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Show THE SECOND BOOKE-OF Of Sea Bindweede, HISTORTE) OF PLAN Ts: 65% shellverjanid is aftien with great profite again ft the ( hap.r93. dropfie: but ie matt beboiled with the broth of pniefatmeate or Ae(h and the broth deunke, or elfetheherbetakeir in powder worketh: the like efi: Soldanella Marina, lg Soldgnellc hurteththe ftomacke,and troubleththe weake anddelicate bodies which dorecei ue B Sea Bindweede. itinpowder, wheréforé aduice mutt be taken tomixe the fide Powder with annie feedes Gnd : ; mon,ginger,and fugar,whieh {pices do correct his malignitie, Practitioners about Aufpurge & Rauifpurge(cities of Germanie)dogreatly boaft that they haue cS » Oldanella or Sea Bindweede,hath manyhie braunches, fomewhatred, trailing vpon the ground, befet with finallirotiad Jeanesy noe much vnlike A farabacea,or the leatresofAtifes lochia,butfinaller; betwixt which leauesandthe {talks come foorth flowers:formed likeabell of done woonders withthis herbe Soldanella montann , faying , thatthe leauestaken and emplaif tred vponthe natell and fomewhatlower,draweth foorthwater from their bellies that ate hydroptike thatis, troubled with wateror.the dropfie:this effet it worketh in other patts withou theatin BT? Itdathalfowoonderfully bring fle(hin wounds andhealeththem, ae D Disftorides witnefleth , that the whole herbe is an enimie to the ftomacke; biting arid extréitiely G putging(bothfodden, and taken with meate ) and bringeth troublefome gtipings thereu nto and = a bright rediticarnate colou sin euctyrelpedian: fering the finall Bindweedjwhereofivisakind, dothoftentimes more hurt then good, albeit I haué heere placed the fameforthers. red in my Proeme, The {eedeis black, »weth'in round husks ithe rooteis long & Of the graffe ofParnaffus. final ,thrufting'it felfe farre abroad , and into the éarth like the other Bindweeds, Soldanella ox mountaine Bindweed, hathmany round leaues {pred vpon the ground.notiuch vnlike the former , bur ~ 1 Gramen Parna[G mains, ities + Chap.294.. 2 Grencn Parmaminus. The greater Graffe of Parnaffus, Theleffer'Grafle of Parnaffs: ronhdet andmorefill of veines ereenerofa bitrer taft like Sea Bindweed amongwhich commeth foorth a fall Sceende ftalke a handfull high , bearing atthe top nk flowers like the {mall Gentianella, of a skioeolin the roote is finall andthreddie. aN RN J x» The places y by the fea The firft groweth plenti ly neere io in moft s of 3 Lee in Effex, at Merfeyin the fame comity; moft places of the Ifle of Thartet,and Shepie,and in many places along tlie ort ‘ie The fecond groweth vpon the mountaines of Germanie, andthe Alpes; itgrowein yp” mountaines of YVales,not farre from'Cowmers Meareia Northwales. %e The time. Ue Thefe herbes do flower in Iune,and are gathered in Auguft,to be kept for medicine, % The names. Thefirlt called so/daneilsis of the Apoth hatist and othets called: Aarina Byfitts * be yi ay, Sea Colewoort ; but what teafon hath mooued them fo to.dol cannot concelle, penurie and {earfitie of names,and bicaufe they : know not otherwife howto tetmest: flire, that this plaht'S¢ Bra ica afennd more alike then things which are moft valike for 7 { emble the garden Cabbageot Cole,bo andin nattre,asI hauein his due place expreffed: A great fault and ouerfight therfore sei of the old writers and their fucceffors which haue continuedthe cuftomeof this errr nai the paines to diftinsuifh 4 Bindweed from a Colewoort. But to anoid controuerfies,the tt . Thaté before thewed that this Sc/damella isa Bindweed,& cannot be efteemed fora Brit! af Colewoort. : it Soldana,andSoldanella : in Dutch Steet » $e ; Gn Serasoiz,and Brafeca marina:i0 Englit : Sea Folefoorejand Scottifh Scuruie ga" soca Coale, d Scldanell: montana : in Englifh Mountaine Bindweed. % The nature. cond degree: the fecondis bitte randve eed is hot anddrie in th % The vertues. Soldcnella purgeth downe mightilyall kinde ofwatrifh humours , and open z I yw & The dcfeription, HeG oe ‘Sa 2 Pamnaffishath heeretofore beene deferibédby blindemen, I do not meane _Gralle,the tnde in theit cies, butin their vnderftanding: for if this plant be kinde of PBS hatioene 1: may the Butter Burre,or Coltes foote be reckonedfor grafles,as alfo al other t.This planchath finall round leaues,very muchdiffering ftomany kind ofGrafie, : X32 much |