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Show THE FIRST BOOKE 2 120 THI OF HISTORIE) OF PLANITS. % 7 bt pane ; Ti/rpa atian Capcalled re o t feemeth open itis when flower the whereof Tulipa,the forme ed Dalmatia Caprte Icis called in Englithafter the Turkith name Tulipa,, of it maj man might fufpedtite A knor certainly isnot gaveit,it writers old Turkes Cap:what namethe fot Thee Leen be masi, ifitwere a Bulbe that might be eaten & were of force to mat when Gith cass ar s i it and aten: hatmaybe Bulbest Sus reckonethit among the milke is crudded. Cowradus Gefnerushath taken Tulpat be wn that bicaufe one kinde hatha red flower, or altogither acert whetherit doth agree or no, and howfar, we leaue to thofe that v bythe defcriptionof the Satyriens: in the Turkic toongit is calle Turban and Turfan,of the Turkes Cap focalled,as aforefai The later Herbariftes bya Turkith and ftrange name call % The temperature andvertuts. ; "There hath not beenanything fet downe ofthe ancient or later or vertues of the Tulipaes,but are efteemedefpeciallyfor the beat Of Bulbedfocke Gilloflowers writers their 4 as touching the name Chap.78. se The kindes. Heophraftushath obferued one kinde of Bulbedftocke Gilloflower which he callethhis Vo let , which retaineth the name Violet of fundrie writers to this day; of #iela Theophrafti,a Theophraftus hisViolet. But we haue obferuedthree forts, whereof fome bring foorth may} leauesothers fewer,fomeflower very earely,and others later,as fhall be declared. cdeee kt he oSOMSnd ras SPOTSaes 1 Lencoinm Bulbofwnpracox. Timely flowring Bulbusviolet, 2 Lenccium Bulbofium ferctinwn. Late flow ring Bulbus violet. % The defcription. | He firft of thefe Bulbus violets rifeth foorth of the ground with two {mall leaues, | flat andcrefted, ofan ouerworne greene colour : among the which rifeth vpa fmal j| and tender ftalke, of two handshigh; at the top whereof ¢dinmieth foorth of a skinnie hood,afinal white flower of the bignefe ofa violét,compa&of fixe leaues, =2<4 three bigger and three leffer, tippedat the points with a light greene : the leaues are not fo white as the outtermoft great leaues, but tipped with greene as the others be. The whole flower hangeth downe his headbyreafonofthe weakefoote ftalke whereon it groweth.The roote is finall,white,and bulbofe, 2 The fecond fort ofBulbedviolets hath narrowleaues like thofe of the lecke but lefler and {moo- ther,not vnlike to the leaues ofthe baftard Daffodill. The ftalkes beflender andnaked, two hands high, whereupon do¢ growfaire white flowers, tipped with a yellowith greene colour, with many {mall chiues or threeds in the middleofthe flower. The feed is contained infinallround buttons. The roote is white and Bulbus, 3 Leucoium Bulbofiimmaius. The great Bulbedviolet. * % The defeription. 3 Thegreat Bulbedviolet islike vt condinftalkeandleaues, yet greater anc gher. It bringeth forth on euerie ftalke, not one flower onely, butfiue orfixe , blowing or flowring one after another,altogitherlike the other flowers ii forme andbignes. se The place. Thefe plants do grow wilde in Italieand the places adiacent , notwithftanding our London gardens haue takenpoffeffion of them all,many yeeres paft. % The time. The firft @owrethin the beginning of Ianua- rie: the fecond in September: and the laft in Maie. % The names. The firftis called of Theophrastus, Vio & viola Bulbofa,or bulbed Violet: 1’ Obe called it Leuconarciffolirion., and that very,pro- perly, confidering howit doth as it-were participate of three fundry plants, thatis to fate the roote of Narciflus, the leaues of the{mall Lilly, andthe white. colonr.of the,Srocke gilloflower: takingthe firft part Leuco, of his whitenes: Var- fi f (i ) 0) YW EINE .€ifo of the likenes that the rootes haue vato Narciffussand Livium ofthe leauesof Lillies, as aforefaid: in Englifh we maycall it the Bulbofe Violet,or after the Dutch name Samer fottekeng,tharis,Sommer fooles, and: Duprkens, The others may more properly be called Leucoman Bulbofum,orthe Bulbed ftocke Gilloflower,, bicaufé that the flowersof thefe laft two deferibed, do more refémble the flowers of ftocke Gilloflowers thenthefirft. Whichname Leucoinm althoughithath another fignification , yet is it senetally takenfor the ftocke Gilloflower. ; 5 i a 4 ; %& The nature and vertues. plOUR thefaculties of thefe Bulbed ftocke Gilloflowers we haue nothing tofay, feeing thar hing is fet downeheerofby the old writers , nor any thing obferued by the new: onely theyare aoa=“ and cherithedin gardensfor the beautie andrarenefle ofthe flowers, and feetenes of Of |