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Show eeee Se THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE a The names. Dogs Mercurie is calledin Greckew dubn:in Latine Canina, and BrafGca caninasand Mere: is fpluestris: inEnglith Dogs Cole,and Dogs Mercurie, HISTORIE OF PLANTS. 3 Heliotropium fupinun GLufié or L'Obeli. Hairie Tornfole. 4 Heliotropium vecium. Vpright Tornefole, Childrens Mercurie is called Phyllontheligonon, and Phyllon Arrhenogonon. %& The temperature ana veriues. Thele wilde kinds of Mercurie are not vied in Phificke notwithftanding it is thought theyagre as well in nature as qualitie with the other kinds of Mercurie. Of Tornefole. Chap.49. % Thekindes. Here befiue forts of Tornfole,differing one from another in manynotablepoints, ‘as in great neffe and finalnefie,in colourof flowers,in forme andfhape. 1 Heliotropium maius. 2 Heliotropium minum, Great Tornfole, Small Tornfole, § Heliotropium Tricoccum. Widowe waile Tornfole. % The defcription. 3 Hairie Tornefole hath likewife manie feeble and weake braunches trailing vpon the grounde, fer with finall leaues leffer thenthe {mall Tornfole: among which groweththe feede in{mall chaftie 3 which do notturne backe like the taile ofa corpion$ which mooueth me to thinke irakinde of {mall water Chickweede, The vpright Tornfole hatha ftalk of two foote high, fet with roughhairie leaues,coueredwitha cottonie downe, not wnliketo the leaues ofvipers Buelofle. The ftalke denideth it felfe into fundrie finall braunches towards the top; the flowers {mal and idle, The feede is inclofedin! rounde vef- 1 T He great Tornefole hath ficmeradellteieers with awhite hairie cottonse® eke wpetep whucith leauesfoft and hairie in handling, in fhapelike cheleaues? 4 steals ar Glcofthe falecatnen so a pion: theroote is {mall and hard, 2 Tornefole | j ay “-{mall an on tender braunches,gr aie of colour.with 5 incolour white, thcae TO weake braunches trailing vponthe go p cleffer at nec 7 Bafill. The: flowers: do growe 1. hin eumetl cur hich li 1 middeft,the wiict 1 alittle pot ofyellowin 5) Saige ofa the precedent, = the likethof crookedtailes fels like thofe ofdogs Mercurie, 5 Thiskinde of Tornefole hath leaues verie like to thofe ofthe great Tornfole, but of a blacker greene colour : the flowers be yellow, after which commeth out the finite hanging vpon{mall footeftalkes three fquare, and in enery comerthere is a {mall feede like thofé ofthe Tythimales sthe roote {mall andthreddie. % Theplace. Tornfole,as Dioféorides faith doth groweinfennie grounds & neere vnto pooles and lakes, They are ftraungers in Englande as yet: It doth growe about |