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Show HISTOPIE OF Tragoriganunot Goates Mat ierome,is vety good againft the wambling of theftomacke, and afame force and facultiesthatthe Marieroms,hau or w ilde aah ethe Cua Thefe baftardekinde > ; s ofOrganie oned in the fame c hapter, other Organies haue forthe difeafes menti Ofherbe Masticke. Chap.210. fheweth Matticke is called of thenew writers Afsrum.: of Dz fiorides Clinopodinrs...Diofeorides and of the Lathat Chinopodinam is Sitio", tharistofay.alitle fhrab : of fomeitis called C/eomieum, tines Lertipes. : $e The nature, Thele plants atehot and drie imthe third degree. % Thevertues. Diofiorides writeth, that theherbe is drunke, andlikewife the decoction thereof, againft the bi- A tings ofvenemous beafts ;crampes‘and conuulfions, burftings and the ftranguric. The decoction boiled in winetill the third part be contumed, and drunke, ftoppeth the laske, in B 2 Afarnm Syriacum. Affyrian Matticke. Herbe Matticke, 545 % The names. the fower belchings ofthe famé,and ftaieth the defire to voritejefpecally atfea, 1 Marun. PLANTS. % The time. ‘They flower about A uguftjand fomewhat laterin colde formers, * The wertues. 4 eR them that haue an ague; anid vritoothersin water.’ OfPennie rayall,or Puddinggraffe. 2 Pulegiummds. Vpright Pennie royal, 1 Puléginm regium, Pennie royall. 2S Chap.211. 4 WP A AS %& The defcription. f faftich eS os He Englith andFrench Herbarifts at this daic docall this plant Mafticke or 2 " is king thisname Afarum, of Maro king of Thrace; though fome rather fuppor 1 corruptlie tobe deriued of this worde Amarathwm , the one plant beingio an , red * thar many leatned-hane takenthemto be one, and thefelfe fame plants others hanet cals Dodonaus,hauc Some,as Marierome. of akinde is doubtleffe which for Sampjuchus, , by thenameof ¢/mopodium,whichis alfoanother plant andnot Matticke. the f If any bee defirous to fearch for the true A¢aum, let thembe affured tha fe mentionedis thefame: but ifany do doubt of the fame, for nouelties fake, heer is as i your viewe plant ofthe fame kinde (which cannot be reieCted) fora fpeciall kinae a hath a moft pleafant fent or {mell;, & in fhewerefembleth Marierome ana Origanum; Oc Marierome,but ches ote and more long : the heads tufted like the common {inall twig fer and like eAfprtus: the roote ofawooddie fubftance, with many ftrings hangingther i cheereof fet foorth by L’Obelivs , which J haue notas vet feene »® __ There is anothe felfe hath well defcribed,whichI leaue to a better confideration. i plants are % Theplace. and fowenin gardens ofEngland,andthere mainteined w diligence fromthe iniuric of ourcoldclimate, 7 Jiqh greatcase” a ca epae enena Seeeeeaneaedalel SS a La THE SECOND, BOOKE, OFTHE = I % Thedefeription. J u ; : P Pei Sieh regiwn vulgatum is- {o exceedingly well knowneto all our Englifh nation, that it needeth node‘cription,being our commonPennie roiall. oie r the fecond being the male Penn ie eth roialvpri lis like fre atthis male kinde grow the “ld differeth forme r,in flowe ofhimf ght vnto rs, and with elfe creeps,ing, out leaue much like in th to wilde Marierome. "1 de kinde ofP, nnie roiall groweth like vnto Time,andis ofa wooddie fubftance, fomeRemco MO the thinne leafed Hyflope,of che fauour of common Pennie royall. 3 Puleginm Mr t |