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Show KEO! C OOt D.Ba ON THE USaECe OF THE &. THE FIRST BOOKE Bl ap.1o 176 Of Birdes neft intumn, ium fine nitUs AUT. an e i PO As % yaen a Pe yertues ofallforts of herbsd for meate,oft medicine ? 4 “Crowes neft mated : which "refembleth {tickes: from which rifeth vp.a thickefot grbfle {talk of a browne colour, fet with {mall fhortleaues ofthe colour ofa drie okenleafe that hathlien der the tree all the winterlong :’on the topofthe ftalke groweth a {pikic eare ot tuft offlowers, in J {hapelike vnto maimed Saryrion, whereofdoub| lefleit is akinde, The wheleplanr, as well ftalkes, This Baftard or vakindelySatyrionis very fe dome feene in thefe Southerly parts of England, Itis reportedtharit gr« wethin the North partsof ag Tae pia | Lk i Aaa WN \iaede,|ol| Q 2 ' PIA) | : orough, fter John Staley: which:plant I did neuet fee cl where. Andbicaufeit is veryrare tam the mort s “WY ZW the wood ’ willing to giue you all the markes in ufe it doth growe but your betterfinding it, bica j fay,che grounds one peece of the wood that is to place neete abatt couered allouer in the fameor r-flie Satyio ed Hermaphrodstica, Butte = withthe herbe Sanycle,and alfo the kinde ofOrchis call & The time. called or mealy feede (if itmay be Tt fowreth and fourifheth in Tune and Auguft. The duftie itable or barraine dinft,anan feed)falleth in the end of Auguft,butin my iudgementit any feed arall, is an ynprof a “agit | % The names. 5 bi | Englifh in anjea: d’ id h Frenc Itis called Satyrium abortinum , offome NXsdus ais : in neft and Goofeneft. sitels te The temperature ana vertues. 2 } either of the auncient or later Trisnotvfedin Phificke that Icanfinde in any autoritie, butis eficemed as a degenerate kinde of Orchis,and therforenot vied. The endofthefirft Booke. zy 3) Englandneer vntoa ‘vill age called Knaesb I found it growing in the middle ofa woodin Kent a. worlhipil two miles from Graues end,neer vnto m Spans 77illa r matte called gentlemans houfe Howckegreene; The wood belongeth to onbue : seh aves re, and Containing the defcr iption, place, time, names, natu rdesneft hath many tanglingrootes platted | B or crofled one Sarnoee Se Scinucah, leaues , and flowers ate of aparched browne co } lour. | x Theplace. sk or Jweete fmelling vfe, CPCs ‘ in our Hetreatie of Grafles Ruthes Core and: bulbusrootes , we Hatie gallant alfo.as whofe braue andbins fist Bookefifficiently defcribed,& fuch thts rather the flowers do decke and: beautifie Gardens, andfeede nor yet s,bur bulbe the bellie, Befides thefe,there remaine certaine other difconrfe all feruing for foode s of which notwithftanding we will alfo that maybe indeed in this booke,deuiding them, in fuchfort, that thofe re tobe of one kinde, fhall be feparated one from another. Itmaytherefo futhcethar we hauc feulored the bulbed flowers: from thefe that ferue for ommeate and nourifhment, which otherwife might hauebeene, alfoc prehended in one booketogither,as by: fome theyhau¢ beene Of Turneps. Thefirft Chapter. % Thekinds. Merebe fundrie fi ns fome with round rootes +. lobe fh - “i of Turneps; fome wilde; fome ofthe garde ° ion sother ouall or peare fafhion;fome great; and fomeofa fmaller forte. 1 Repu main. Great Turneps, \ 2 Rapumminus. Small Turneps, |