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Show 1020 many THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE compofitions | HISTORIE his fecond booke of Antidotes, that is to fay, in the Treacles AEling Gil its Endemus,Heraclides.Doroth aus, and Her Laudoceus,C lan ofachaflie matter, « ta darke purple colour, sibpnilete 1 vpon any enuenom ed wound,or made witl poifoned| weapon,jt The{ hiskes turned round, after the mater of a water tolgh threddie ftrings and lafteth long in my gat tttap arantly.But ifit be applied vpor an ( sundwhere there doth no leffe infe&t thatpart, than if ithad beene bitten ~ rich woonderfull effe& it doth not performe in refjpectof e ny gata 3 P Trifol;10 Me e Salman th cum, r ritfelfe, but bicaufe it doth not finde that venemous inatiedth veth (as the Loadeftone doth iron:) herupon it is conftrained to draw andtikeseoaldler the ors OF — 1 Trefoiles,but ofa darkefware greene colo i F et “tens , G gtowe att ; 1021 followeth le top of the ftalkeSconfifting fnaileAe fo soweth contained in Ymall wrinkled opteis thicke>compoled ofdiners vith greatincreate, * 4, Trifolium cordutum, Hart Trefoile, from far vnto the place,wherby et pane is greauy encrcaica Of diuers other Trefoiles. Chap.4.79. ifolium Burgundi 1H. {Sets e Trefoile. This Three } marPalfed gr:affe of Salmanca,a citie as x: i % The defeription. ; that ana bea t ng Jeani s Hree leafedgraffe of America hath divers crooke d,round ftalk ke tho way, anddiuidedinto diuers branches: whereon do* srowe leans li ¢ ea Trefoile, oh black greencolour,&ofthefmell of Pitch Trefoile, or olaw e eare flowers groweatthe inp of the branches, made vp in along {f{pikedclatfi ‘ote !slong ofe of Lares. Ther afterwhich commeth the feede, fomewhat flat, almoft like. to thof A ftrings ofa woodie fubftance. leatwf foliu™ cochttalkes, 2 ‘This Three leafed graffe, which Dodonans inhislaft edition calleth T' ri ghetf ‘d vpri divers rou in mum, and L’ Obelins vaderthetitle of Fenum Burgunaiac um, hath which iow woodie tough fubftance, yet not able ofit felfe to ftand without a Per onteycheriemee’ diuided into diuers {mall branches whereupon do grow eleaues joined three tog! Trefouts adahalfe eeAmany weake "hereofthru ft foorel ae do cies air 3 ge vpon.a ftem;; from the bofon : Tending tgPurples ne tender fooreftalkes , 4 The Hare “a a which comethe po9tthree bon. moe Iveryn thteg nlite flenderf ae ; iene . ‘ lex rake itof Bcortinga ¢, differeth normuchfrom and tender, teailiagvponthe ground, oftwocubits lo i I ! woltfine flowersofa bright redde skins,ofa red-colour. 1¢5, fer vpon aflender ftalke, of the length of por do gtowe'leaues ioinedtogither by isnongwhetenalkes , cuerylitele leafe of the f4{hionof a-Hare, whereof it tooke We foorth {calie, orchafhie yellowsflowers. The rooreis thickeanc Tis wl ettmoetis aloweherbe, creeping vponthie ground, The le ~“ ilhioned like int, oolér, and ofa gre yifh stecne clone 7pMedround fede, TH € of The flowers Broome, but!léffer, af ter comethree or fowerround cods,\ UScodded Tref ne roote is longand reddith, + !¢toileis like ynto thelatt deferibedin eueryrefpect,fauing tharchispla Cller2 wh; v. hich fee: tte th foorthtthe difference, |