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Show HTH EST GR LEO © ET PIDAN Ys, THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE set Thetime, Thefe herbes do flower in Maie and Iune,and their feede is ripe in September. % The defiription, The names. I Golde ofpleafiure,is called in the Latine toong Ery/imumsivis called properly Atyagrumsfortha into fiindrie braunches , with like Jeaues growing onthem,but lefler; at chetop wherofare orderly placedfinall white flowers: after.chefe come vp little feede veffels, fatyand cabered narrow atthe ftemmeliketoa certainelittle pouch orpurfe;in whichlieth the his firlt Booke ofthe faculties of nourifhments,and Theophrastus likewife do:call piwor,Scis delete notwithoutftrings, bed by Dioforides in his fecond booke:wherofGalen in his'6.booke ofthe faculties of fymple met Theophra tus: for Dinfoide cines hath made méntion ; muchdiffering from this Eryfimum of uenture through thelikenes ofthe leaues whichiit hath with the other AZe/ampyrame of Thephe fins and Galen, differing alfo from Atyagrum or Camilina, % Theplace. Ye The temperature. Thefe herbes do growe ofthemfelues for the moft part,neere common high waies,in defercand vatilled places,among rubbifh and olde wals. : Thefe plants be horand drie inthe thirdedegree, I % The vertues. A Itisthonght faith Dioféorides,that the ronghnesofthe skinneis polifhed and made {moothmih the oilie fatneffe of the feede of Myagrum. B Rwellins teacheth’, that the juice ofthe herbe healethvicers of the mouth, and thaethepoor ; peafant dothvie the oilein banquets,and therichin their lampes, C Thefeede ofCamelina tamped andgiuenchildrento drinke, killeth wormes, and driueth them | o [ foorth bothby fiege and vomit. Shepheards purfe, feed,with a white rote . 2 Thefmall Shepheardes purfe. commethfoorth ofthe groundlike the cuckowe flower, which I haueEnglifhed Ladie fmockes, hauing’ {mall leaues deepely indented about the edgess among which rife yp finall tender ftalkes with Gowers at the top, as itwere chaffe, The huskes and feede islike the other before mentioned, a doth not call this plant: Ery/imon, but Melampyrim, which fome(faith he)do call s«adumvesr, perad 1 Burfi Pastors. Heleaues ofShepheards purfe growe vpat the firt long, gathed in the edges like thofe of Rocket, {pred yponthe ground; fr6 thefe {pring vp Vetic many little weake {talks deuided there is another herbe:called £yy/amum : in the Germain toong-Flachfoatterts in fhops Sefmm, wheretheyvfethe oyle'thereofinfteede ofoyle of Se/amum,not without errour. ; Treacle wormelcedeis called Camelina, andis that Ery/imnmor kinde of graine which Gélnin OfShepheardespurfe. 215 % The time. They flower, flourifh and feede all the fommer long, % The names, _ Shepheardes purfeis called in Latine Pastors burfa, ot Pera Pafforis: in high Dutch Sechey< inlowe Dutch Boalehens ftpts in French Bourfe de Pafteur ou Care + in Englith Shepheardes purleor Scrip: offome Shepheards pouch, and poore mans Parmacetic, and inthe North part of England Toywoort;Pickepurfe, and Cafeweede, ‘ a # %& The temperature. Chap.22. Meeerebiecdite and drie, andvery muchbinding after the opinion of Rwellivs , tat — Whe nes ut L Obeland Penahold themto be hot &dry, iudging the fame by their eA ich hath caufed meto infer chem heere amongthekinds ofThlafpi,c6fidering the : ha ese ae tafte thereof:which do fo wellagree togither,that I might very before he, rs . en thereof, butrather willing tocontent others that haue written pa = pleafe my elfe,Thaue followed their'order in marfhalling themin this place, where Ymuay ftande for cofin Germaines? 2 Burfa Pastoria minim. Small Shepheards purle. he aSoN, ° -~ Vv tA a0 ole % The vertues. Shephtarde sSprirfe ah a i bleeding cia ingiinany part ofthe bodiei ’) whetherr the ini iuic¢or the deco@ion i A fechas, sorwhetherit be vied Pultus wifejor in bath or anyotherway elfe, god Bras Cureththe bloudy flixe: it healeth gree The dec. te newly begun,andforall difea neand bleeding woundes: itis ma fes which mutt be checked backe andco blood, “ton doth ftop the laske, the {pitting and pifling ofblood , and all other fluxes of C OfFialian Rocket. (hap.24.. % The defeription. Talian ian R Ro . pre an Rocket hath long telembli Peas Fi leaneseutinto many pattsor i ng eediuifions like thofe of the Athetree, thicke ea r histie. Buckes horne among whichr ife vp ftalkes weake andtender > but ° : 5 ie ; i i Ole, tw F to anfiedower s oe high, gamifhed with many {mall yellowith flowerslike the midRocket eede whe, = anaughtie fauouro r finell, The {ede is mall like fande or duft, in tafte 2C eo Rocke % . truth we fifpedt it to bea kinde¥ Therooteis long and wooddie, sched ike a manylargeleauescut into fundry feétions deepely thruft tothe middle : ; ne — ofa ftag or hart:among which there do rifé vp long, fat & flethic 2 ying Nat vpon the grounde by reafon of his weake andfeeble braunches. bOwearthe top clutteri ‘ : ce islike : . the eorinar cting g thicke togither, yellowof of colour thi c gither, yellow veede. like thofemS of Diers weede, O04 x Rhefedg |