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Show eshaacahel Sa HISTORIE ae THE SECOND BOOKcE OF :THE } vertues. % The auchtie |i or Aor tie livers, and for hauenaugh Thedecoétion of the leaues of Egrimonie is goodfor them that Ny fuch as piffe bloud vpon the difeafes of thekidneis. s:a Thefeedebcing drunke in wine(as P/7) affirmeth)doth beee B bi haue badliuers . and forfuch asate ¢ bitten themhat tha areme is a remediefor addeth , that itis Dioftoridesssadde as: , withferpents. F vicer vo lofeth . : Whos e A. D Theleaues being {tampedwith old{winesgreale, and applied, clofeth vp vicers that be hardly flore rubro. Red Sawewoort, 3 Serratula eh aay t “Ye Ti oy Mt « ds gait? ees, ei Ny i \ ; | : 2 Serratulsflorealto, ‘White Sawewoort, / l g 3 onae peated ning to Iflington, within halfea mile from the farther ende of the towne andin fundrie p] aces Z / s,and the others n gcitnaht x“ The place. owethin woodsand places, and fometimes in medowes. Tl in Hamfteede woode lik Pe ois 1 Serratula purparea. Purple Sawewoort. ; ; / NY i healed,as Diofcorides faith. OfSawewoort. Chap.231. | { ws wood w haue » e founde in our agre Sees 8 fiom ¢ Risa Poe epiaea es) sn) at all, for thi | any OD eee : ofEffex andSuffolke. % The time. Theyflowerin Iuly and A ugult, % The names. Thelater age doth callthemSérratul iit fereth as we haue {aide from Betonie, which isalfocalledServatula: other names if it haueany we knowe not:itis called inEnelifh Sawewoort. % The temper ature andvertues. Serratula is woonderfullycommendedto be A moft fingular for woundes, ruptures, burftings, hernies and fuch like : and is referred vnto the temperature of Sanicle, OfBetonie. I Betonien, Betonie, % The defiription. Chap.2 39 Diese 2 Betonica flore aloo. Betonie with white flowers, v4, He plant which the newe writers haue called serratulz , differeth from se hg though of the auncients it hath beene taken for Betonie, hauing large leans ! fnipt about the edges like afawe (whereof it tooke his name) rifling immediate y "4 roote: among whichcome vpftalkes ofa cubite high, befet with leaues very deepelycu het ? euen to the middleofthe rib,notmuch vnlike the male Scabious. The ftalkes tonne i fed uide themfelues intootherfinall branches; at the top whereoftlicy beare flowets Pa ri like the ¥ napweede , butnot fo great nor harde : at the top ofthe knap commeth lone thrummie flower, of a purple colour, Therooteis threddic,and therbyincreafeth anor of a great quantitie. : be > Sawewoort with white flowers,differeth not fromthe precedent , but in the cololre wers:for as the other bringethfoortha buth ofpurple Aowers; in manner this plancbrngt flowers of the fame fathion,but ofa fnowe white colour,wherein confifteth the differen fo Sorte ? bg CA Zi HM GF Po X |