame, and alfo the firupe made thereofcalled ol the infufion,ia "or Serapium the Apothecaries calli firupe of Rofes folutiue,which muft be made of drie times fteeped. hich creat number ofthe leaues of thefe frefh Rofes are diuers and is no neede a? fitable to make the belly loofe and foluble , when as either there efides thofe excrementswalcl ation, or thatit is not fit andexpedient tov maticke,and now& tea tin the firft andneereftv : nes, er medici ftrog other e aa ain ee i3 Yeertrain {ie it : eth no other excrements,vnlefie it purg in hot but. eat 'm , : } tise 3 7 of hea tenandcoole, and thereforeiit: e doth moyf Wk arc . 1 1 : : ct . © g i l ons intrai the mmati of nitigateth the infla H & ftemacke, for itleaueth it mo aweak tof thefe pr leaues the ea areet Fe Offlike vertue alfo a uilea , efpecia lly if they be onelybr boiled, than her with the hands,anddiligently temperedwith Sugar,ar dfo beatat the fire rat ve The temperatureof Red Rofes. be of a deepe anc lin the other that Thereisin the red Rofes, which are commot 1 euery where, ¢ g qualitie, yernot din bin ingand ; dry alfoa fubitance, earthie purple,called Prouince Rofes, a more ch they lofewhen Sc being in them whentheyare as wet1, whi ioyned, moyftute without certaine yernot!o . ; ~ ‘ ~ ° : = . 7 Se Sie ade odi Cc ble, ‘chin CS oe the make and infufion dothalfo their iuice dried theybe ) 3 = forthis caufe fe : i aaceand e acstheir moyture §gone, Jobi ce Ire much asof the others aforefaid. Thefe Rofes being dried, S drie; and likewife coole,but leffer than whentheyare frefh. % The vertues. I. K M vied 4 eee Pale kidneies, antes and wandGner we railes ; ae they drie ane r CO Tt other weake to theliuer, Theygineftrength : 1: -ineg. whethertheye J “nes 1 ca pee inal erraine like Andtheyare putintoallkinde of counterpoyfons andother inding,' eG) F EaA ae whichtheygine . : aneffectual orto be inwardlytaken,to applied be outwardly ftrengehening qualitie. sft them,!s mo? mad which is : fed & ¢ Honie of Rofes,or AZé/ Rofarum,called in Greeke foe em,which is made of be cleat to need e hau as things fich iffues, and generallyfor good for wounds,vicers, ey, he teraperature and vertues ofthe partes. rbloomings o fes. that is af 2 alias : ae, Biefowers 0 , gst f Rofes,thatis to fay,the yellow haires and tips,doinlike maner drie B mdbinde,and that more etfeCtuallyJ than the leauesue of the t} feleecstlthe fame temperature: ea He Rofes NOs themieluess thectips z dbeards be of: but feeing noneof thefehaue any {weete {mell. they ar f ee sficiliaror beneficiall eon, auc any lweete {mell, are not fo profita. bltor lo familiar or beneficia to mans nature; notwithitandingin fluxes they at the fea it fhallauaile | iru e cet {1 . < : © ay aliaua tieGhirurgion greatly, to carrie ftore thereof with him, which doth there preuaile much more thanat the land, fameyyellowcalled ; sea tiaie ; : . The fame Anthera taieth not only thofe laskes and bloodie { ich dohapC o {eg | ) AN 1 as oe penatthe fea, butthofe at the»|4 landalfo, andlikewife the wl luxe and redin women iftheybe , . died,beaten to powder, andj two {cruplestherof giuen inred wine, withalitrle pc Ware f Ginger 4 . andbeing { 4 the fea, afr : Sg aie mate ici ENING E: auiedthereto: at for want ofGoredwineyou mayvfefuch liquor as you can ae fichextremitie, : i ¢ © Thelitele le h heads or : buttons ons of the 1e Rofe Rofes sas Pliny Li writeth,do ein 17° gdh EO alfo ftat h bleeding & ftop the lask, D Thenailes or white endes of the le , of the flowers.g od fatwaterinoeie E cle) azainft the ides es middog,as he alfo declareth in his 8 booke 41 vhs Pr One ’ Theiuice, infufion, or decoétion of Rofes. a hitgentle, loofing, opening and a ; alpiaces,ofeuery kinde orfexe of p ople,both olde and yoong,without danger orperil], Beorateoftheinfution of Rofe ea mmolt i gular and gentle loofing ine,carrying H Me Binoche eat eS oa Ler ele oteachy the yellow ee ‘ ing e hare, and taketh aw ay the extreme heate in agues andburning feuers whichis thus made : ; a ero ofRoles, the white endes cut away,put themto ficepe or infu nihelie Me oe velfell for the fpace of twelue howerss then ftraine them ii. eeead warme the water againe,fo lec it ftand the like time: tktboyleitmee an adde vntothat liquoror inf ion, fowerpoundof fine o teasing ae orme of a firupe,vponagentle fire, cc inuallyftirring Wbince a a cepe it for your vfe, whereof maybe taken in white wine, WO. Tenetice ofRotes is very profitable for the ¢ forelaidade een white nailes cutaway,what quantitic y ou pleafe,ftamp them, and ftre ineeboiln a spall pu tothe fire, adding theretofig 5 according to the quanti 7 ther Po eecane fire vnto'a good contiftence, ae ArET), ‘ tll colous ie may adde a few drops of oyle of Vitriol, which gineth it amoftl Iayaddetherer Ci nelpeth the force in cooling hot and burning feuers and agues : you like BEince ee teantitie ot theiuiceof Limons,which doch t ne atboyling ae Xofes as well that which is crude and rawe, asthat which is tefon - 218 the morning fafting, and laft at night, ftrengtheneth the h ig’and trembling thereof, ftrengtheneth theliver, kidneies, ando word i P flomacke that is moytt andrawes f thew ; fen nets be vfedforthe purp oie afore ee Pinte anda halfe of Rofes, the nailes cut off, one pound , put into acleanepan i bleeaing: weake ftomacke that is fathie and moyft; ftay thewhites and reds, ftanch & ‘ | say and moyften the body. and loofe, thebody,ftayfweatings,binde LL. e They ftrenethen the hart,and helpe the tremblingand beating thereo z e y Theroote of the wilde Rofeis a fingular remed & The vertucs. iftilled water of Rofes is goodfor the ftrengthening of the hart, andrefrefhing of the fpi. cooling, = require a gentleSatin that nd 5 likewife. forall things ee ‘ or ay i‘ = 1083 ftande OMacerate clofe.., {calding water,ftirring them togither with a woodenflice eahemae keer adUn oe me two or three howers3 then fer them tothe fire tonyome howes Pounds of fugar inpowder, etting chem fo fimper togitheraccoraingto alicre he fame ma ok more,then keepe it for yourvie. : i hoyle in ant another way,but better by manydegrees : Take Ro te More watersif aie paniags ard to the quantitie for if i : ny tewer, the leffe water will ferue : the which you1 all Doyle Methowers hea. 2CUEN as you would boylea peece of meate, vntillin thee MHS) Seen and the thing td, By eRofes will lofe theircolour, that you would thinke yourlabour loft, ptoceede 5 for thoughthe Rofes haueloft their colour, the water hath got 's Aaaa 4 inet 2 eee narewAlhir heie parts or Curo OF PLANTS, le dothninicig mitigate allkindes off heate, he; ac eee ‘ Theoyled andwill will not fitter inflammations or hot fwellin stoA rieand being rifen it doth atthe firft aff ecthem, § eeeemeneees eaee HISTORIE THE’THIRD: BOOKE OF: THE broughtin. the Rofe of Melaxoaciticin Afia , from whence fome haue thought it wasfirtt |