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Show BOOKE OF THE HISTORIE Eryngium marina eroweth by thefea fide vpon the baich and {tonie grounds] foundit growing and in Effex at Landamer plentifully at W hitftable in Kent; at Rie and Winchelfey in Suffex, cofthe water, from whenced haue oth onthe point, Langtree ypon and at Harwich, sht plants for my garden, fea, andin mygardenlikeEryngium campefire. grow eth ypon the fhores of the Mediterranean tisdtinke, faith Dro/corédes, with € dram Theiuice of the leaues prefled foorth wi tuning ofthe reines, They report that the herbe Sea Holl; fund ftill, andafterwards the whole flo wie. mouthas Plutarch writeth. The place. wer after the fomm Of baftardSea Hollies. Ames. This Thiflle is called in Greeke trv fier: and likewife in Latine Erynginm,and ofPlinyalfo Erynge: infhops Eringus: in Englifh fea Hollie, fea Holme,or fea Huluer. he firt is called in Latine Ery2giummarinum: in low Dutch cuery where Cervus diftcl, Einae: t high Datch watanfstrem, - % The kindes. Here be ditters Thiftles reck ned for wilde orOF AGE ous, WBeerwortele in Englithfea Holly. The fecondis namedof Pliny in his 22,.booke 8.chapter, Centumcapita, ot hundred headed Thi- Chap.4.69. declared, ard kindes ofOF Sea Holl S¢a HOLY OALTATC KINGES thall tall he arly be prefently 3a thall lly .as Weanchendiffell, Radendittell ¢ in Spanith Cardo correder: peio,andIringo: this is{urnatned Campeftre, an 1 Evyngium ceruleum, Blew Sea Holly. championfea Holly, that it may differ fo,with a thinnefle offub- Fadee Se Ss Both of then et Eoes SECOND THE 1000 %& The vertues. Therootesoffea Hollyboiled inwine anddrunken , are goodfor themthat are troubled with cke,it breaketh the ftone,expelleth grauell,and helpeth alfo the infirmities of the kidneies, prouokethv rine,greatly opening the paflages being drunke 1 5.daies togither, The rootes themfelues haue the fame propertie if they beeaten, and are goodfor thofe that be are bitten with any venemous beafts; eafeth cram , conuulfions, and falling ficknes 3 and bringeth downethe menfes, rootes conditedor preferuedwithfugar ,as heetafter followeth, ooldandagedpeople that are confimed and withered itis alfo good for other forts of people ri aged g the &s ofnature inthe} % The maner to condtte Ery aba ea a es A : pint of clecte white ofone egge,anda a poundofit,the wrpofe.andtake I i § o it, thenlerit boile vntill ix be come toa good {trong fyrtup cooleth adde thereto a fawcer full of Ro ter, afpoonfulll of Cinnamom iske, which haue beene infufed togitherthe night before, and powfra , put yourrootes to foke and infule vat erafter following. j howets,vatill they be fo are 1ed and picked, mutt be boyledin faire water bythe fpace ot i mutt they be pilled cleane, asyepill Parineps, and the pith multe pich cannot be drawen outat the drawne outat the end ofthe roote 3 and sf there beany, whofe muft alfo keepe from muchhane you thefe : fotake out the pith and thenfectzem ‘ emremmaine in thefirnpe till the next day, be veryhot, butlet themnot boile atall: letthem ee maine oner thefire an hower or more,remoouing themeafilyin the pan from1one place to yore’ witha wooden flice. This\done, hauieina readines gteat cap or royall papers, whereupon y 1 lay your rootes afterthat you haue taken themout of thep P Thefe papers you misft put into a Stoue,:.€or hot houfe to hardens butif y omhaue not sucha any? Jay them before a good fire. Inthis marinerif you condite your rootes. < there is not prefcribe youa better way, Andthus may you condite any otherroote w hatfoeuer, which 4° not onely be exceeding delicate, but very wholefome, andeffectuall again ft the difeafes named. FE Acertainemanaffirmeth faith W4étivs, that by the continual vie of Sea Holly,he Le wards voided any{tone,when as before he was very often tormented with that difeale. ser altel it I a: Ep he defevivtion %2. Thedefcription. : i : ; fh Jngium, which Dodoneus in his laftedition calleth E: UY and trul Y Eryngium Alpinum cerulenm, hath {talk j by Paces betw lower leaues are greater and ted re. ‘weeneeuery joint,The rig“Swhich >Petthot ranted follsr, compafling ot nuironing eachiointf 2 ; note n, befer with 1e knobs tenderjnormuch hurefull to the hands of {uel like that of Helene ottie, or bunchie is roote The colourblew. in Prickley ,and white within, audlike the Eringes in fweetene fle and Whe. Sate alto pei a Mitharic tf, *°4Mpane, blacke withoutand 2 The |