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Show THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE OF PLANTS, we The place, Pig +4 fH)qua,fihosme Ceratonia, Ceratiafli O; Fudas tree. (hap.75. This groweth in Apulia,a province ofthe king- dome of Naples , & alfo in diuers vntoiled places in Spainé zit is likewife founde in India and other countries caftwarde’, where the codsare fo fill of {weet juice as thatir is vfed to preferue Ginger and other fruites,as Aturhiolws fheweth, Strabo Lebr ins; faith, that Ariffobulas reporteth how thereis a tree in India ofno great bignes which hath greatcods, ten inches long, full ofhony; Quas gui ederint non facilefernarizwhich thing peraduentuteis onely to be vnderftoode of the greenecods, andthofe that are not as yet dryzit is very wellknownin thecoafts ofNicea & Liguria inItaly, as alfo inall the traéts % Thedefeription, Vdas treeislikewife one ofthe hedge plants: it groweth vpvnto a trec ofa reafonablebig. “nes, couered with a darke coloured barke, whereon do growe many twiggie toughbranches ofa browne colour , garnithed withround leaues , like thofe of rounde Birthwoort, or Sowebread, but harder , and ofa deeper greene colour: among which come foorth {mall flowers like thofe of Peafon,, ofa purple colour, mixed with red,which turneinto long flat cods.prefied hard togither and coaftes of the weft Indies,& Verginia, Ir growethalfo in fundry places ofPaleftina,where there or wancolour, where- is firch plenty of it,that itis left vnto {wine & other in is contained{m< feedes, like the Lentill, ofrather like the {eed of Medica, fathionedlkea wilde beafts to feede vpon,as our acornes &beech matte, Moreouer,both yoong & old dofeedthere- onfor pleafure,8fome haue eaten theroftofupply and helpe the neceflary norifhment of theirbodies, ‘Lhis of fomeis called S.Johns bread, and thought little kidney:the roote is great andwoodie, % The place. This fhrubis founde in diners provinces of Spaine, in hedges, and among briers andbram: tobe that whichis tranflated Locufts, whereon Se Jobn did feed when he was in the wildernes,befides the wilde hony whetof he did alfo ate sbut there ig finall certainty of this.; butmoft certaine, thagthe bles: the mountaines ofItaly,and the fieldes of e not without this {hrub: itgtoLanguedoc wethin mygarden, % The time. copleof that countrey dofeede ypon thefecods, The flowers come foorthin the fpring, &:be forethe leauies : the fruite or ceds be ripein {fom ui % Thenames. mer. Itis commonly namedin Latine Arbor lune: fome haue called it Syeomorus, ot Sycomore tee, he flowers S¢ cods hang down bic and thatik e Jeauies to figge tree infruit,anain ; therright Sycomore tree is liketothe ph hes: butthe be: ; named. Others rake it n wt fim e Theaphr wae, ofwewhich berie tree, whereupo it is foname F e th ato sththi ig rio cer ich wordsare all fofe as fe h foorth fruite in a codswh 1s, Cercis br a ods. The French! ; inc it fru rth e d, for there be more fhrubs that bring foo a ! niaras0 | the Spa‘ld hough theyfhoulde fay Vaginn/a, ot alittle {heal = moft of amt, weer oft foolifhcod, or wilde fatua, [rlueftris,or ,Siliqua yo loco,chat is lamiene; and irmay becalled in Englifli Iudas tree, w hereon Indas did hang tree,as itis faide. % Thetemperature and vertuts. out: for wheras Mathi The temperature and vertues of this fhrub are vaknowne,andnot foundout: olysmaketh this tobe Acacia, by adding falfely thornes vntoit, itis bucafurmile. ss The defcription, i ne’s yeri ee a midi dle big fo one of the fhrubs that beareco ds 5 itis aa ree of Te e ae ai e he leaues long, and confift of manyfet rogithe rypon on wh 4 ndrounders ers thetT ceuery pazticular one of themis broader,barde p,a inch 0% halfes an ri laces are a foote in length, in other places fhorter by te, Sare tal finooth, 8 thick,in whichdolie fat and broadfeeds sthe cods themfelues are ne thoug® are eaten of diuers,but not before they be newgathered and dried sfor being as yet ripe,they are vnpleafant to be eatenby reafon oftheir ill fauoured talte. food iscalled axes in Greek, which word is often. Wedin the Reuelation,written by S.sohn,and tranflared Locutts. Now we muttalforemember thac this Greeke worde hath twofeuerallinterpretatians orfignifications, for taken in the goodpart, itfignifieth a kindof creeping creature or flie,which Heppeth and skippethvp 8¢ down, as doth the galhoppers ofwhich kind ofcreaturesitwas'lawfull to eate,Leuit,11,22.8¢ Math,3.441t fignifieth alothofe Locutts which cameout ofthe Amokeofthe bottomles pitymentioned Apor.9 301.3,4.KC. Which were like vntohorfes prepared for battell, Fhe Hebrue wotde which the Englith tranflarors vnto it,bureallech it byche He. have turned grafhoppers: Tremelins dares rot giue the name Locuff biuename 4yLés,afcer the letters and Hebrue name faying thusin the note Vpon Oe ee wr U.chap.of Leuit: Thefekindes ofcreeping things neither the Hebrties a Ki | etme i $5 Hor our felues. do know.what they meane:wherefore wefill retaine the He pre wo ds, : ae * inds thereof: but it is cerraine that the eat countscy grafhoppers and Loouths weret helt SPEC) 8 Meth.2.4.8¢ Marc.1.6. Plin.léb.1 t.natar.hiffor.c4pr. & 29. a hus farre dtvs ve asi Bythat which hath been fedic appeereth what S. Jobathe Baptift fedde of, vndtett " ape : ie a wd thatic ig nothing like vnto this fruic Ceratia/ilrqae Trathet take the husks of f ‘ee of Oithis tree,to be the cods or husks whereofthe prodigall childe woulde hav fonda Len ttadss tim ynrohim,thoughthe Swine had ther filherpf,thefecods being diy afev00y et gta 48Thaue often ecn,] hauefowenthe feeds in my gardéswhere theyhaueprofperesex Ofthe Carob tree,or Saint Iobns bread. Chap.76e Carobtreei of boughe in Greek called ksp4ne: in Latin Silique: but S.hns Certis ) Me The times: i which isnor ripecill Alls The Carob tree bringethfoorth fruite in the beginning of the fprings 29 se The names. . Umne, as Spanifh Garoworin Englifht : the Carob tree is called xzervia:in Lauine hkewife Gonttoniaies ni med weenersin LatioesAlir slncheneani iecarom ‘A ps qua duleis sin divers fhops Xylacarachas * ° ‘ one ia obai, - or Algar onal, 2 { without an OF S.Johns bread, any cl Johan. pang, SR :in GF calla h, Garyeuesi = iris g, heot,th high Dutc atis ps E Japan : ; ee veieg sant ican Englith Carob. a a NCL saa Usitheris ir knowne byanyother namein the lowe —. ‘ cai a 32 |