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Show eeaeronaLeterans te heeallah ee Shae ay keene FE ee Eeeae THE FIRST BOOKE OF THE Of Turkie or Ginnie-benflower. 1 Frittéllaria. HISTORIE) (hap.79. 2 Prittillaria veriecata, Checkered Daffodill, Changeable c heckered Daffodil, Clamofo reuccatura magiftro : And waxtftarke nought byflattering tables traine, Andlately fromthe priuie kitchen taken Being.a drunke dice-plaier, Dothaske to be furueiour. InEnglith we maycall it Turkic hen,or Ginny hen flower,and alfo checkerd Daffodil. % The temperature and vertues. Ofthefaculties ofthef€ pleafant flowersthereis nothing fet downein the ancientot later writers,but are greatly efteemed for the beautifieng of our gardens, and the bofomesofthe beautifull Of Saffron. ih i bak ak Ea 123 Et blando wale proditus Frittillo ‘Arcana mode raptus e popina AEdilem rogat vdus aleator. Nowfad the boye, hauing hss nuts forfaken OFclamorous matter called vpon a maine, Saffron without flower, i PLANTS, ria, of the table or boord ypon which menplaie at chefle, which {quare checkers the flower doth very muchrefemble, fome thinking that it wasnamed Frétillws, whereof there is no certaintie, for Aartialis feemeth to call Frittillus, Abacus, or the tables whereat menplaie with dice,in his firft booke ofhis Epigrams written to Galla, Tame tristis, nncibuspuer relictes, I Crocus fineflore. an OF % The nanes. The Ginnyhenflower is called ofDodoniers, Flos Meleagras : ofL’ Obeliws, Lilio-nareiffis varie» atts, for thatit hath the flower ofa Lillie and the roote of Xarciffis:ithathbeen called. Fréttilla- I Hech sae _ % The defeription. rifeth oseee Ginny hen fle tod final narrow graffie leaues; among which threewhick eaihatrae high, hauing atthe top one oe two flowers, and fomtime i fall eaues checkered moft ftrangely : wherein nacureot oe act aceiillorder,farpaffing(as in all other thing) welont] ey ate is of a greenith yellowcolor,the other pulps kith in one {quare, & ofa wleeeaea ofthe floweras on the inkdes although they are Dae ther ofa Ginniehen swhereofittooke hi another: in fo muchthat eueryleafe feemeth to be theft a gard aen beane, \ name.The roote js {mal,white,and ofthe bigneffe ofhall ; a 1¢ fecond kinde ofcheckered Dag, dillis i ath his flower dafht oner witha ligh ¢ Ynto the former in ech refpect, fauinig that thi Boshi fifteth the difference. ght purple sands fomwhar gteater than the other: wherein” ee 8a aun Plants grow ee dei rte if painfull Herbariftofp, theyhaue been brought if eee tte partsof fields about Orleance cutious ao Theaitoi Europe. John Robinhath ene to the ‘molt profperas in theire wheatis natiue countrey, me manyplants thereof for mygarden, where) scrips in Tunune:“sh ipe in Chap.80. 2 Crocusflorens. Saffronin the flower, |