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Show 1252 THE ait ’ ihe 1 : finel,a , being couered w ith a thin skin,patted almoftinto fower gathered; for afterit is drie it becommeth oilyandranke, 1153 The leauessand dfirftfirft buds buds hane hane acertaine acertaine binding bindi qualitie, iti as the fame author fheweths yet there I I. ibe couered with a greene huske;vnder thatisawoo- it were 3t = inner pulpe whereof is white, {weete and'pleafanttothe parts, witha wor tafte,and that Xux lug HISTORIE OF PLANTS. THIRD BOOKE OF THE they be yet but tender,haue a fiveete ; doth abound in them anhot and drie temperature. vfe thefe for bathes andlotions forthe bodie , inwhich they hauea M Someof 2 the later phifitions f forceto digeft and allo co procure {weate. ‘iis . The Walnut tree. %& The place, Of the Cheftnut tree. The Walnut tree grow eth in fields neere com. mon high waies inafat and finitful ground,andin orchards; it profpereth on high fruitfull banks it loucth not to growein waterieplaces, % The time. 1 Caffanea. Cheftnuttree, (hap.85. 2 Caffanea Equina. Horfe Cheftnut tree. The leaues togither with the catkins come foorth atthe firft {pring : the nuts are gatheredin A gut. % The names. The tree is called in Greeke pve. in Latine Xax, which name doth fignifie boththe treeand fruit:in high Dutch 32ufsbatims inlowe Durch Qoote boom, and Pogtelaer: in French Nor y: in Spanifh Nogweyra: in Englifh Walnut -e,and of fome Walth nuttree, Thenutiscalin Greeke gia, or the King vapvor Gamauxiv, that is tofay, Nax Re- is likewife named Xe as though you fhouldfay Toutsglans, lupl- : vans glans, the helping Acome, Nux, or the Perfian Nut: ia h Dutch Gaielith uly, and Baim uil5 3 10 we Durch Moiernaten, aatteh notensin le. lian Woes :in French Worx: in Spanith Nwzesan Nous: in Englith Walnut, and of fome Wallh Nut, % The temperature and vertits. The freth kernels of the nuts newly gathered are pleafant tothe tafte: they are a littlecolde, and haneno{mall moyfture whichis not pecfedly B concocted; theybe Thed t hard fullto the ft headach, of they nourithlittle,they{lowlydefcend, irieand chofe more which become oylie and ranke,thelbe very hat hat they be hardly concoéted, theyincreafe cholers they caule ft,andforthofe that be troubledwith the cough. lerwith aFig anda little Rue withftandeth poyfon, preventer hand pre mes tion of the plague, andbeing plentifully eaten they drive wor D Gable E Theoyle of ace,and take for {tomacke,andexpell poyfon, made in fuch manner as oyle of Almond s, maketh {mooth the hanesjs #and y fcales and{curtfe,blacke and blewmarks that come offt ripes or brules. h ap petuca! the Milke madeof the kernels, as Almond milke is made, coolerb andpleaferh the languifhing ficke body. «cau he laid G Withonions, falt and honysthey are good againft the biting of amad dogorn an,ifcheybe F _ vponthe wound, : vens.cat H_ Beiagbotheaten andalfo applied, they heale in fhort time, as Diofeorides faith, gang hats buncles, zgilops, and the pilling awayof the haire this alfois effectually done by err prefled out ofthem which is ofthin parts,digefting and heating. I ‘The outward greene huske ofthe nuts hatha notable binding facultic. fingu! ar go08 K Galen deuiled andtaught to makeof the inice thereof a medicinefor the mouth, ng againft all inflammations thereof, The o& The defiription. many . boug very many ‘ "4 h aah foort ‘ . tech frarthh very i ree; itcaf ight at canica He Cheftnut tree is a very great andh men nen canic that s that s alléya a és domop ta ‘ grea {0 sof time f im « bodyiiss thick thi e, and fome begrear, r veh, | oo on eof the wood is found and é irtree. The blowe minkle. i timber or fubftanc Ee SO cular ed in the edges,and greater than the parti y huske i,ane ings anick kins be flender,long and greenesthe fmjtis iniclofed in a round,roug I ie Steat s This nutis = an Hedgehog er ichin. which opening it felfe doth Jet fall cheripe Py ; oe ae pwtie afel a a with ed coucr is cdiit é point harp nd-f , ‘oundbutflat’om the one fide,{mootha engh and very{moath,ofa darke browne nus is hare colour rhe meate orinncr fubltance of the ae oa causl 4 which is vader the fhell. ; aete.andcouered with a thin skin, ipreading his great and arge etes great very. .a torbe ile likem fe bran Ww. i be Hosfe Cheitnut groweth nesit pakerh ast) gone ¥é ) euenlect as ae branches fat abroad, by syhich.mea s, queer divider in 3 i aaah un ifull leaug srlee with many beaut Riese) IgE Ee thetnns Ike to the Cinkfoile,or rathenlike theleanes of te Cherrie b . which tur leaneg dike fmall r fowe of fting confi I Sbotthe ftalkes harpe and hardet the nuts a 4 burmorg formery the like heads and prickley Ff Touee ae Mmmm 1 |