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Show THE SECOND BOOKE?) OF THE HISTORIG 408 PLANTS 745 ; wine, ri ithali isttopped, being i drunke withalittle Notwithtanding the words ofGalen, “it is certainly found by experience, that the water ofHo. E sihackesis good againft the forenefie in the throre and Vila: and with the fame leaues boiled. or theleauesand flowers diftilled ate made diuers good medicines againftcankers, and fore mouths Auellinchildren as elderpeople, andlikewift for vicerations and fealdings inthe priuie parts of %& The defeription. Oodbinde or Honifuckle climeth yp aloft, hauing long {lender woodieftalkes, parted into diuers branches; about which{tand bycertaine diftances fmooth leanes,fet tog. ther by couples-one right againftanother 5 of a light greene colour aboue, ynder. neath of a whitifh greene, The flowers fhewthemfelues in the tops of the branches manyin num. ber long,white; fweete of {mell,hollowwithin ; in one part ftanding more out, with certainethteds growing out of the middle.The fruiteis like tolittle bunches ofgrapes,ted when theybe tipe,wher. in is conteined finall hard feede, The roote is woodie, and not without firings, 2 This ftrange kinde of VVoodbinde hath leaues, {talks androotes like vnto the common Wood. bindeor Honifuckle, fauing tharneere vnto the place where the: owers come foorth » the ftalkes do grosye thoroughthe leaues,like voto the herbe Thorow waxe, called Perfoliata, which leaves do refemble little fawcers : outof which broadroundleaues proceedefaire, beautifull, and well {mel. mavorwoman: if there be added torhe detoGtion heerof fore hony andallome or Verdigreace: iftieforereqnite greater clenfing outwardly’, prouidedalwaies thatthere beno Verdigreace put intd that water that mult be iniectedinto the fecret parts, S re OfFaf/mine,or Gelfemine. Chap.314. The kindes. ling flowers; fhining with a whitith purple colour,& fomwhatdathe with yellowsbylitleaad litte firetched outlike thenofe of anElephant, garnifhed withiwith {mall yellow. chines or threds: (wena ame at this day fowerfortsof Lafinir fering as wellincolour of the flowers. as ingteatnes ofthefanie,as {hall be declared in their feueraal I defcriptions; and whenthe flowers are in their flourifhing , theleaues and flowers dorefemble {fawcersfilled with the fowersof VVoodbinde3 many times it falleth our,that thereis to be found three orfower fawcers one aboue another, filledwith flowers as the firft, which hath caufed it to be called double Honifuckle,or Woodbinde. 1 Lefrinum album. White Geflemine. : 2 Laftninum Catdiflorum maine, Great white Geflemine. %& The place. ‘The Woodbinde growerhin woods and hedges,and vpon fhrubs and buthes,oftentimes winding it felfe fo ftrcight and hard abont,that it leauethhis print vpon thofe things fo wrapped, The dowble Honifuckle groweth nowin mygarden,and manyotherslikewif¢ in great plenty,althoughnot long fince,very rare and hard to be found, exceptin the garden of fomediligentHer barift. , & The time, ‘Theleaues come foortisbetimes in the fpring : the flowers budde foorth in Maie and June: the fruite is ripe in Autumne, % The names. Ttiscalledit Greeke mecaverer: in Latine Volucrums tains, ofScribonins Largs Syluemstei thops Caprifolium , and Atetrifjlue, of fome Liliuns inter [Pinas in Italian Vincibofto: is high Dutch Geysblant : in low Dutch Gheptenblant,and Bammekens Crulty in French Chewrefiélle: ia Spanith Aadrefélua sin Engliih Woodbinde, Honifuckleand Caprifoly. % The temperature. vey There hath an errour in times paft growen amongf{ta fewe,and now almott paftrecouent - IRS. Dy? called againe,being growenan errourvniuerfall,whicherrouris, how the decoction oftheleaus ofHonifiickles or the diftilled water of the Aowers, are rathly giuenforthe inflammation’ of me mouth and throte , as though they werebinding and cooling, Bue conttariwife Horie ther coldenorbinding ; but hot and attenuating or making thinne. Foras Galen faith,bot m fruit of VWoodbinde,and alfo the leaues,do fo muchattenuate and heate, as iffomewhat soo ofthem be drunke.theywill caufethe vrine to be as redas bloud,yet do they atthe fir(t onelyp° uoke vrine. A % Thevertues, Diofcorides writeth that the ripe feede gathered and dried in the fhadowe, 2 nd drunkerothe quantitie ofone dramwaight,fortie daies togither,doth wafte and confume away tHhe hardnelle 0 the fpleen,remooneth wearifomneffe,helpeth the fhortnes and difficultie of breathing, cureth che hicket,procureth bloudy vrine after the fixt day,and caufeth womento hauespeedy trayelin beating. R B Theleauesbe ofthe fame force: which being drunkethirty daies togither, ar reportedto mat men barren, atid deftroieth their naturall feede. Cc : nme The flowers fteeped in vile and ferinthe fanne, is good to annoint the bodie thatis beaumer and @rowenvery colde, : : D hin a water of the flowers are giuen to be drunke with good fuccefle again fr che piling of bloud. EA fyrupe made of the dowersis good to be drunkagainft the difeafts ofthe lungs & fpleene ist8 { » The defeription. i Teese" Gelfemine,is ofthe aeae plants, which haue needeto be fiipported or tneie Res Yetnotwithftanding ofir felieclafpeth notor windeth his Salisabate : itabout Es eer vate it,byt only leanethand lieth vpon thoféthings,that a gs ip teloneround te . and banqueting houtes in gardens,by whichitis helds P. i ie Hales siesot Ws pithT Neleanesfheomneed orkneed,and of a greene colours Pat we oe - whitede Be "Ba deene ande vpon a middlerib,fer togither by couples liket 10f€ 0 i nee rice ong afinall “oreene colour: The flowers growe atthe vppermolt part of thet ranebeat ined | uitfarre fet one from another,fweete in fmell,of colour whire. The feede is Bat anc reddie, Ph etLupines which {eldome,come to ripenes, The rooteis tough andth 2 LoObelins |